| Nombre | Ya ha cerrado los ojos |
Rareza |      |
Atributos | Cono de luz, Conservación Cono de luz |
Vía | Conservación |
Descripción | Cono de luz exclusivo para los personajes de la Vía de la Conservación. La habilidad del cono de luz solo es efectiva para los personajes en esta Vía. |
Habilidad básica | Los PV máx. del portador aumentan en un 24% y la recuperación de energía en un 12%. Cuando se reducen los PV del portador, el daño que infligen todos los aliados aumenta en un 9% durante 2 turnos. Al comienzo de cada oleada, todos los aliados regeneran un 80% de los PV que les falten en ese momento. |
Materiales exclusivos | 385K 20 4 12 20 15 14 |
Historia | El dolor en la frente la acompañará toda su vida, pero no es más que una fracción del que sufrió en el pasado. Pensaba que podía preverlo todo, hasta que sus seres queridos se fueron. Ahora "ve" el mundo y los tiempos que nunca dejan de cambiar... Pero ya ha cerrado los ojos, porque el futuro ya se ha determinado... dentro del tercer ojo. |
27 responses to “Ya ha cerrado los ojos”
i cant tell if the healing effect procs during the boss fights in stimulated universe, does SU even have waves?
SU doenst have one, but it will proc every time you enter new battle and its extremely good when you got unlucky with galactic lotto
SU does have multi-waves fight when you agro linked mobs on the overworld, apart from that, yes, there’s no “natural” multi-waves fight.
wont need a healer if you can tank the hits between waves
how good is the all allies’ DMG dealt increases by 9%,
Its approximately 9% good.
Damn, that made my day.
In all seriousness, it’s a multiplier that intervene in the DMG formula, for a 20k damage you more or less see an increase of 1k damage, so:
1 – (20000/21000) = 0.047 = 5% increase, have the same result using a calc at 76979, enhanced to 81209. (0.05208)
So it should pretty much sit in the 4 to 6% territory.
9% DMG stack infinitely with individual 2 turns duration?
Probably not no. When it does not say it has stacks it’s probably best to assume it’s just the once.
dehya but better
“At the start of every waves” doesn’t mean every turn.
Wich mean that for example, if you fight multiple waves of ennemies it will trigger. But that’s all.
It wont ever trigger if you fight 1 wave of tanky ennemies and it doesn’t even say if the first wave is counted in.
For most of the current endgame fights, they are splitted in two waves, but the first wave isn’t that strong so its kinda rare to take a lot of damages.
I hope it will at least work on boss’s when they switch to a new phase but otherwise it will be kind of usless except for material farming.
how about bosses with multiple phases like phantilia, does it proc?
It doesn’t mean cycle, like how people talk about cycle and turns in MoC?
“it doesn’t even say if the first wave is counted in” you repeated yourself the “at the start of every wave” sentence, my dude… That includes EVERY wave, as it’s stated. It’s not that hard to understand 😀
On the other hand, I do think this LC is really strong given the stats it provides to the wearer, even if the healing passive is not triggered even once.
Absolutelt OP. It turns all Preservation into Abundance. Even though I like it, there is still highly chance for it to be nerfed. Like 50% to 100% instead of 80% to 100%. Or even worse.
I dont think its really that op at all, in MoC it can only activate once, its not every turn, its every wave. The best thing about the cone is the Energy Regen, it could really help Gepard, but other than that that’s it
Its good, its pretty good, but not op
moc nowadays has 3 waves so it activates more than once
then it activates twice, its still not the best effect, its useful for sure but its not that big of a deal, its more kind of just a useful side effect and thats it, its def not op just because of the healing
We then need to see how strong he mitigate the damage party received from boss enemies
Does “At the start of every wave” mean every turn or is it just the beginning of every fight?
I think it’s like if you pull two or more packs of mobs, or in fights when two or more waves, like when you farm resources for 60 power, allies restores hp when each new fight with new wave start.
At the start of every wave, means at the start of every wave. A turn is not a wave. Every time you face a new group of enemies ie a “wave of enemies” it activates.
It’s every start of the battle, if that was every turn holy crap man Abundance characters will be out of the job and be made redundant by a Light Cone
just every wave of the fight.
i guess it is like abundance skill path on SU
Damn, this second iteration is really good actually, hope it stays like this.