| Nombre | Ey, estoy aquí |
Rareza |     |
Atributos | Cono de luz, Abundancia Cono de luz |
Vía | Abundancia |
Descripción | Cono de luz exclusivo para los personajes de la Vía de la Abundancia. La habilidad del cono de luz solo es efectiva para los personajes en esta Vía. |
Habilidad básica | Aumenta los PV máx. del portador en un 8%. Cuando el portador utiliza la habilidad básica, la curación realizada aumenta en un 16% durante 2 turnos. |
Materiales exclusivos | 308K 15 3 9 15 12 12 |
Historia | Tres jóvenes caminan en la oscuridad de la noche. El paisaje que las rodea tiene una atmósfera espeluznante. "¡Huohuo, date prisa! ¡No vamos a esperarte!". La joven avanza a grandes pasos con el teléfono en alto. Al parecer no le afecta dicha atmósfera sobrenatural. "¡Estoy aquí!", responde una voz tímida desde más adelante. "¿Eh? Si estás delante, entonces ¿quién viene detrás de mí y de Shangshang?".
El final perfecto para esta escena sería el grito de una joven. |
29 responses to “Ey, estoy aquí”
can you still get this?
The cone does not work, it does not give 12% of maximum HP
Every combination I have given my Huohuo, the lightcone has actually increased her max HP by more that 12%. Tested and confirmed going from no relics and no lightcone to having this lightcone. but I can’t take away the +HP% traces I’ve picked up, so they’re probably affecting the total.
You’re not trying to use this lightcone on a non-Abundance character, are you?
will we get s5 of this lightcone
does it mean, free LC event like SW event? i can’t wait
That’s how I understood it. And man I was really hoping the SW LC event would return with her banner rerun! It’s such a good Nihility LC and I didn’t get a chance to do it since I started playing in September…
Yes, it’s from the event minigame that’s part of the patch.
I really wanted that Wolf LC as well, especially considering Nihility is starving for good LC options that don’t support DoT specifically.
Can luocha skill [auto heal] can trigger “Increases Outgoing Healing when the wearer uses their Skill by 16%” this effect ?
“When wearer uses skill” means active skill, this LC isn’t especially good on Luocha since he’s atk scaling anyway
thanks for the info ~
Can luocha auto heal trigger “Increases Outgoing Healing when the wearer uses their Skill by 16%” this effect ?
Shared Feeling’s “When using Skill” does not work with Luocha’s auto heal trigger, only when he actually spends a skill point to cast it, so almost certainly not… At least he’d get the 20% outgoing healing passively with that one and 4 energy to all if he casts it.
Pretty useless for him, might be OK on other HP scaling healers. but even then I’d probably take Post-Op over it for the ERR.
“You feel bad because her lightcone can’t be used on herself? How about another one?”
Guin doesn’t need a light cone, she has explosives
why her light cone is Abundance, cant belive it
probably because Huo Huo and Guinaifen have some connection. i mean this is coming from the game where Seele in on a preservation LC, We Are Wildfire
this is probably designed as Huo Huo’s f2p lightcone, just like we got Silverwolf’s back then
It’s kinda even worse then Perfect Timing (32% Eff Res, 16-27% Heal% depens on 45% Eff Res all time)
it will be worse than Perfect Timing,but it gives wearer 8%Max HP.Sometimes it will save the wearer’s life.but maybe Perfect Timing will be so.so i think they each have their own advantages and disadvantages.the difference is not significant in total.
Originally this lc had effect res and was a straight downgrade to perfect timing, its quite a bit better now
Wdym her??? Well she’s also on “Subscribe for More!” con and??? Whether someone depicted on con or not, it doesn’t mean anything lol, classic hoyoverse.
its just the small image that is misleading.
they are both on it and its huohuos lightcone overall design wise.
what do you mean there also her hunt LC
It appers that whenever there are 2 characters, the one that’s not in centered will be the one that has the path of the LC.
For example, ‘This is Me!’ has Himeko and March 7th as their two main characters but everything in that image focuses towards Himeko, yet the lightcone is Preservation like March 7th.
This is also seen in ‘Trend of the Universal Market’ where we can spot Adventurine in the background. Acording to leaks he is Preservation, unlike Topaz who is Hunt, the main target of the illustration.
Another one is ‘Subscribe for More’ where even though Guinaifen is the main point of the lightcone, we can see Sushang in the foregroung who is a Hunt character like the lightcone.
Hoyo is weird
Also Huohuo and Diting is this lc is the most adorable thing