| Conceitos | Recordação Reforjada |
Raridade |      |
Tipo | Cone de Luz, A Inexistência Cone de Luz |
Caminho | A Inexistência |
Descrição | Cone de Luz do Caminho da Inexistência. A habilidade do Cone de Luz só tem efeito para personagens nesse Caminho. |
Perícia | Aumenta a Taxa de Acerto de Efeito do usuário em 40%. Quando o usuário causa Dano a um inimigo afligido com Cisalhamento de Vento, Queimadura, Choque ou Sangramento, cada um concede respectivamente 1 acúmulo de Profeta, podendo acumular até 4 vezes. Em uma única batalha, apenas 1 acúmulo de Profeta pode ser concedido para cada tipo de Dano Contínuo. Cada acúmulo de Profeta aumenta o ATQ do usuário em 5% e o Dano Contínuo causado ignorará 7.2% da DEF do alvo. |
Materiais de Personagem | 385K 20 4 12 20 15 14 |
História | Acenda as velas, espalhe as cartas, respire a fragrância... Essas memórias quebradas se tornam rostos na luz dançante. As aparições que emergem das chamas contam de passados recordados com carinho. O tempo é cisalhado. O momento é congelado. Ela torna esses instantes preciosos em cristalizações da eternidade.
"Muito foi perdido, e o pouco que resta... Nós nutrimos essas memórias contra a crueldade do tempo." |
13 responses to “Recordação Reforjada”
Okay yeah, it’s official. The updated LC info on the official website gives much clearer information.
I was coping and over analyzing that this LC *could* mean ALL DoTs on the targets head effected by Prophet would ignore defense… Which I’ve said is unlikely but I still wanted to believe it would that *that* cracked, haha!
But yeah on the official website:
“…Every stack of Prophet increases wearer’s ATK by 5% and the DoT *they* deal will ignore 7.2% of the target’s DEF.”
“They” being the the hard line, particularly when coupled with “wearer”. Again, the Def ignore not working for all DoTs was most likely the case but damn I wanted to believe lol.
Still a good LC obviously and I may still go for it after going for E1 (I have guaranteed E0 BS)
passive say for each type of dot gain 1 prophet stack.
meaning we need 4 dot dps contain wind/physical/lightning/fire in 1 team for maximaze the pasive?
enlight me!!!
No. Black Swan’s ultimate applies all 4 types by itself.
Looking at this LC again, I’m wondering about that last line “…and the DoT dealt will ignore 7.2% of the target’s DEF” I initially read it as the wearer’s own DoT (so for example BS’s Sacrament will ignore x% DEF) but I’m wondering if that DEF ignore would also apply to all DoTs on the target… I’m guessing not but with how it’s kind of worded I could see it meaning “All DoT damage on the target with Prophecy stacks will ignore x% DEF” which might be a little crazy considering it’s a perma debuff with a Max 28.8% DEF ignore at S1…
If it’s the former (more than likely) then it’s still a good LC although I’d be hard pressed to take it when we have other good 4* options but if it’s the latter…? I unno, that might a really strong pick up in a 3x DoT comp (maybe even 2x tbh)
It is for all DoTs on the target, looks like. However, I think in most teams, you would only every get 3 DoTs, unless you have a sustain or harmony/support DoT character. Maybe asta basic?
Man I’m hoping that’s the case…! I might pick this up for BW, I’d just be a bit concerned about her ER requirements is all…
Regarding the 3 DoTs part, she can actually get max stacks of “Prophet” just by herself (her ult makes her Sacrament be regarded as all the listed DoTs) so this LC is specifically designed for her as she’s probably the only one who can get the max ATK% buff (20%) and DEF ignore (28.8%)
But yeah Ideally she’ll wanna be in a 2x DoT comp or 3x DoT comp and if the DEF Ignore does work on all DoTs effected by Prophet, that’s gonna be real juicy.
im 99% think its her own dot since its begin with word “wearer”
It’s almost certainly just for her own dots. It specifies that the wearer gets the prophet buff, rather than an enemy getting a prophet debuff, and it specifies that the wearer individually gets the buff, rather than the team.
so does BS after Ult just full stack this, and then everyone else just has to deal with what is on the team (normally 2 in a DoT team)
Yes exactly. Black swan simply full stack this with an ult.