| Conceitos | O Último Vencedor |
Raridade |     |
Tipo | Cone de Luz, A Caça Cone de Luz |
Caminho | A Caça |
Descrição | Cone de Luz do Caminho da Caça. A habilidade do Cone de Luz só tem efeito para personagens nesse Caminho. |
Perícia | Aumenta o ATQ do usuário em 12%. Quando o usuário causa um acerto CRIT em inimigos, ganha 1 acúmulo de Boa Sorte. Este efeito pode ser acumulado até 4 vezes. Cada acúmulo de Boa Sorte aumenta o Dano CRIT do usuário em 8%. Boa Sorte será removida no final da rodada do usuário. |
Materiais de Personagem | 308K 15 3 9 15 12 12 |
História | "Não acredita em mim?" Ele olhou de forma intimidadora para o homem diante dele puxando um revólver, esvaziando o cilindro e deixando um único tiro na câmara.
"Parece que terei que te atualizar sobre como faço as coisas se quisermos que nossa cooperação continue amigável." Ele deu a arma para seu oponente, girou o cilindro, e ajudou ele a alinhar o cano com seu peito. Ele apertou o gatilho repetidamente, mostrando um pouco mais que um sorriso depois de uma série de cliques vazios. "A vida é uma grande aposta, e eu sou sempre o último vencedor." |
31 responses to “O Último Vencedor”
anyone thinking this could go brrr with new march?
Nah cuz you can’t tell me that’s not Ratio.
Aventurine and Ratio work together so it may be
…Then again I highly doubt it
AINT NO WAY U DOUBT IT💀💀 that is literally ratio how could it be anyone else— that hair style, that hair colour, that height. be so fr that’s obviously dr ratio
who is denying that lmao i think all of us started shipping ratiorine the moment this lightcone was leaked
Regarding the effect, I’m assuming that when the hit Crits, it will factor in the added stack immediately for that hit. Anyway, due to the LC buff wearing off after the wearer’s turn, it’s generally better to chain your Ultimate with the current turn to maximize the buff. A lot of these Hunts have 1-hit Ults after all, so they’re not really worth offsetting just to start with 1-stack for the next turn.
I must emphasize the risk-reward though. The CDmg averages look good in perfect conditions but failure to Crit means failure to stack up the buff which *can* impact its performance more than a fixed amount of CDmg.
— Just to give an example: A 4-hit attack with equal distrib comes to an avg of 30% CDmg. However, if you fail to Crit once, that avg sharply drops to 18%. Compare that to Yanqing’s S1 LC which gives 30% CDmg straight up. Failure to Crit once drops it to 22.5% instead.
— It starts getting messier once uneven damage distribution starts factoring in, potentially tanking harder if the stronger hits fail to Crit. Let’s look at Seele’s skill. It has a 2:1:1:6 distrib giving it a 37.2% avg. If your first hit fails to Crit, that drops to 25.2%. If the final hit fails instead, then it plummets to 8.4%. With Yanqing’s S1 LC, those would be 24% and 12% respectively.
Since Yanqing’s S1 LC is the closest comparison, as long as the weighted CDmg avg you can eke out of this LC is equal or better, then it’s a viable alternative. Swordplay at higher superimpositions is better and probably more convenient (just try to account for the high Dmg% and gain more Atk% elsewhere to get the most out of it). As for Stellar Sea, its raw damage is lower so I think it’ll just come down to which one your Hunt of choice needs or can actually utilize more.
– – –
Here’s an overview of the Hunt characters. I must note that I limited the averages mentioned only to their Skills. The overall weighted average will be different if you account for their kit in full gameplay, and as mentioned, failure to Crit can tank the averages:
– Topaz: should be good due to high hit count and off-turn FUAs priming the buff for your next turn.
7-hit FUA has equal distrib (30.86% w.avg), while 8-hit Enhanced FUA adds a 3x damage hit at the end (40.8% w.avg). You can read the end of my following comment to see the Topaz breakdown.
– Seele: should be good due to the nature of her talent, where buffs will persist to her bonus action.
Skill does 4 hits in a 2:1:1:6 distrib giving it a 37.2% w.avg which is high because of the strong final hit. An action order of [Skill (kill) – [extra turn] Skill – Ult (kill) – [extra turn] Skill] can be chained together in “one” turn so you can see how that should raise the overall weighted avg by maintaining the buff.
– Yanqing: should be good since he has ok hit count and good CRate.
Skill does 4 hits with equal distrib (30% w.avg), with A2 (32.16% w.avg), with A2+E1 (35.23% w.avg). A2 and E1 damage are computed after the hits of the attack he used, so they’re bound to benefit from max stacks. Same goes with his FUA (2 hits, 3:4 distrib, shit dmg tho) since they chain to his current turn/action. Skill+FUA (33.33% w.avg), Skill+A2+FUA+A2 (34.86% w.avg), Skill+A2+E1+FUA+A2+E1 (38.6% w.avg).
– Dan Heng: he has consistent hit count, but Crit Rate can be an issue.
Skill does 4 hits (3:1.5:1.5:4 distrib, 31.8% w.avg). Regarding his Talent though, depending on how the turns align, you don’t have to feel forced to chain his Ult for the CDmg if the next ally can target you to activate Talent anyway. The Res Pen is *much* stronger than the LC’s CDmg.
– Sushang: hit counts can be inconsistent, causing LC to underperform. also Crit Rate can be an issue.
Her skill by itself only does 2 hits (3:7 distrib, 20.4% w.avg). With 1x Sword Stance, 25.43% w.avg. With 3x Sword Stance, 32.4% w.avg. Do note that the half-damage SS hits come out first before the regular SS. Also, if you chain your Ult with your current turn, the buff will not persist to the next one since it’s not a bonus action, just a 100% advancement.
– Dr. Ratio: it’s not looking good (best to read below why). It boils down to his weighted average being low due to the 1-hit nature of all his attacks.
– – –
Another incoming wall of text (and numbers) regarding this LC with Dr. Ratio and Topaz in the next comment.
Again, lower your expectations since we’re covering a very optimistic (if not unrealistic) scenario of Ratio always Criting. Due to the 1-hit nature of all his attacks, we’re computing at a full rotation level to even get a weighted average (Spoiler: it’s less than 30%). The odds are stacked against him.
I’ve written down different scenarios of *when* he uses his ult. I’ll use scenario 1 below and break it down for you:
Simplify the weight of each attack based on their damage multiplier
— 1 for Skill (150/150)
— 1.6 for Ult (240/150)
— 1.8 for FUA (270/150)
Multiply the weight by the attack’s usage count. Sum these up to get the total weight.
— 1*4 Skill + 1.6*1 Ult + 1.8*6 FUA = 16.4
Sum up the Crit Dmg for each attack, then multiply by their respective weight.
— Skill = 24+36+12+12 = 84
— Ult = 12*1.6 = 19.2
— FUA = 36+12+24+48+24+24 = 168*1.8 = 302.4
Sum up the weighted CDmg, then divide by the total weight to finally get the overall weighted average
— 84+19.2+302.4 = 405.6 / 16.4 = [ 24.73% ]
Scenario 1: Ult at the start of his turn
— [1] Ult – [2] Skill – [3] FUA – [Reset]
— Ally attacks – [1] FUA
— Ally attacks – [2] FUA
— [3] Skill – [4] FUA – [Reset]
— [1] Skill – [2] FUA – [Reset]
— [1] Skill – [2] FUA – [Reset]
Skill-only avg: 84/4 = 21%
FUA-only avg: 168/6 = 28%
Overall w.avg = 405.6/16.4 = 24.73%
Scenario 2: Ult before his turn ends
— [1] Skill – [2] FUA – [3] Ult – [Reset]
— Ally attacks – [1] FUA
— Ally attacks – [2] FUA
— [3] Skill – [4] FUA – [Reset]
— [1] Skill – [2] FUA – [Reset]
— [1] Skill – [2] FUA – [Reset]
Skill-only avg: 72/4 = 18%
FUA-only avg: 156/6 = 26%
Overall w.avg: 410.4/16.4 = 25.02%
Scenario 3: Ult outside of his turn
— [1] Ult – Ally attacks – [2] FUA
— Ally attacks – [3] FUA
— [4] Skill – [4] FUA – [Reset]
— [1] Skill – [2] FUA – [Reset]
— [1] Skill – [2] FUA – [Reset]
— [1] Skill – [2] FUA – [Reset]
Skill-only avg: 84/4 = 21%
FUA-only avg: 180/6 = 30%
Overall w.avg: 472.2/16.4 = 26.05%
– – – –
Compare all THAT to Topaz.
— 7-hit FUA = 12+24+36+48+48+48+48 = 216 / 7 = 30.86%
— 8-hit FUA = 12+24+36+48+48+48+48+(48*3) = 408 / 10 = 40.8%
Do note that the average above is only relative to the attack itself. Also, her 8-hit FUA’s final hit deals 3x the damage of a regular hit, hence the last hit’s CDmg multiplied by 3, and the sum divided by 10 (7+3).
Due to the myriad ways the fight can pan out — how often Numby attacks, or even using BA over Skill in some turns — I can’t really give a clear overall weighted average, though it’s bound to be high. Numby’s own FUAs are a separate turn from Topaz, which means Numby practically primes the CDmg buff for Topaz’s own Skill casts.
Again, we’re assuming full Crits and idk how realistic this rotation is:
— Ult – [40.8] Enh – [max] Enh – [max] Skill – [Reset]
— [30.86] FUA – [max] Skill – [Reset]
— [30.86] FUA – [max] Skill – [Reset]
— [30.86] FUA – [max] BA – [Reset]
Total weight = 1 BA + 1.5*6 Skill/FUA + 3*2 Enh = 16
BA: 48
Skill/FUA: 3*(30.86+48) = 236.58 *1.5= 354.87
Enh: 40.86+48 = 88.86 *3 = 266.58
Skill/FUA-only avg: 236.58/6 = 39.43%
Enh-only avg: 88.86/2 = 44.43%
Overall weighted avg: 669.45/16 = 41.84%
i feel like dr. ratio would absolutely approve of the time and work you put into this
Thank you very much, your insight are always regard as very helpful.
Well… there’s only some concern about Sushang that her Sword Stance was kind of an “Additional damage type” and it never being able to generate Swordplay lc stack before. and since it was never a true on-hit attack, may not gain further CD stack too, in that case it should leaving her w.avg at 21.5% for 1x sword stance and 22.1% for 3x sword stance respectively, further limited her availability with this lc.
Thanks for bringing that up. I unfortunately still don’t have Swordplay LC so that was one thing I couldn’t check for sure. If that were the case for her, then I’m worried the same would apply for Yanqing’s A2 and E1…
Ya~ i finally have the time to testing on this LC, and apparently i was wrong about additional damage couldn’t gaining stack with this LC, am amaze at how accurate your theory are even with little testing! really great, ok here’s the interesting thing….
Final Victor can gain stack of Good Fortune via every source of critical hit coming from the wearer, including “additional damage” and even Tingyun electro infuse damage benediction contribute to stack gain too so long as the hit crit, also as you have stated, it is computed around at the end of attack hits (still unsure about the order if there’s multiple source of additional damage) furthermore… even during Tingyun turn if she doing normal attack to activating her Violet Sparknado talent, they also gaining stack too when crit hit occur.
that’s all of my report. Vizier i am sorry to have causing you worried.
Penacony…. it sure is a fascinating place and i feeling so relaxing touring around there, i hope you can get enough joy time too.
so ready for them. i ship.
It would’ve been so much more useful if it was destruction
Would’ve been perfect for jingliu and danheng
And erudition for jingyuan
The hunt literally are single target units
This LC is made for Ratio/Topaz, Topaz does several hits per skill/follow-up so she’s probably the one who can use it the best
Removed at the end of the turn??? Does it mean it only works for Hunt characters which skills are multiple hits like Seele?? This is bad then… I planned to give it to Ratio, now im hesitating
this is really really tailor made for Topaz tho.Cause it is counting on number of hit like FuA relic.And Numby can easily hit for 7-8 times per turn giving topaz guaranteed 48% crit dmg per turn for her if you have this LC at s5
getting this lc just because of its story
I’m unsure, but if I understood it correctly it could be possible to have full uptime if he has his ultimate.
Dr. Ratio Skill -> turn ends (Fortune resets to 0)
Follow-up attack (1 Fortune)
Ultimate (2 Fortune)
2 Follow up attack’s thanks to Wiseman’s Folly effect (4 Fortune)
Dr. Ratio Turn with 4 Fortune (48% CRIT damage increase) -> turn ends (Fortune resets to 0)
If it’s like this then it does work but I don’t know if it’s worth it since it doesn’t have a great uptime (only 1 stack max until you get his ult)
For now it feels like this lightcone is specific for Topaz.
Dr. Ratio’s FUA via Skill is immediate and thus still falls under his “current” turn, much like Yanqing.
It is very Topaz-oriented, but I’m writing up my thoughts on the LC in a diff comment to try and cover the other Hunt characters too.
In that case I guess it still applies but in a different order?
Dr. Ratio Skill + FUA -> turn ends (Fortune resets to 0)
Ultimate (1 Fortune)
2 FUA’s thanks to Wiseman’s Folly effect (3 fortune)
Dr Ratio Skill in his turn (4 fortune)
FUA with 48% CRIT increase -> turn ends (Fortune resets to 0)
But that aside yeah, it does feel very Topaz oriented.
Does anyone know how you can obtain this lightcone?
Post 2.0 memory of chaos trade, presumably.
New BiS f2p LC for Topaz
Yeah it’s like a F2P version of Swordplay
forgotten hall lc
yes they are if you are sick who can only see things in a sick way.
as you are posting this, Dr Ratio and Aventurine are kissing absolutely nasty in some corner in Penacony, with spit and everything
can confirm
IDC bout lightcone’s ability or else, JUST GIMME AVENTURINE >_<