Earthbind, Etherbreak

Earthbind, Etherbreak
Earthbind, EtherbreakConceptsEarthbind, Etherbreak
Weakness BreakSingle Target : 60 / Blast : 30
Energy Regeneration5
Character Materials
Artifex's Module9
Borisin Teeth3
Lupitoxin Sawteeth15
Artifex's Cogwheel13
Moon Rage Fang30
Artifex's Gyreheart7
Regret of Infinite Ochema3
Tracks of Destiny2
Earthbind, EtherbreakEarthbind, Etherbreak - Ultimate | Enhance
Consumes Energy. Yunli gains Parry and Taunts all enemies, lasting until the end of the next ally's or enemy's turn. Increases the CRIT DMG dealt by Yunli's next Counter by . When triggering the Counter effect from Talent, launches the Counter "Intuit: Cull" instead and removes the Parry effect. If no Counter is triggered while Parry is active, Yunli will immediately launch the Counter "Intuit: Slash" on a random enemy target.

"Intuit: Slash": Deals Physical DMG equal to of Yunli's ATK to the target, and deals Physical DMG equal to of Yunli's ATK to adjacent targets.
"Intuit: Cull": Deals Physical DMG equal to of Yunli's ATK to the target, and deals Physical DMG equal to of Yunli's ATK to adjacent targets. Then, additionally deals instances of DMG, each dealing Physical DMG equal to of Yunli's ATK to a random single enemy.

When Yunli deals DMG via this ability, it's considered as dealing Ultimate DMG.

Enters "Parry" and taunts all enemies. When attacked during this period, triggers powerful Counter and deals Physical DMG to the attacker and adjacent targets. Then, deals minor Physical DMG to a single enemy that bounces 6 times. If no Counter is triggered while Parry is active, deals Physical DMG to a random enemy target and adjacent targets when Parry ends.
Level 15

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