| Nombre | Yo seré mi propia espada |
Rareza |      |
Atributos | Cono de luz, Destrucción Cono de luz |
Vía | Destrucción |
Descripción | Cono de luz exclusivo para los personajes de la Vía de la Destrucción. La habilidad del cono de luz solo es efectiva para los personajes en esta Vía. |
Habilidad básica | El Daño CRIT del portador aumenta en un 20%. Cuando un aliado recibe un ataque o consume PV, el portador obtiene 1 acumulación de Eclipse. Se puede acumular hasta 3 veces. Por cada acumulación, el daño que inflige el siguiente ataque del portador aumenta en un 14%. Cuando se alcanzan 3 acumulaciones, el ataque actual ignora un 12% de la DEF del objetivo. Este efecto se elimina después de que el portador lance un ataque. |
Materiales exclusivos | 385K 20 4 12 20 15 14 |
Historia | La espada destrozada se precipita en el frío que hiela los huesos. Las armas comunes de metal son inútiles, ya que sus límites se pueden observar a simple vista. "¿Para qué necesito una espada?". No mantiene ningún apego, y en sus ojos no hay espacio para nada.
"A partir de ahora, yo seré mi propia espada". La única manera de trascender los límites y llegar hasta donde nadie ha llegado antes es convertirse una misma en la "chispa". |
56 responses to “Yo seré mi propia espada”
does her skill where she consumes some of her allies hp count towards eclipse?
“When ally gets attacked or loses HP”
It does, and it instantly give her 3 stacks, thus earning the full benefit of the LC on every enhanced skill.
is this lc good for clara? that defense ignore is going to be crazy
Clara will almost never get get the 3 stacks due to her counter. She will consume the buff at 1 or 2 stacks first and thus not reach the def ignore.
Why is the description for other languages different?
in Portuguese it says “Increases the user’s Skill Damage by 20%. When using the Ultimate Skill, immediately regenerates 3 Energy and increases the user’s CRIT Damage by 14% for 0.12 round(s)”
what does “0.12 rounds” mean 😭😭😭
it’s a typo
This is a site with beta information. The chinese part is always the most up-to-date, followed by english, and then the rest.
So if you are unsure just switch to chinese and let the browser translate for you.
The effect of the LC has been changed some time ago and hasn’t been translated into other languages.
This weapon WILL be mine.
So Jingliu’s LC is basically the opposite of Blade’s LC. Blade’s LC buffs crit rate and gives a buff when taking hits, while Jingliu’s LC buffs crit dmg and gives a buff when someone else takes a hit.
Yeah, tho ally might also include the wearer
Considering JL’s enhanced skill drains hp from her allies, most of the stacks for the buff will come from the allies, but it probably includes herself as well
In a team comp with Jingliu and Blade, what if you also give Blade a copy of this cone?
how good or bad is it when compared with Blade just using his sig in that comp?
What if you do something crazier, like Jingliu, Blade, and another Destruction unit in the comp with another copy of this LC?
they should be getting max stacks and shredding during their turns as long as Jingliu acts before them right with her ESkillz? omgwao
It only gains stacks from dmg on allies sadly so i dont think blade has any use for it.
Try using tingyun ult on tingyun with set that buffs spd
if you play blade and jingliu, it does, that was the question