Banacademic Office’s Dreamweaver BananAdvisor

Banacademic Office's Dreamweaver BananAdvisor
Banacademic Office's Dreamweaver BananAdvisorConceptsBanacademic Office's Dreamweaver BananAdvisor
FactionClass Dreamjolt Troupe
Dream Collection Component
Old Molar
Dream Flow Valve
Dream Making Engine
DescriptionOriginally a Winder Goon loaded with the Dreamweaver Academy syllabus. The educational materials became banaducational materials due to the influence of the memetic virus. Its banatiful figure in the construction site looks like an iron wall, occasionally letting out monkghty sounds of bells to banawaken slumbering banastudents and banacolleagues.

Table of Contents




Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a0%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

Break Time! Chaaarge!Break Time! Chaaarge! - Ability | Support
Energy Regeneration :
Advances all targets' actions. This ability can only be used while under the "Off-Class Channel" state.
Class Time! Sit Down!Class Time! Sit Down! - Ability | Impair
Energy Regeneration :
Advances all friendly units' actions. This ability can only be used while under the "Classroom Channel" state.
Change BanasyllabusChange Banasyllabus - Ability | Others
Energy Regeneration :
Switches the "Off-Class Channel" state to the "Classroom Channel" state.
Disrupt BanasyllabusDisrupt Banasyllabus - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
After being attacked, switches the "Classroom Channel" state to the "Off-Class Channel" state. When in "Off-Class Channel" state, will not switch channels after being attacked.



Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a0%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

Break Time! Chaaarge!Break Time! Chaaarge! - Ability | Support
Energy Regeneration :
Advances all targets' actions. This ability can only be used while under the "Off-Class Channel" state.
Class Time! Sit Down!Class Time! Sit Down! - Ability | Impair
Energy Regeneration :
Advances all friendly units' actions. This ability can only be used while under the "Classroom Channel" state.
Change BanasyllabusChange Banasyllabus - Ability | Others
Energy Regeneration :
Switches the "Off-Class Channel" state to the "Classroom Channel" state.
Disrupt BanasyllabusDisrupt Banasyllabus - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
After being attacked, switches the "Classroom Channel" state to the "Off-Class Channel" state. When in "Off-Class Channel" state, will not switch channels after being attacked.



Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a0%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

Flee With the BellFlee With the Bell - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When changing states from "Classroom Channel" to "Off-Class Channel," advances all targets' actions.
Class Time! Sit Down!Class Time! Sit Down! - Ability | Impair
Energy Regeneration :
Advances all enemy unit's actions. This ability can only be used while under the "Classroom Channel" state.
Change BanasyllabusChange Banasyllabus - Ability | Others
Energy Regeneration :
Switches the "Off-Class Channel" state to the "Classroom Channel" state.
Banacademic IncidentBanacademic Incident - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
After being attacked for a number of times, switches the "Classroom Channel" state to the "Off-Class Channel" state and enters the Weakness Broken state.
Question SegmentQuestion Segment - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Physical DMG to one designated target.



Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a0%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

Flee With the BellFlee With the Bell - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When changing states from "Classroom Channel" to "Off-Class Channel," advances all targets' actions.
Class Time! Sit Down!Class Time! Sit Down! - Ability | Impair
Energy Regeneration :
Advances all enemy unit's actions. This ability can only be used while under the "Classroom Channel" state.
Change BanasyllabusChange Banasyllabus - Ability | Others
Energy Regeneration :
Switches the "Off-Class Channel" state to the "Classroom Channel" state.
Banacademic IncidentBanacademic Incident - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
After being attacked for a number of times, switches the "Classroom Channel" state to the "Off-Class Channel" state and enters the Weakness Broken state.
Question SegmentQuestion Segment - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Physical DMG to one designated target.



Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a0%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

Flee With the BellFlee With the Bell - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When changing states from "Classroom Channel" to "Off-Class Channel," advances all targets' actions.
Class Time! Sit Down!Class Time! Sit Down! - Ability | Impair
Energy Regeneration :
Advances all enemy unit's actions. This ability can only be used while under the "Classroom Channel" state.
Change BanasyllabusChange Banasyllabus - Ability | Others
Energy Regeneration :
Switches the "Off-Class Channel" state to the "Classroom Channel" state.
Banacademic IncidentBanacademic Incident - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
After being attacked for a number of times, switches the "Classroom Channel" state to the "Off-Class Channel" state and enters the Weakness Broken state.
Question SegmentQuestion Segment - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Physical DMG to one designated target.



Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a0%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

Flee With the BellFlee With the Bell - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When changing states from "Classroom Channel" to "Off-Class Channel," advances all targets' actions.
Class Time! Sit Down!Class Time! Sit Down! - Ability | Impair
Energy Regeneration :
Advances all enemy unit's actions. This ability can only be used while under the "Classroom Channel" state.
Change BanasyllabusChange Banasyllabus - Ability | Others
Energy Regeneration :
Switches the "Off-Class Channel" state to the "Classroom Channel" state.
Banacademic IncidentBanacademic Incident - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
After being attacked for a number of times, switches the "Classroom Channel" state to the "Off-Class Channel" state and enters the Weakness Broken state.
Question SegmentQuestion Segment - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Physical DMG to one designated target.



Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a0%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

Flee With the BellFlee With the Bell - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When changing states from "Classroom Channel" to "Off-Class Channel," advances all targets' actions.
Class Time! Sit Down!Class Time! Sit Down! - Ability | Impair
Energy Regeneration :
Advances all enemy unit's actions. This ability can only be used while under the "Classroom Channel" state.
Change BanasyllabusChange Banasyllabus - Ability | Others
Energy Regeneration :
Switches the "Off-Class Channel" state to the "Classroom Channel" state.
Banacademic IncidentBanacademic Incident - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
After being attacked for a number of times, switches the "Classroom Channel" state to the "Off-Class Channel" state and enters the Weakness Broken state.
Question SegmentQuestion Segment - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Physical DMG to one designated target.


Banacademic Office's Dreamweaver BananAdvisor (Complete)

Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a0%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

Flee With the BellFlee With the Bell - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
Action advances all targets and reduces Wonder Forest's Banacademic Office Staff (Complete)'s Toughness. This ability can only be used while in the "Off-Class Channel" state.
Class Time! Sit Down!Class Time! Sit Down! - Ability | Impair
Energy Regeneration :
Advances all enemy units' actions. This ability can only be used while under the "Classroom Channel" state.
Change BanasyllabusChange Banasyllabus - Ability | Others
Energy Regeneration :
Switches the "Off-Class Channel" state to the "Classroom Channel" state.
Banacademic IncidentBanacademic Incident - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
After being attacked for a number of times, switches the "Classroom Channel" state to the "Off-Class Channel" state.
Question SegmentQuestion Segment - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Physical DMG to one designated target.


Character Ascension Materials, Skill Upgrade Materials, Traces Leveling Material
Dream Collection Component
Dream Collection Component2
Light Cone Enhancement, Character Ascension Materials, Skill Upgrade Materials, Traces Leveling Material
Old Molar
Old Molar2
Dream Flow Valve
Dream Flow Valve3
Light Cone Enhancement, Character Ascension Materials, Skill Upgrade Materials, Traces Leveling Material
Dream Making Engine
Dream Making Engine4
Light Cone Enhancement, Character Ascension Materials, Skill Upgrade Materials, Traces Leveling Material
Per Page

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