Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife

Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife
Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of StrifeConceptsSavage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife
FactionClass Titankin
DescriptionThe Titan of Strife continues the mad war in their frenzy, becoming the unconquerable fear of the masses of Amphoreus.
They once were famed through glory, earning respect from gods and from the people of the land. And yet, the city that revered them was sundered, and the poems that praised their name were destroyed. Only their evil reputation lingers in this lightless era and end times, tainting the Throne of Worlds' brilliance.




Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a50%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

Lightning Spear of the FirmamentLightning Spear of the Firmament - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals minor Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Hewing of the River of SoulsHewing of the River of Souls - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Unceasing Flames of WarUnceasing Flames of War - Ability | AoE ATK
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets.
Sky-Piercing LanceSky-Piercing Lance - Ability | Bounce
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals successive minor Imaginary DMG to random single targets.
Calamity EternalCalamity Eternal - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets and apply "Glory". At the same time, this unit obtains "Titanic Corpus." When "Titanic Corpus" stacks are reduced to 0, this unit's action is delayed, takes massive Imaginary DMG, and regenerates Energy for all targets. Possessing "Titanic Corpus" will greatly increase the DMG dealt by the next attack, with a high chance of inflicting Imprisonment on all attacked targets.
Polis ProtectorPolis Protector - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
Possesses a number of "War Armor" stacks, which decreases DMG taken. Loses 1 stack of "War Armor" on this unit after being attacked. When at 0 stacks, "War Armor" will be destroyed, dealing massive Imaginary DMG to this unit and delaying their action. The target that destroyed "War Armor" will regenerate Energy. After "War Armor" is destroyed, this unit will also additionally take minor Imaginary DMG when attacked. "War Armor" will be restored to maximum stacks at the end of this unit's turn.
Valorous Death Before Glorious ReturnValorous Death Before Glorious Return - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When using "Calamity Eternal," apply "Glory" to all targets. Every stack of "Glory" increases DMG dealt and Energy Regeneration Rate. When the affected target uses Skill or Ultimate, "Glory" can be stacked. After the next action by "Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife," dispel "Glory" from all targets.

Phase #2

Worldsplitting SpineWorldsplitting Spine - Ability | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals minor Imaginary DMG to one designated target and adjacent targets.
Survivors Unto Dead WatersSurvivors Unto Dead Waters - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Pyre of High GravesPyre of High Graves - Ability | AoE ATK
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets.
Ruination of Night and LightRuination of Night and Light - Ability | Bounce
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals successive minor Imaginary DMG to random single targets.
Calamity EternalCalamity Eternal - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets and apply "Glory". At the same time, this unit obtains "Titanic Corpus." When "Titanic Corpus" stacks are reduced to 0, this unit's action is delayed, takes massive Imaginary DMG, and regenerates Energy for all targets. Possessing "Titanic Corpus" will greatly increase the DMG dealt by the next attack, with a high chance of inflicting Imprisonment on all attacked targets.
All Realms Leveled, All Legions to DustAll Realms Leveled, All Legions to Dust - Ability | Distribute
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals massive Imaginary DMG to all targets. The DMG is distributed evenly among the targets.
Polis ProtectorPolis Protector - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
Possesses a number of "War Armor" stacks, which decreases DMG taken. Loses 1 stack of "War Armor" on this unit after being attacked. When at 0 stacks, "War Armor" will be destroyed, dealing massive Imaginary DMG to this unit and delaying their action. The target that destroyed "War Armor" will regenerate Energy. After "War Armor" is destroyed, this unit will also additionally take minor Imaginary DMG when attacked. "War Armor" will be restored to maximum stacks at the end of this unit's turn.
Valorous Death Before Glorious ReturnValorous Death Before Glorious Return - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When using "Calamity Eternal," apply "Glory" to all targets. Every stack of "Glory" increases DMG dealt and Energy Regeneration Rate. When the affected target uses Skill or Ultimate, "Glory" can be stacked. After the next action by "Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife," dispel "Glory" from all targets.



Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a50%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

Lightning Spear of the FirmamentLightning Spear of the Firmament - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals minor Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Hewing of the River of SoulsHewing of the River of Souls - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Unceasing Flames of WarUnceasing Flames of War - Ability | AoE ATK
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets.
Sky-Piercing LanceSky-Piercing Lance - Ability | Bounce
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals successive minor Imaginary DMG to random single targets.
Calamity EternalCalamity Eternal - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets and apply "Glory". At the same time, this unit obtains "Titanic Corpus." When "Titanic Corpus" stacks are reduced to 0, this unit's action is delayed, takes massive Imaginary DMG, and regenerates Energy for all targets. Possessing "Titanic Corpus" will greatly increase the DMG dealt by the next attack, with a high chance of inflicting Imprisonment on all attacked targets.
Polis ProtectorPolis Protector - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
Possesses a number of "War Armor" stacks, which decreases DMG taken. Loses 1 stack of "War Armor" on this unit after being attacked. When at 0 stacks, "War Armor" will be destroyed, dealing massive Imaginary DMG to this unit and delaying their action. The target that destroyed "War Armor" will regenerate Energy. After "War Armor" is destroyed, this unit will also additionally take minor Imaginary DMG when attacked. "War Armor" will be restored to maximum stacks at the end of this unit's turn.
Valorous Death Before Glorious ReturnValorous Death Before Glorious Return - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When using "Calamity Eternal," apply "Glory" to all targets. Every stack of "Glory" increases DMG dealt and Energy Regeneration Rate. When the affected target uses Skill or Ultimate, "Glory" can be stacked. After the next action by "Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife," dispel "Glory" from all targets.

Phase #2

Worldsplitting SpineWorldsplitting Spine - Ability | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals minor Imaginary DMG to one designated target and adjacent targets.
Survivors Unto Dead WatersSurvivors Unto Dead Waters - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Pyre of High GravesPyre of High Graves - Ability | AoE ATK
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets.
Ruination of Night and LightRuination of Night and Light - Ability | Bounce
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals successive minor Imaginary DMG to random single targets.
Calamity EternalCalamity Eternal - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets and apply "Glory". At the same time, this unit obtains "Titanic Corpus." When "Titanic Corpus" stacks are reduced to 0, this unit's action is delayed, takes massive Imaginary DMG, and regenerates Energy for all targets. Possessing "Titanic Corpus" will greatly increase the DMG dealt by the next attack, with a high chance of inflicting Imprisonment on all attacked targets.
All Realms Leveled, All Legions to DustAll Realms Leveled, All Legions to Dust - Ability | Distribute
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals massive Imaginary DMG to all targets. The DMG is distributed evenly among the targets.
Polis ProtectorPolis Protector - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
Possesses a number of "War Armor" stacks, which decreases DMG taken. Loses 1 stack of "War Armor" on this unit after being attacked. When at 0 stacks, "War Armor" will be destroyed, dealing massive Imaginary DMG to this unit and delaying their action. The target that destroyed "War Armor" will regenerate Energy. After "War Armor" is destroyed, this unit will also additionally take minor Imaginary DMG when attacked. "War Armor" will be restored to maximum stacks at the end of this unit's turn.
Valorous Death Before Glorious ReturnValorous Death Before Glorious Return - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When using "Calamity Eternal," apply "Glory" to all targets. Every stack of "Glory" increases DMG dealt and Energy Regeneration Rate. When the affected target uses Skill or Ultimate, "Glory" can be stacked. After the next action by "Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife," dispel "Glory" from all targets.



Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a50%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

Lightning Spear of the FirmamentLightning Spear of the Firmament - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals minor Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Hewing of the River of SoulsHewing of the River of Souls - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Unceasing Flames of WarUnceasing Flames of War - Ability | AoE ATK
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets.
Sky-Piercing LanceSky-Piercing Lance - Ability | Bounce
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals successive minor Imaginary DMG to random single targets.
Calamity EternalCalamity Eternal - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets and apply "Glory". At the same time, this unit obtains "Titanic Corpus." When "Titanic Corpus" stacks are reduced to 0, this unit's action is delayed, takes massive Imaginary DMG, and regenerates Energy for all targets. Possessing "Titanic Corpus" will greatly increase the DMG dealt by the next attack, with a high chance of inflicting Imprisonment on all attacked targets.
Polis ProtectorPolis Protector - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
Possesses a number of "War Armor" stacks, which decreases DMG taken. Loses 1 stack of "War Armor" on this unit after being attacked. When at 0 stacks, "War Armor" will be destroyed, dealing massive Imaginary DMG to this unit and delaying their action. The target that destroyed "War Armor" will regenerate Energy. After "War Armor" is destroyed, this unit will also additionally take minor Imaginary DMG when attacked. "War Armor" will be restored to maximum stacks at the end of this unit's turn.
Valorous Death Before Glorious ReturnValorous Death Before Glorious Return - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When using "Calamity Eternal," apply "Glory" to all targets. Every stack of "Glory" increases DMG dealt and Energy Regeneration Rate. When the affected target uses Skill or Ultimate, "Glory" can be stacked. After the next action by "Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife," dispel "Glory" from all targets.

Phase #2

Worldsplitting SpineWorldsplitting Spine - Ability | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals minor Imaginary DMG to one designated target and adjacent targets.
Survivors Unto Dead WatersSurvivors Unto Dead Waters - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Pyre of High GravesPyre of High Graves - Ability | AoE ATK
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets.
Ruination of Night and LightRuination of Night and Light - Ability | Bounce
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals successive minor Imaginary DMG to random single targets.
Calamity EternalCalamity Eternal - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets and apply "Glory". At the same time, this unit obtains "Titanic Corpus." When "Titanic Corpus" stacks are reduced to 0, this unit's action is delayed, takes massive Imaginary DMG, and regenerates Energy for all targets. Possessing "Titanic Corpus" will greatly increase the DMG dealt by the next attack, with a high chance of inflicting Imprisonment on all attacked targets.
All Realms Leveled, All Legions to DustAll Realms Leveled, All Legions to Dust - Ability | Distribute
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals massive Imaginary DMG to all targets. The DMG is distributed evenly among the targets.
Polis ProtectorPolis Protector - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
Possesses a number of "War Armor" stacks, which decreases DMG taken. Loses 1 stack of "War Armor" on this unit after being attacked. When at 0 stacks, "War Armor" will be destroyed, dealing massive Imaginary DMG to this unit and delaying their action. The target that destroyed "War Armor" will regenerate Energy. After "War Armor" is destroyed, this unit will also additionally take minor Imaginary DMG when attacked. "War Armor" will be restored to maximum stacks at the end of this unit's turn.
Valorous Death Before Glorious ReturnValorous Death Before Glorious Return - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When using "Calamity Eternal," apply "Glory" to all targets. Every stack of "Glory" increases DMG dealt and Energy Regeneration Rate. When the affected target uses Skill or Ultimate, "Glory" can be stacked. After the next action by "Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife," dispel "Glory" from all targets.



Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a50%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

Lightning Spear of the FirmamentLightning Spear of the Firmament - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals minor Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Hewing of the River of SoulsHewing of the River of Souls - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Unceasing Flames of WarUnceasing Flames of War - Ability | AoE ATK
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets.
Sky-Piercing LanceSky-Piercing Lance - Ability | Bounce
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals successive minor Imaginary DMG to random single targets.
Calamity EternalCalamity Eternal - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets and apply "Glory". At the same time, this unit obtains "Titanic Corpus." When "Titanic Corpus" stacks are reduced to 0, this unit's action is delayed, takes massive Imaginary DMG, and regenerates Energy for all targets. Possessing "Titanic Corpus" will greatly increase the DMG dealt by the next attack, with a high chance of inflicting Imprisonment on all attacked targets.
Polis ProtectorPolis Protector - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
Possesses a number of "War Armor" stacks, which decreases DMG taken. Loses 1 stack of "War Armor" on this unit after being attacked. When at 0 stacks, "War Armor" will be destroyed, dealing massive Imaginary DMG to this unit and delaying their action. The target that destroyed "War Armor" will regenerate Energy. After "War Armor" is destroyed, this unit will also additionally take minor Imaginary DMG when attacked. "War Armor" will be restored to maximum stacks at the end of this unit's turn.
Valorous Death Before Glorious ReturnValorous Death Before Glorious Return - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When using "Calamity Eternal," apply "Glory" to all targets. Every stack of "Glory" increases DMG dealt and Energy Regeneration Rate. When the affected target uses Skill or Ultimate, "Glory" can be stacked. After the next action by "Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife," dispel "Glory" from all targets.

Phase #2

Worldsplitting SpineWorldsplitting Spine - Ability | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals minor Imaginary DMG to one designated target and adjacent targets.
Survivors Unto Dead WatersSurvivors Unto Dead Waters - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Pyre of High GravesPyre of High Graves - Ability | AoE ATK
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets.
Ruination of Night and LightRuination of Night and Light - Ability | Bounce
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals successive minor Imaginary DMG to random single targets.
Calamity EternalCalamity Eternal - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets and apply "Glory". At the same time, this unit obtains "Titanic Corpus." When "Titanic Corpus" stacks are reduced to 0, this unit's action is delayed, takes massive Imaginary DMG, and regenerates Energy for all targets. Possessing "Titanic Corpus" will greatly increase the DMG dealt by the next attack, with a high chance of inflicting Imprisonment on all attacked targets.
All Realms Leveled, All Legions to DustAll Realms Leveled, All Legions to Dust - Ability | Distribute
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals massive Imaginary DMG to all targets. The DMG is distributed evenly among the targets.
Polis ProtectorPolis Protector - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
Possesses a number of "War Armor" stacks, which decreases DMG taken. Loses 1 stack of "War Armor" on this unit after being attacked. When at 0 stacks, "War Armor" will be destroyed, dealing massive Imaginary DMG to this unit and delaying their action. The target that destroyed "War Armor" will regenerate Energy. After "War Armor" is destroyed, this unit will also additionally take minor Imaginary DMG when attacked. "War Armor" will be restored to maximum stacks at the end of this unit's turn.
Valorous Death Before Glorious ReturnValorous Death Before Glorious Return - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When using "Calamity Eternal," apply "Glory" to all targets. Every stack of "Glory" increases DMG dealt and Energy Regeneration Rate. When the affected target uses Skill or Ultimate, "Glory" can be stacked. After the next action by "Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife," dispel "Glory" from all targets.



Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a50%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

Lightning Spear of the FirmamentLightning Spear of the Firmament - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals minor Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Hewing of the River of SoulsHewing of the River of Souls - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Unceasing Flames of WarUnceasing Flames of War - Ability | AoE ATK
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets.
Sky-Piercing LanceSky-Piercing Lance - Ability | Bounce
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals successive minor Imaginary DMG to random single targets.
Calamity EternalCalamity Eternal - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets and apply "Glory". At the same time, this unit obtains "Titanic Corpus." When "Titanic Corpus" stacks are reduced to 0, this unit's action is delayed, takes massive Imaginary DMG, and regenerates Energy for all targets. Possessing "Titanic Corpus" will greatly increase the DMG dealt by the next attack, with a high chance of inflicting Imprisonment on all attacked targets.
Polis ProtectorPolis Protector - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
Possesses a number of "War Armor" stacks, which decreases DMG taken. Loses 1 stack of "War Armor" on this unit after being attacked. When at 0 stacks, "War Armor" will be destroyed, dealing massive Imaginary DMG to this unit and delaying their action. The target that destroyed "War Armor" will regenerate Energy. After "War Armor" is destroyed, this unit will also additionally take minor Imaginary DMG when attacked. "War Armor" will be restored to maximum stacks at the end of this unit's turn.
Valorous Death Before Glorious ReturnValorous Death Before Glorious Return - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When using "Calamity Eternal," apply "Glory" to all targets. Every stack of "Glory" increases DMG dealt and Energy Regeneration Rate. When the affected target uses Skill or Ultimate, "Glory" can be stacked. After the next action by "Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife," dispel "Glory" from all targets.



Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a50%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

Worldsplitting SpineWorldsplitting Spine - Ability | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals minor Imaginary DMG to one designated target and adjacent targets.
Survivors Unto Dead WatersSurvivors Unto Dead Waters - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Pyre of High GravesPyre of High Graves - Ability | AoE ATK
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets.
Ruination of Night and LightRuination of Night and Light - Ability | Bounce
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals successive minor Imaginary DMG to random single targets.
Calamity EternalCalamity Eternal - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets and apply "Glory". At the same time, this unit obtains "Titanic Corpus." When "Titanic Corpus" stacks are reduced to 0, this unit's action is delayed, takes massive Imaginary DMG, and regenerates Energy for all targets. Possessing "Titanic Corpus" will greatly increase the DMG dealt by the next attack, with a high chance of inflicting Imprisonment on all attacked targets.
All Realms Leveled, All Legions to DustAll Realms Leveled, All Legions to Dust - Ability | Distribute
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals massive Imaginary DMG to all targets. The DMG is distributed evenly among the targets.
Polis ProtectorPolis Protector - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
Possesses a number of "War Armor" stacks, which decreases DMG taken. Loses 1 stack of "War Armor" on this unit after being attacked. When at 0 stacks, "War Armor" will be destroyed, dealing massive Imaginary DMG to this unit and delaying their action. The target that destroyed "War Armor" will regenerate Energy. After "War Armor" is destroyed, this unit will also additionally take minor Imaginary DMG when attacked. "War Armor" will be restored to maximum stacks at the end of this unit's turn.
Valorous Death Before Glorious ReturnValorous Death Before Glorious Return - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When using "Calamity Eternal," apply "Glory" to all targets. Every stack of "Glory" increases DMG dealt and Energy Regeneration Rate. When the affected target uses Skill or Ultimate, "Glory" can be stacked. After the next action by "Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife," dispel "Glory" from all targets.

Phase #2

Worldsplitting SpineWorldsplitting Spine - Ability | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals minor Imaginary DMG to one designated target and adjacent targets.
Survivors Unto Dead WatersSurvivors Unto Dead Waters - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Pyre of High GravesPyre of High Graves - Ability | AoE ATK
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets.
Ruination of Night and LightRuination of Night and Light - Ability | Bounce
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals successive minor Imaginary DMG to random single targets.
Calamity EternalCalamity Eternal - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets and apply "Glory". At the same time, this unit obtains "Titanic Corpus." When "Titanic Corpus" stacks are reduced to 0, this unit's action is delayed, takes massive Imaginary DMG, and regenerates Energy for all targets. Possessing "Titanic Corpus" will greatly increase the DMG dealt by the next attack, with a high chance of inflicting Imprisonment on all attacked targets.
All Realms Leveled, All Legions to DustAll Realms Leveled, All Legions to Dust - Ability | Distribute
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals massive Imaginary DMG to all targets. The DMG is distributed evenly among the targets.
Polis ProtectorPolis Protector - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
Possesses a number of "War Armor" stacks, which decreases DMG taken. Loses 1 stack of "War Armor" on this unit after being attacked. When at 0 stacks, "War Armor" will be destroyed, dealing massive Imaginary DMG to this unit and delaying their action. The target that destroyed "War Armor" will regenerate Energy. After "War Armor" is destroyed, this unit will also additionally take minor Imaginary DMG when attacked. "War Armor" will be restored to maximum stacks at the end of this unit's turn.
Valorous Death Before Glorious ReturnValorous Death Before Glorious Return - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When using "Calamity Eternal," apply "Glory" to all targets. Every stack of "Glory" increases DMG dealt and Energy Regeneration Rate. When the affected target uses Skill or Ultimate, "Glory" can be stacked. After the next action by "Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife," dispel "Glory" from all targets.



Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a50%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

Worldsplitting SpineWorldsplitting Spine - Ability | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals minor Imaginary DMG to one designated target and adjacent targets.
Survivors Unto Dead WatersSurvivors Unto Dead Waters - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Pyre of High GravesPyre of High Graves - Ability | AoE ATK
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets.
Ruination of Night and LightRuination of Night and Light - Ability | Bounce
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals successive minor Imaginary DMG to random single targets.
Calamity EternalCalamity Eternal - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets and apply "Glory". At the same time, this unit obtains "Titanic Corpus." When "Titanic Corpus" stacks are reduced to 0, this unit's action is delayed, takes massive Imaginary DMG, and regenerates Energy for all targets. Possessing "Titanic Corpus" will greatly increase the DMG dealt by the next attack, with a high chance of inflicting Imprisonment on all attacked targets.
All Realms Leveled, All Legions to DustAll Realms Leveled, All Legions to Dust - Ability | Distribute
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals massive Imaginary DMG to all targets. The DMG is distributed evenly among the targets.
Polis ProtectorPolis Protector - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
Possesses a number of "War Armor" stacks, which decreases DMG taken. Loses 1 stack of "War Armor" on this unit after being attacked. When at 0 stacks, "War Armor" will be destroyed, dealing massive Imaginary DMG to this unit and delaying their action. The target that destroyed "War Armor" will regenerate Energy. After "War Armor" is destroyed, this unit will also additionally take minor Imaginary DMG when attacked. "War Armor" will be restored to maximum stacks at the end of this unit's turn.
Valorous Death Before Glorious ReturnValorous Death Before Glorious Return - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When using "Calamity Eternal," apply "Glory" to all targets. Every stack of "Glory" increases DMG dealt and Energy Regeneration Rate. When the affected target uses Skill or Ultimate, "Glory" can be stacked. After the next action by "Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife," dispel "Glory" from all targets.

Phase #2

Worldsplitting SpineWorldsplitting Spine - Ability | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals minor Imaginary DMG to one designated target and adjacent targets.
Survivors Unto Dead WatersSurvivors Unto Dead Waters - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Pyre of High GravesPyre of High Graves - Ability | AoE ATK
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets.
Ruination of Night and LightRuination of Night and Light - Ability | Bounce
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals successive minor Imaginary DMG to random single targets.
Calamity EternalCalamity Eternal - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets and apply "Glory". At the same time, this unit obtains "Titanic Corpus." When "Titanic Corpus" stacks are reduced to 0, this unit's action is delayed, takes massive Imaginary DMG, and regenerates Energy for all targets. Possessing "Titanic Corpus" will greatly increase the DMG dealt by the next attack, with a high chance of inflicting Imprisonment on all attacked targets.
All Realms Leveled, All Legions to DustAll Realms Leveled, All Legions to Dust - Ability | Distribute
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals massive Imaginary DMG to all targets. The DMG is distributed evenly among the targets.
Polis ProtectorPolis Protector - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
Possesses a number of "War Armor" stacks, which decreases DMG taken. Loses 1 stack of "War Armor" on this unit after being attacked. When at 0 stacks, "War Armor" will be destroyed, dealing massive Imaginary DMG to this unit and delaying their action. The target that destroyed "War Armor" will regenerate Energy. After "War Armor" is destroyed, this unit will also additionally take minor Imaginary DMG when attacked. "War Armor" will be restored to maximum stacks at the end of this unit's turn.
Valorous Death Before Glorious ReturnValorous Death Before Glorious Return - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When using "Calamity Eternal," apply "Glory" to all targets. Every stack of "Glory" increases DMG dealt and Energy Regeneration Rate. When the affected target uses Skill or Ultimate, "Glory" can be stacked. After the next action by "Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife," dispel "Glory" from all targets.



Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a50%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

Worldsplitting SpineWorldsplitting Spine - Ability | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals minor Imaginary DMG to one designated target and adjacent targets.
Survivors Unto Dead WatersSurvivors Unto Dead Waters - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Pyre of High GravesPyre of High Graves - Ability | AoE ATK
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets.
Ruination of Night and LightRuination of Night and Light - Ability | Bounce
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals successive minor Imaginary DMG to random single targets.
Calamity EternalCalamity Eternal - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets and apply "Glory." At the same time, this unit obtains "Titanic Corpus." When "Titanic Corpus" stacks reduce to 0, this unit's action is delayed, takes massive Imaginary DMG, and regenerates Energy for all targets. Possessing "Titanic Corpus" will greatly increase the DMG dealt by the next attack, with a high chance of inflicting Imprisonment on all attacked targets.
All Realms Leveled, All Legions to DustAll Realms Leveled, All Legions to Dust - Ability | Distribute
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals massive Imaginary DMG to all targets. The DMG is distributed evenly among the targets.
Polis ProtectorPolis Protector - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
Possesses a number of "War Armor" stacks, which decreases DMG taken. Loses 1 stack of "War Armor" on this unit after being attacked. When at 0 stacks, "War Armor" will be destroyed, dealing massive Imaginary DMG to this unit and delaying their action. The target that destroyed "War Armor" will regenerate Energy. After "War Armor" is destroyed, this unit will also additionally take minor Imaginary DMG when attacked. "War Armor" will be restored to maximum stacks at the end of this unit's turn.
Valorous Death Before Glorious ReturnValorous Death Before Glorious Return - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When using "Calamity Eternal," apply "Glory" to all targets. Every stack of "Glory" increases DMG dealt and Energy Regeneration Rate. When the affected target uses Skill or Ultimate, "Glory" can be stacked. After the next action by "Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife," dispel "Glory" from all targets.



Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a50%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

Worldsplitting SpineWorldsplitting Spine - Ability | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals minor Imaginary DMG to one designated target and adjacent targets.
Survivors Unto Dead WatersSurvivors Unto Dead Waters - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Pyre of High GravesPyre of High Graves - Ability | AoE ATK
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets.
Ruination of Night and LightRuination of Night and Light - Ability | Bounce
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals successive minor Imaginary DMG to random single targets.
Calamity EternalCalamity Eternal - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets and apply "Glory." At the same time, this unit obtains "Titanic Corpus." When "Titanic Corpus" stacks reduce to 0, this unit's action is delayed, takes massive Imaginary DMG, and regenerates Energy for all targets. Possessing "Titanic Corpus" will greatly increase the DMG dealt by the next attack, with a high chance of inflicting Imprisonment on all attacked targets.
All Realms Leveled, All Legions to DustAll Realms Leveled, All Legions to Dust - Ability | Distribute
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals massive Imaginary DMG to all targets. The DMG is distributed evenly among the targets.
Polis ProtectorPolis Protector - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
Possesses a number of "War Armor" stacks, which decreases DMG taken. Loses 1 stack of "War Armor" on this unit after being attacked. When at 0 stacks, "War Armor" will be destroyed, dealing massive Imaginary DMG to this unit and delaying their action. The target that destroyed "War Armor" will regenerate Energy. After "War Armor" is destroyed, this unit will also additionally take minor Imaginary DMG when attacked. "War Armor" will be restored to maximum stacks at the end of this unit's turn.
Valorous Death Before Glorious ReturnValorous Death Before Glorious Return - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When using "Calamity Eternal," apply "Glory" to all targets. Every stack of "Glory" increases DMG dealt and Energy Regeneration Rate. When the affected target uses Skill or Ultimate, "Glory" can be stacked. After the next action by "Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife," dispel "Glory" from all targets.



Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a50%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

Worldsplitting SpineWorldsplitting Spine - Ability | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals minor Imaginary DMG to one designated target and adjacent targets.
Survivors Unto Dead WatersSurvivors Unto Dead Waters - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Pyre of High GravesPyre of High Graves - Ability | AoE ATK
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets.
Ruination of Night and LightRuination of Night and Light - Ability | Bounce
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals successive minor Imaginary DMG to random single targets.
Calamity EternalCalamity Eternal - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets and apply "Glory." At the same time, this unit obtains "Titanic Corpus." When "Titanic Corpus" stacks reduce to 0, this unit's action is delayed, takes massive Imaginary DMG, and regenerates Energy for all targets. Possessing "Titanic Corpus" will greatly increase the DMG dealt by the next attack, with a high chance of inflicting Imprisonment on all attacked targets.
All Realms Leveled, All Legions to DustAll Realms Leveled, All Legions to Dust - Ability | Distribute
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals massive Imaginary DMG to all targets. The DMG is distributed evenly among the targets.
Polis ProtectorPolis Protector - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
Possesses a number of "War Armor" stacks, which decreases DMG taken. Loses 1 stack of "War Armor" on this unit after being attacked. When at 0 stacks, "War Armor" will be destroyed, dealing massive Imaginary DMG to this unit and delaying their action. The target that destroyed "War Armor" will regenerate Energy. After "War Armor" is destroyed, this unit will also additionally take minor Imaginary DMG when attacked. "War Armor" will be restored to maximum stacks at the end of this unit's turn.
Valorous Death Before Glorious ReturnValorous Death Before Glorious Return - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When using "Calamity Eternal," apply "Glory" to all targets. Every stack of "Glory" increases DMG dealt and Energy Regeneration Rate. When the affected target uses Skill or Ultimate, "Glory" can be stacked. After the next action by "Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife," dispel "Glory" from all targets.



Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a75%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

Lightning Spear of the FirmamentLightning Spear of the Firmament - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals minor Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Hewing of the River of SoulsHewing of the River of Souls - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Unceasing Flames of WarUnceasing Flames of War - Ability | AoE ATK
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets.
Sky-Piercing LanceSky-Piercing Lance - Ability | Bounce
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals successive minor Imaginary DMG to random single targets.
Calamity EternalCalamity Eternal - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets and apply "Glory." At the same time, this unit obtains "Titanic Corpus." When "Titanic Corpus" stacks reduce to 0, this unit's action is delayed, takes massive Imaginary DMG, and regenerates Energy for all targets. Possessing "Titanic Corpus" will greatly increase the DMG dealt by the next attack, with a high chance of inflicting Imprisonment on all attacked targets.
Polis ProtectorPolis Protector - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
Possesses a number of "War Armor" stacks, which decreases DMG taken. Loses 1 stack of "War Armor" on this unit after being attacked. When at 0 stacks, "War Armor" will be destroyed, dealing massive Imaginary DMG to this unit and delaying their action. The target that destroyed "War Armor" will regenerate Energy. After "War Armor" is destroyed, this unit will also additionally take minor Imaginary DMG when attacked. "War Armor" will be restored to maximum stacks at the end of this unit's turn.
Valorous Death Before Glorious ReturnValorous Death Before Glorious Return - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When using "Calamity Eternal," grants "Glory" to all allies. Each "Glory" stack increases targets' DMG and Energy Regeneration Rate. Using Skills or Ultimates increases "Glory" stacks. After the "Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife" takes the next action, dispels "Glory" states on all allies. When max "Glory" stacks are active, gain immunity to Crowd Control debuffs.
Borrowed MercyBorrowed Mercy - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
Each time a target is inflicted with Imprisonment, slightly increase this unit's DMG dealt.

Phase #2

Worldsplitting SpineWorldsplitting Spine - Ability | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals minor Imaginary DMG to one designated target and adjacent targets.
Survivors Unto Dead WatersSurvivors Unto Dead Waters - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Pyre of High GravesPyre of High Graves - Ability | AoE ATK
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets.
Ruination of Night and LightRuination of Night and Light - Ability | Bounce
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals successive minor Imaginary DMG to random single targets.
Calamity EternalCalamity Eternal - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets and apply "Glory." At the same time, this unit obtains "Titanic Corpus." When "Titanic Corpus" stacks reduce to 0, this unit's action is delayed, takes massive Imaginary DMG, and regenerates Energy for all targets. Possessing "Titanic Corpus" will greatly increase the DMG dealt by the next attack, with a high chance of inflicting Imprisonment on all attacked targets.
All Realms Leveled, All Legions to DustAll Realms Leveled, All Legions to Dust - Ability | Distribute
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals massive Imaginary DMG to all targets. The DMG is distributed evenly among the targets.
Polis ProtectorPolis Protector - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
Possesses a number of "War Armor" stacks, which decreases DMG taken. Loses 1 stack of "War Armor" on this unit after being attacked. When at 0 stacks, "War Armor" will be destroyed, dealing massive Imaginary DMG to this unit and delaying their action. The target that destroyed "War Armor" will regenerate Energy. After "War Armor" is destroyed, this unit will also additionally take minor Imaginary DMG when attacked. "War Armor" will be restored to maximum stacks at the end of this unit's turn.
Valorous Death Before Glorious ReturnValorous Death Before Glorious Return - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When using "Calamity Eternal," grants "Glory" to all allies. Each "Glory" stack increases targets' DMG and Energy Regeneration Rate. Using Skills or Ultimates increases "Glory" stacks. After the "Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife" takes the next action, dispels "Glory" states on all allies. When max "Glory" stacks are active, gain immunity to Crowd Control debuffs.
Borrowed MercyBorrowed Mercy - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
Each time a target is inflicted with Imprisonment, slightly increase this unit's DMG dealt.

Phase #3

Worldsplitting SpineWorldsplitting Spine - Ability | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals minor Imaginary DMG to one designated target and adjacent targets.
Survivors Unto Dead WatersSurvivors Unto Dead Waters - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals Imaginary DMG to one designated target.
Pyre of High GravesPyre of High Graves - Ability | AoE ATK
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets.
Ruination of Night and LightRuination of Night and Light - Ability | Bounce
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals successive minor Imaginary DMG to random single targets.
Calamity EternalCalamity Eternal - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 5
Deals Imaginary DMG to all targets and apply "Glory." At the same time, this unit obtains "Titanic Corpus." When "Titanic Corpus" stacks reduce to 0, this unit's action is delayed, takes massive Imaginary DMG, and regenerates Energy for all targets. Possessing "Titanic Corpus" will greatly increase the DMG dealt by the next attack, with a high chance of inflicting Imprisonment on all attacked targets.
All Realms Leveled, All Legions to DustAll Realms Leveled, All Legions to Dust - Ability | Distribute
Energy Regeneration : 15
Deals massive Imaginary DMG to all targets. The DMG is distributed evenly among the targets.
Polis ProtectorPolis Protector - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
Possesses a number of "War Armor" stacks, which decreases DMG taken. Loses 1 stack of "War Armor" on this unit after being attacked. When at 0 stacks, "War Armor" will be destroyed, dealing massive Imaginary DMG to this unit and delaying their action. The target that destroyed "War Armor" will regenerate Energy. After "War Armor" is destroyed, this unit will also additionally take minor Imaginary DMG when attacked. "War Armor" will be restored to maximum stacks at the end of this unit's turn.
Valorous Death Before Glorious ReturnValorous Death Before Glorious Return - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When using "Calamity Eternal," grants "Glory" to all allies. Each "Glory" stack increases targets' DMG and Energy Regeneration Rate. Using Skills or Ultimates increases "Glory" stacks. After the "Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife" takes the next action, dispels "Glory" states on all allies. When max "Glory" stacks are active, gain immunity to Crowd Control debuffs.
Borrowed MercyBorrowed Mercy - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
Each time a target is inflicted with Imprisonment, slightly increase this unit's DMG dealt.

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