| Nombre | Los hilos del destino |
Rareza |     |
Atributos | Cono de luz, Conservación Cono de luz |
Vía | Conservación |
Descripción | Cono de luz exclusivo para los personajes de la Vía de la Conservación. La habilidad del cono de luz solo es efectiva para los personajes en esta Vía. |
Habilidad básica | La RES a efecto del portador aumenta en un 12%. Por cada 100 pts. de DEF del portador, el daño que inflige aumenta en un 0.8%, hasta un máximo de un 32% de aumento de daño. |
Materiales exclusivos | 308K 15 3 9 15 12 12 |
Historia | El destino siempre arrastra a las masas hacia adelante sin motivo, y ella se esconde en la oscuridad, esperando a inscribir el momento crucial.
Organizar, combinar, barajar, sacar las cartas... Simula la mano del destino en la forma en la que manipula todas las variables para las masas, buscando la trayectoria de la verdad bajo una apariencia de desorden.
Al fin, cuando todos los personajes están en su lugar, roza la superficie solidificada de las cartas y desentraña la verdad profunda e insondable. "Falta una carta... Así que añadiré una". |
8 responses to “Los hilos del destino”
(I’m a little late but…) For the people considering this lightcone for Aventurine, the passive of this lightcone lines up perfectly with his Crit Rate trace. Both need you to reach 4000 def for the max buffs. In other words, if you have this lightcone and are at 4000+/= def, then you get 48% dmg increase from this lightcone at S5 and 48% crit rate increase from his trace. 🙂
lesss go, i build gepard with dps build since the 1.3 while i farm for lightning set i accidently got godlike deff set for gepard with around 2,7/ 3k(with march logo lc)deff 113spd good 73/147 crit with rutilant arena and yes ice damage boost on planar (this is non fight stat)
and yes gepard skill does a lot of damage it was around 200%+ multiplier ,and from the 3rt trace that give him atk a portion of his deff
i already deal like 15k(all crit) each skill without any buff and got around 23k with ruan mei only buff
Wait shield set is with lightning set?
…I just trashed my good shield pieces so I pray Aventurine uses a different set… I’m not farming the lightning set cave
this is for aventurine for sure, he will be a DPS Preservation character
dps fiRe trairblazer here we come!
I guess this cone could work on Sub DPS Fire mc? since they use defense as an offensive multiplier in their basics and ult. Mine has ok crit and 3000+ def with some atk so this cone would work well on them, plus effect res is always nice for tanks.
So… DPS Trailblazer anyone..?