Noontide Gryphon

Noontide Gryphon
Noontide GryphonConceptsNoontide Gryphon
FactionClass Crepuscular Beast
Fear-Stomped Flesh
Silk Spindle
Fresh Seed of Dawn
Courage-Torn Chest
Glory-Aspersed Torso
DescriptionIn the ancient Era Creatura, Aquila, after forging the Dawn Device, collaborated with Kephale to bring forth the legendary beasts embodying the Titans. The Noontide Gryphon is said to represent Aquila after opening their eyes to bestow light upon the world.

Table of Contents



Noontide Gryphon

Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a0%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

Through the DarknessThrough the Darkness - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals minor Fire DMG to one designated target.
Heralding the DawnHeralding the Dawn - Ability | Sweep
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals minor Fire DMG to 3 consecutive targets, starting from the left side of the team, applies Aquila's Mark to targets hit, and also summons "Meteoric Eagle."
Light the FutureLight the Future - Ability | Charging
Energy Regeneration :
Lock on to 1 target and enters the "Light the Future" state. "Praise Aquila" will be used with next action.
Praise AquilaPraise Aquila - Ability | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 20
Deals Fire DMG to locked on targets and adjacent targets and applies "Aquila's Mark" to targets hit.


Noontide Gryphon

Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a0%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

Through the DarknessThrough the Darkness - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals minor Fire DMG to one designated target.
Heralding the DawnHeralding the Dawn - Ability | Sweep
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals minor Fire DMG to 3 consecutive targets, starting from the left side of the team, applies Aquila's Mark to targets hit, and also summons "Meteoric Eagle."
Light the FutureLight the Future - Ability | Charging
Energy Regeneration :
Lock on to 1 target and enters the "Light the Future" state. "Praise Aquila" will be used with next action.
Praise AquilaPraise Aquila - Ability | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 20
Deals Fire DMG to locked on targets and adjacent targets and applies "Aquila's Mark" to targets hit.


Noontide Gryphon

Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a0%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

Through the DarknessThrough the Darkness - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals minor Fire DMG to one designated target.
Heralding the DawnHeralding the Dawn - Ability | Sweep
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals minor Fire DMG to 3 consecutive targets, starting from the left side of the team, applies Aquila's Mark to targets hit, and also summons "Meteoric Eagle."
Light the FutureLight the Future - Ability | Charging
Energy Regeneration :
Lock on to 1 target and enters the "Light the Future" state. "Praise Aquila" will be used with next action.
Praise AquilaPraise Aquila - Ability | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 20
Deals Fire DMG to locked on targets and adjacent targets and applies "Aquila's Mark" to targets hit.


Noontide Gryphon

Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a0%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

Through the DarknessThrough the Darkness - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals minor Fire DMG to one designated target.
Heralding the DawnHeralding the Dawn - Ability | Sweep
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals minor Fire DMG to 3 consecutive targets, starting from the left side of the team, applies Aquila's Mark to targets hit, and also summons "Meteoric Eagle."
Light the FutureLight the Future - Ability | Charging
Energy Regeneration :
Lock on to 1 target and enters the "Light the Future" state. "Praise Aquila" will be used with next action.
Praise AquilaPraise Aquila - Ability | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 20
Deals Fire DMG to locked on targets and adjacent targets and applies "Aquila's Mark" to targets hit.


Character Ascension Materials, Skill Upgrade Materials, Traces Leveling Material
Fear-Stomped Flesh
Fear-Stomped Flesh2
Light Cone Enhancement, Character Ascension Materials, Skill Upgrade Materials, Traces Leveling Material
Silk Spindle
Silk Spindle3
Fresh Seed of Dawn
Fresh Seed of Dawn4
Courage-Torn Chest
Courage-Torn Chest3
Light Cone Enhancement, Character Ascension Materials, Skill Upgrade Materials, Traces Leveling Material
Glory-Aspersed Torso
Glory-Aspersed Torso4
Light Cone Enhancement, Character Ascension Materials, Skill Upgrade Materials, Traces Leveling Material
Per Page

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