| Nombre | La sombra de la noche |
Rareza |     |
Atributos | Cono de luz, Cacería Cono de luz |
Vía | Cacería |
Descripción | Cono de luz exclusivo para los personajes de la Vía de la Cacería. La habilidad del cono de luz solo es efectiva para los personajes en esta Vía. |
Habilidad básica | El efecto de Ruptura del portador aumenta en un 28%. Al entrar en combate o tras infligir Daño de Ruptura, la VEL aumenta en un 8% durante 2 turnos. Este efecto solo se puede activar 1 vez por turno. |
Materiales exclusivos | 308K 15 3 9 15 12 12 |
Historia | "Huellas". "Cicatrices". "Olores".
Una vez que todo está listo, toma una pluma de cuervo y sube con gracia hasta el tejado. En la vasta ciudad, una oscura sombra recorre los rincones ocultos.
"Debo esconderme entre las sombras para protegerlos". |
13 responses to “La sombra de la noche”
too bad lingsha’s lc is a worst lc on a bottom character
My boy Boothill would love this, hopefully I get linghsa’s light cone simultaneously
I find it quite funny that the LC with Moze’s photo looks great for Sushang (at least if built for Break) while the LC with Sushang’s photo looks great for Moze.
I’m surprised how good they made this Lightcone. It’s only really missing the 20 def shred BH’s has
(Ignore you’re probably never getting it at S5)
V3 changes
Break Effect reduced to 5/6.25/7.5/8.75/10
I’d cry, i need this for BE March.
Is it a gacha lightcone or?
Yeah, probably will be in Feixiao’s lc banner
(If only he lived more than three weeks after release…)
wdym he is the best ST in the game and one of the best DPS at the moment
He’s definitely not dead, just not as popular as Firefly. His clears are about as fast as her clears and are better vs less enemies or 1 enemy you need to run down fast.
This LC very strong for both him and Sushang, I say Sushang gets the bigger buff from it since she benefits so much for Super Break teams giving her a ton of actions/speed to make up for her lower Super Break damage and this LC gives her more damage and more speed.
Boothill obviously will always outclass her, but this makes her into a really strong f2p 4* Boothill… without the implant of course lol
Boothill Cone