| Nombre | Montaje de sueños |
Rareza |     |
Atributos | Cono de luz, Abundancia Cono de luz |
Vía | Abundancia |
Descripción | Cono de luz exclusivo para los personajes de la Vía de la Abundancia. La habilidad del cono de luz solo es efectiva para los personajes en esta Vía. |
Habilidad básica | La VEL del portador aumenta en un 8%. Al atacar a un enemigo con Ruptura de Debilidad, recupera 3 pts. de energía. Este efecto solo se puede activar 2 veces en cada turno. |
Materiales exclusivos | 308K 15 3 9 15 12 12 |
Historia | "La ciudad de los sueños, el criadero del pecado o la tierra prometida...".
Al extraer los recuerdos de muchos, examina los momentos espectaculares y los interrumpe, los reorganiza y los une. "Los recuerdos de la mayoría de las personas no son más que una colección de fragmentos triviales y monótonos, donde solo un puñado de momentos preciosos se destacan, mientras que la existencia del resto es completamente innecesaria".
Cuadro a cuadro, las imágenes fluyen entre sus manos, entrelazándose con el tiempo hasta convertirse en un tapiz de genialidad. "No transportamos recuerdos. Solo creamos el pasado". |
18 responses to “Montaje de sueños”
are yall dumb thats mr reca
doesnt remotely even look like gallagher, what y’all trippn lmao
Zamn, here i thought i won’t pull for anyone else until i e6 some of my chars, if this guy comes out ill definitely pull him
Gallagher never existed much like Misha…so what do you mean by “real” Gallagher?
Frank, is that you?
is this real Gallagher?
No this is a scholar in 2.6 that called 苪克
rather than gallagher this guy reminds me of welt
Is this the event LC or gacha LC?
Should be gacha LC. Another LC “Ninja Record: Sound Hunt” is confirmed an event LC.
WOAH. The one on LC’s art doesnt look like aventurine or sunday. I BET this is the real gallagher. LC description also talks of how this man combines “memories” together, just like how “gallagher” was made. coincidentally, the LC are for abundance unit, and not only that its also meant to be used on break oriented abundance unit (ofc technically anyone can use it). So yea… too much coincidences here
Or Im just tripping and this guy is just a new character lol
I think he’ll be a new character. I read from some rumor/leaks that there will be a new character next who is kinda the new director of Penacony and based on how that guy from the LC looks, I think that will be him.
thats good to know. I thought it was the real gallagher because his hair looks similar to him. Hopefully hes not a 4*, but knowing that this is hoyo he most likely will be one
Isnt that Tiernan?
He looks exactly like that brown haired guy in the astral express flashback lc
Tiernan is revealed to be dead already. Back in penacony main quest acheron had some conversations with an old man, and this old man are revealed to be tiernan himself. At the end of their conversation acheron said to tiernan that he is already dead, and that he is speaking through his soul (he lost his memories). At the time acheron are there to ferry his soul to the “afterlife”, or at least thats what she implies anyway
Nope this is a new role called ‘苪克’
This is Reca, he’s mentioned in a quest. The one where Trailblazer acts in a movie with Firefly. Aideen talks about Reca a bit, he’s a movie director