Eagle’s Quilted Puttees

Eagle's Quilted Puttees
Eagle's Quilted PutteesConceptsEagle's Quilted Puttees
TypeRelics, Feet
SourceCavern of Corrosion: Storage Zone
Omni-Synthesizer — Relic Synthesis
Relic Set
Eagle of Twilight Line
Eagle of Twilight Line
Set Effect2-Pc: Increases Wind DMG by 10%.
4-Pc: After the wearer uses their Ultimate, their action is Advanced Forward by 25%.
Max Level15
StoryPuttees to keep the legs warm during flights, decorated with a skyfish eagle's bristle feathers.

Table of Contents


Base Stats
Class HP
Class ATK
Class DEF
Class SPD
Subsidiary Stats
Class HP
203.22 ~ 228.62 ~ 254.03
Class ATK
101.61 ~ 114.31 ~ 127.01
Class DEF
101.61 ~ 114.31 ~ 127.01
Class HP
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class ATK
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class DEF
25.92% ~ 29.16% ~ 32.4%
Class SPD
12 ~ 13.8 ~ 15.6
Class CRIT Rate
15.55% ~ 17.5% ~ 19.44%
31.1% ~ 34.99% ~ 38.88%
Class Effect Hit Rate
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class Effect RES
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class Break Effect
31.1% ~ 34.99% ~ 38.88%


Hunting phlogiston jellyfish was a long survival game for skyfishers from Salsotto. Legs, being far from the heart, can only maintain their temperature when tightly strapped in fluffy feather puttees.

Only at the end of the long and highly stressful hunt would an exhausted skyfisher begin to feel pain and fatigue.

For those unprepared, it would be too late to discover their partial necrosis caused by severe frostbite. Therefore, skyfishers would check if they had tightened their puttees many times before taking off. After all, they wouldn't get another chance to do so in high-speed flight.

They knew what the wind would take away as they stepped into the sky.

Traces of lime powder and aluminum powder were found in the metal shell embedded in the puttee, which seemed to be a means of emergency heating.

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