| Nombre | Cuestión de verdad |
Rareza |     |
Atributos | Cono de luz, Abundancia Cono de luz |
Vía | Abundancia |
Descripción | Cono de luz exclusivo para los personajes de la Vía de la Abundancia. La habilidad del cono de luz solo es efectiva para los personajes en esta Vía. |
Habilidad básica | El efecto de Ruptura del portador aumenta en un 24%. Tras usar el ATQ básico, el portador regenera una cantidad de PV equivalente al 2% de sus PV máx. + 800. |
Materiales exclusivos | 308K 15 3 9 15 12 12 |
Historia | "Si todos los relojes están dando la hora equivocada...". "Si quien ha hecho promesas las cumple rompiéndolas...". "Si quienes entran en el mundo de los sueños nunca han dormido de verdad...". "Si los muertos regresan a la vida y descubren que sus nombres se han tachado...".
"Si... Si...". El hombre sopla la llamita y, en la oscuridad, lo único que se oye es el eterno tictac del reloj. |
13 responses to “Cuestión de verdad”
So this vs Warmth Shortens Cold Nights, which one would be better for Gallagher, I know the obvious choice is this, but my thought process was that is allows him to have a bit more AOE healing, and considering the fact you’ll mostly be basic attacking with him, it works perfectly, along with that he isn’t like Ruan Mei where you ABSOLUTELY wanna get that break effect threshold. But maybe I’m missing something, id appreciate other opinions for my thought process, thanks
Is the passive affected by healing bonus?
I just tested it with my Natasha, and healing bonus indeed increase healing from LC passive.
Natasha 4208 HP + 44,5% HB with level 1 S1 WIR was healed for 1278 HP.
Natasha 4032 HP + 10% HB with level 1 S1 WIR was healed for 968 HP.
Um… ya only need to do the test, aren’t this one free from reward? anyway i did, and it does affected.
Seems Gallagher is a 4* poor mans version of Luocha with some offensive capabilities.
BE scaling healer? would be pretty interesting, hopefully he’s comparable to Lynx
he’s more of an offensive lynx tbh
interesting… they are experimenting to make break effect relevant lol
break effect is actually a really good stat, there just aren’t many characters who would want it over other offensive stats like crit or attack and most who do use it are 4 stars like luka
I’m still so sad he is probably 4 star like I’m still gonna go for him but he won’t be super duper healer Ness which would be nice
Abundance that needs break… Interesting.
So Gallagher sacrifices his own HP and heals with Break Effect??? Because I can’t see how this could work on any other character.
No, he just heals himself a little with this one. Theres no mention of hp consuming