| Nombre | Orilla inalcanzable |
Rareza |      |
Atributos | Cono de luz, Destrucción Cono de luz |
Vía | Destrucción |
Descripción | Cono de luz exclusivo para los personajes de la Vía de la Destrucción. La habilidad del cono de luz solo es efectiva para los personajes en esta Vía. |
Habilidad básica | La Prob. CRIT del portador aumenta en un 18% y sus PV máx. aumentan en un 18%. Cuando el portador recibe un ataque o consume sus propios PV, el daño que inflige aumenta en un 24%. Este último efecto se elimina después de que el portador lance un ataque. |
Materiales exclusivos | 385K 20 4 12 20 15 14 |
Historia | Cada año venía a este lugar y traía varias espadas nuevas. Había visto con sus propios ojos la última expresión de todos y cada uno de los dueños de esas espadas. Cada vez que se alejaba, pensaba con tristeza:
"¿Cuándo traerá alguien mi espada a este lugar?". |
10 responses to “Orilla inalcanzable”
I dont want to get blade but i got his weapon accidentally. Is there anyone else I can use it on?
you can use it on any destruction character really. 18% crit + high base atk just makes it good.
BUT you must learn to control your gacha addiction and stop building pity man especially on lc banner man what r u doin man
So, is this Light Cone good or bad? I’m confused.
For blade? then its really good because this is his signature light cone. 18% crit rate is big, which helps build him easier. This light cone also gives 18% HP boost, its not also increase his survilability, but also boosts his DMG a bit since most his skills scales of HP more than ATK. And in the end you additionally get a sweet 24% DMG boost above all.
So, is this Light Cone is good or bad? I’m confused.
really good for blade
Dmg wise, probably better than her signature, since none of her trace boosts crit stats
However, her signature light cone offers survivability, which can be hard to quantify, ranging from very good as the solo-tank, to useless when used with Luocha
would this actually be good on Clara?
It would be amazing on Clara thanks to her counter mechanic.