| Nombre | Esas incontables primaveras |
Rareza |      |
Atributos | Cono de luz, Nihilidad Cono de luz |
Vía | Nihilidad |
Descripción | Cono de luz exclusivo para los personajes de la Vía de la Nihilidad. La habilidad del cono de luz solo es efectiva para los personajes en esta Vía. |
Habilidad básica | El acierto de efecto del portador aumenta en un 60%. Después de que el portador ataque al enemigo con su ATQ básico, habilidad básica o habilidad definitiva, tiene una probabilidad base del 60% de afectar al enemigo con Sin armadura. En el estado de Sin armadura, el daño que recibe el enemigo aumenta en un 10% durante 2 turnos. Si el objetivo está afectado por un estado de Daño con el tiempo aplicado por el portador, hay una probabilidad base del 60% de mejorar el estado de Sin armadura aplicado por el portador al estado de Arrinconado, lo que aumenta el daño que recibe el enemigo en un 14% adicional durante 2 turnos. Durante este periodo, el portador no puede aplicarle Sin armadura. |
Materiales exclusivos | 385K 20 4 12 20 15 14 |
Historia | Tras varias lluvias repentinas, la primavera se alza como una marea de verdor creciente. "¿Cuántas primaveras han pasado?". Se acuerda de los jóvenes soldados marchando por primera vez hacia el campo de batalla. Esto sucede año tras año. Las personas son distintas, pero su vigor y esperanza son los mismos. Las ramas de sauce se doblan esperando su regreso. Pero al final, lo que traen de vuelta a la tierra natal... suele ser un frío helado que nunca se derretirá.
Los pájaros trinan apaciblemente. Cierra los ojos y deja que la luz del sol que se filtra entre las hojas bañe su cara. "Y por eso, quienes quedan son los que más solos se sienten". |
26 responses to “Esas incontables primaveras”
Is the debuff provided by this lc considered as vulnerability or a separate multiplier?
The clue is in the wording. There are two wordings that look as if they can be vulnerability. But only one of the two are.
Adventurine and Topaz have a debuff (Topaz’s is in her LC.) where it states. “When allies attack an enemy with debuff, damage dealt is increased by %.” This debuff is additive with other damage % increases. Elemental/basic/skill/ult ect ect.
While Jiaoqiu’s tech debuff states. “Increased damage received by the enemy.”
This LC also states. “Increased damage received by the enemy.” So it’s 100% the same Vulnerability debuff. His E1 however states “Allies deal 40% increased damage.” So it’s additive with Elemental/basic/skill/ult buffs.
Oh, Aventurine and Topaz debuff stacks with crit damage. Not elemental. But normally “Damage is increased.” is elemental. Unless it states otherwise like theirs do. Aka “Deals increased crit damage.”
Thank you, that was a nice explanation with examples as well
As a Guinaifen main, I will not stop pulling for this thing until either S5 or the end of the banner. I already have the mats to fully ascend it.
is it 10% PLUS 14%
10% becoming 14% (essentially 10 plus 4)
“…which ADDITIONALLY increases the DMG the target enemy receives by 14%…” – so, it’s 10%+14% I think
It is 10% plus 14%.
Since the V4 made no updates to this light cone, my conclusion does not change and I’m still planning to get this for Guinaifen. I’m sharing this for fellows and potential fellows who would do the same like me.
Guinaifen /w Jiaoqiu’s signature build:
1. EHR% body is recommended over atk% body, other main stats need not change;
2. 138.1% EHR is recommended (24.9% EHR from substats);
3. Attack% and speed are still effective substats and the more the better.
The impact:
1. Gui has ~23.7% fewer opportunity on personal damage;
2. 16%~19% damage increment for the rest of the team.
Q: Why 138.1% EHR?
A: Gui substrats 10% effect res from enemies, meaning she only need 108.4% / 138.1% EHR to charantee the light cone’s effect vs. enemies with 30% / 40% effect res. With 10% EHR from substats, 60% from light cone, and 43.2% from main stats, Gui’s EHR already surpasses the first threshold, and she only needs 24.9% more EHR to reach the second threshold.
Q: What’s the impact of the light cone on Gui?
A: Gui’s personal damage becomes less potent for the build, since she has no opportunity to wield an atk% body, meaning 43.2% fewer attack thus ~24% fewer final attack stat. She also has no opportunity to wield the 4-star nihility light cones that give either 48% damage amp for DoT or 72% damage amp. Let’s take the GNASW as an example.
Build 1: S5 GNASW, prisoner 4pc + glamoth 2pc, atk% body, atk% rope, speed boots, fire damage orb.
Attack: (582 + 476) * (1 + 0.12 * 2 + 0.432 * 2) + 352.7 = 2578.732
Damage amp: 1 + 0.2 + 0.224 + 0.388 + 0.72 = 2.532
Damage vulnerability (firekiss 3 stacks): 1 + 0.076 * 3 = 1.228
Build 2: S1 Jiaoqiu’s signature, EHR% body, and the rest are the same.
Attack: (582 + 582) * (1 + 0.12 * 2 + 0.432) + 352.7 = 2298.908
Damage amp: 1 + 0.2 + 0.224 + 0.388 = 1.812
Damage vulnerability (firekiss 3 stacks): 1 + 0.24 + 0.076 * 3 = 1.468
Damage impact: (2298.908 * 1.812 * 1.468) / (2578.732 * 2.532 * 1.228) ≈ 76.3%
That’s said, Gui loses ~23.7% of her personal damage from DoT. (The percentage can be slightly lower if your Gui had higher attack and damage amp than the calculations above.)
However, the vulnerability is a teamwide bonus, meaning ~19.5% damage increment for the whole team, or ~16.2% damage increment if the damage benefits from Black Swan’s ultimate. (The percentage can be slightly lower if you had Kafka’s E1.)
Gui’s personal damage has never been a major portion of the DoT comp, and using Jiaoqiu’s signature on her is something like trading 23.7% of her personal damage for 16%~19% damage increment for the rest of the team.
My personal relic plans on her:
1. Messenger 2pc, Forge 2pc, leading to +12% speed;
2. EHR% body, speed boots, atk% / ERR rope, atk% / fire damage orb;
3. The speed shall surpass Kafka with signature fully stacked (~14 rolls on speed);
4. EHR% reachs 138.1% (~7 rolls on EHR).
My Kafka has 160.7 speed outside of battle.
106 * 1.12 + 25 + substats >= 160.7 + 4.8 * 3
substats >= 31.38
That’s ~14 rolls on speed.