Chỉ Cần Chờ Đợi

Chỉ Cần Chờ Đợi
Chỉ Cần Chờ ĐợiDanh TừChỉ Cần Chờ Đợi
Độ HiếmRaritystrRaritystrRaritystrRaritystrRaritystr
Thuộc TínhNón Ánh Sáng, Hư Vô Nón Ánh Sáng
Vận MệnhClass Hư Vô
Giới ThiệuNón Ánh Sáng chỉ dành cho vận mệnh Hư Vô, kỹ năng Nón Ánh Sáng chỉ có hiệu lực với vận mệnh này.
Chiến KỹSát thương người trang bị gây ra tăng 24%. Sau mỗi lần người trang bị thi triển tấn công, tốc độ tăng 4.8%, tối đa cộng dồn 3 tầng.
Khi người trang bị đánh trúng kẻ địch, nếu kẻ địch này không ở trạng thái Xói Mòn sẽ có 100% xác suất cơ bản khiến kẻ đó rơi vào trạng thái Xói Mòn. Khi kẻ địch đã ở trạng thái này sẽ được xem là rơi vào Sốc Điện. Ở trạng thái Xói Mòn, kẻ địch mỗi khi bắt đầu hiệp sẽ chịu Sát Thương Lôi Duy Trì bằng 60% Tấn Công của người trang bị, duy trì 1 hiệp.
Nguyên Liệu Riêng
Điểm Tín Dụng385K
Bản Năng Tranh Đoạt20
Ánh Đen U Tối4
Ánh Đen Hư Không12
Dã Tâm Xuyên Tạc20
Ánh Đen Trầm Luân15
Ý Chí Giẫm Đạp14
Chính Tuyến"Hay là ngươi vẫn còn chuyện chưa nói cho ta biết?"

Cô ta nhìn thấy đối phương cứng họng, nuốt nước bọt đánh ực một cái.
Người này sợ cô ta, cho nên cô ta vốn không cần phải dùng đến năng lực.
Trên thực tế, cô ta nói gì cũng chẳng quan trọng nữa.
Bất kỳ từ nào cô ta thốt ra cũng đủ mang đến nỗi khiếp sợ kinh người...
Đối phương không còn con đường nào khác để lựa chọn ngoài việc nói ra tất cả những gì mà cô ta muốn biết.

Còn cô ta chỉ việc chờ đợi, giống như con nhện đã giăng sẵn mạng nhện rồi vậy.

Mục lục
Thuộc Tính
Chiến Kỹ
Nhân Vật

Thuộc Tính

CấpTấn CôngPhòng ThủHPNguyên Liệu Riêng
Điểm Tín Dụng5000
Bản Năng Tranh Đoạt8
Điểm Tín Dụng10000
Ánh Đen U Tối4
Bản Năng Tranh Đoạt12
Điểm Tín Dụng20000
Ánh Đen Hư Không4
Dã Tâm Xuyên Tạc8
Điểm Tín Dụng50000
Ánh Đen Hư Không8
Dã Tâm Xuyên Tạc12
Điểm Tín Dụng100K
Ánh Đen Trầm Luân5
Ý Chí Giẫm Đạp6
Điểm Tín Dụng200K
Ánh Đen Trầm Luân10
Ý Chí Giẫm Đạp8
CấpNguyên Liệu Riêng
Điểm Tín Dụng5000
Bản Năng Tranh Đoạt8
Điểm Tín Dụng20000
Ánh Đen Hư Không4
Dã Tâm Xuyên Tạc8
Điểm Tín Dụng50000
Ánh Đen Hư Không8
Dã Tâm Xuyên Tạc12
Điểm Tín Dụng100K
Ánh Đen Trầm Luân5
Ý Chí Giẫm Đạp6
Điểm Tín Dụng200K
Ánh Đen Trầm Luân10
Ý Chí Giẫm Đạp8

Chiến Kỹ

Mạng Nhện
Sát thương người trang bị gây ra tăng . Sau mỗi lần người trang bị thi triển tấn công, tốc độ tăng , tối đa cộng dồn tầng.
Khi người trang bị đánh trúng kẻ địch, nếu kẻ địch này không ở trạng thái Xói Mòn sẽ có 100% xác suất cơ bản khiến kẻ đó rơi vào trạng thái Xói Mòn. Khi kẻ địch đã ở trạng thái này sẽ được xem là rơi vào Sốc Điện. Ở trạng thái Xói Mòn, kẻ địch mỗi khi bắt đầu hiệp sẽ chịu Sát Thương Lôi Duy Trì bằng Tấn Công của người trang bị, duy trì hiệp.

Cấp 5

Nhân Vật

Danh TừĐộ HiếmVận MệnhThuộc Tính Chiến ĐấuNguyên Liệu Riêng
Trang Sức Dấu Ấn Xưa
Huy Chương Thiết Vệ
Ánh Đen Trầm Luân
Sự Kết Thúc Của Kẻ Hủy Diệt
Dấu Chân Vận Mệnh
Gậy Lôi Nhà Luyện Hình
Ý Chí Giẫm Đạp
Ánh Đen Trầm Luân
Oán Hận Vô Hạn
Dấu Chân Vận Mệnh
Sói Bạc
Sói Bạc5
Thép Đúc Hư Ảo
Động Cơ Cổ Đại
Ánh Đen Trầm Luân
Sự Kết Thúc Của Kẻ Hủy Diệt
Dấu Chân Vận Mệnh
Sừng Bão Tuyết
Lõi Rục Rịch
Ánh Đen Trầm Luân
Điều Ước Của Đấng Bảo Vệ
Dấu Chân Vận Mệnh
Mắt Bão Gió
Động Cơ Cổ Đại
Ánh Đen Trầm Luân
Điều Ước Của Đấng Bảo Vệ
Dấu Chân Vận Mệnh
Răng Cưa Sói Sắt
Động Cơ Cổ Đại
Ánh Đen Trầm Luân
Oán Hận Vô Hạn
Dấu Chân Vận Mệnh
Lưỡi Kiếm Quá Nhiệt
Trái Tim Nhân Tạo
Ánh Đen Trầm Luân
Oán Hận Vô Hạn
Dấu Chân Vận Mệnh
Trái Tim Căm Phẫn
Cành Cây Trường Thọ
Quỷ Đốt Trời
Oán Hận Vô Hạn
Dấu Chân Vận Mệnh
Lưỡi Kiếm Quá Nhiệt
Cành Cây Trường Thọ
Quỷ Đốt Trời
Oán Hận Vô Hạn
Dấu Chân Vận Mệnh
Black Swan
Black Swan5
Tro Tàn Thiên Nhân
Lõi Rục Rịch
Quỷ Đốt Trời
Tai Họa Ám Ảnh Trên Hành Tinh Sâu
Dấu Chân Vận Mệnh
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37 responses to “Chỉ Cần Chờ Đợi”

  1. So there is no difference between “This effect also applies to DoT” and it’s absence? What this phrase for?

    • In terms of scaling – no. In terms of wording – yes.
      Damage multi are divided in 2 diff subtypes: outcoming and caused. For outcoming, you multiply your stats to deal X% amount of damage, simple. For caused, you input a condition, which multiplies your damage to the target if met. But as for most of them rn – they are outcoming multi, so you can say that 16% from S1 Fermata and 24% S1 Patience are the same category. Wording in Fermata, GNaSW and same LSs is just to clarify that outcoming damage bonus type and application to DoT.
      If there will be a bonus to caused damage, the wording will something like “enemy takes X% more damage if X condition is met”.

  2. i think Welt is the real winner here right ? this gives him speed / Damage & lightining DOT damage

  3. Does anyone know if the “erode” on her lightcone will exist as a separate shock applied from her talent. So there will be 3 different shock which is from the talent, the break effect shock(if there is one) and the erode one? Thanks!

  4. So looking into it more and doing some testing the one good thing and ironically the bad thing about this LC, for her DoT comp is the Speed boost… Again, this is mainly an “issue” for her DoT comp as ideally she should be going *after* all DoTs have applied to maximize skill + Ult damage. Not to mention she misses out on free Follow-up damage at the start of the round if she goes first. While this may not be a problem entering in a battle with no multiple waves , it is a problem for those that are (like MoC…)

    Kafka currently has 100 base speed, meaning she will get 14 speed at 3 stacks (which she can obtain fairly early) and that’s permanent. Add speed boots (25) and that’s 139 speed (without subs), which is great but annoying when your Sampo and/or Luka are sitting around 136 speed and you’ve entered the 2nd wave of Floor 8 in MoC and Kafka is going first and you’ve missed out on Follow-up damage and DoT procs. For clarity, Buffs including the perma speed buff this LC gives carry over to the next wave. This means if you want to maximize damage in DoT comps you may need to be more mindful of your teammates speed and factor in the 14 extra speed this LC gives and tune your speed accordingly…

    There are a couple different ways to address this, but the main (most annoying) is through substats. Now if you are blessed with a crap ton of Spd substats on Kafka’s gear you may even just forgo the speed boots for more Atk% on boots and that may solve the problem. Another scenario, your other units could be blessed with spd substats while Kafka’s gear mostly avoids speed substats and they’ll still remain in front despite the 14 speed boost. The other way to be ahead is if you are just a few speed points shy you could always wear the Musketeer on your Sampo and Luka. Luka gets more out of that set than Sampo but it’s not terrible- just not ideal for both but despite that it may be worth it.

    Ultimately I don’t think it’s as important as Yukong speed tuning but I think it is food for thought and something I’ll be looking at when building my DoT team if I get this LC.

      • Kind of depends on what you want to build. I’m assuming since you are going at least E1 you’re planning on at least 1 other DoT unit to pair with Kafka. E2 is nice but sorta depends on your account. If you do not have “Good Night Sleep Well” then I would more or less recommend LC but at the same time you may need to watch your speed if you care for that kind of thing.

        For me, ideally I want to E1S1 Kafka but that’ll depend on a few factors if I do that or try my luck with E2 (speaking on *my* account)…

        1.) I’m trying to pre-farm relics and make sure my Luka and Sampo will be faster than my Kafka with her LC (she gets 14 speed from it) So Ideally I’m trying to get Sampo and Luka at OR over 139 speed (if speed is equal, the left most character goes first so I can just rearrange team) because for Kafka she should be at 139 speed with her LC and SPD boots alone, not including substats. If I can’t manage 139 speed or more for Luka and Sampo then I’ll see if I can get at LEAST 134 speed (current speed break point for an extra turn in MoC) or higher and tune Kafka’s speed accordingly with boots (basically I would not level cap boots) If I can’t even manage that then I’ll pull for E2 instead. Keep in mind I also have “Good Night Sleep Well” “Resolution” and S5 Fermata so I’m mostly good on LC’s and her LC while nice isn’t as “needed” as say a Jing Yuan LC.

        2.) The other reason I’d keep pulling on Kafka banner after E1 is if I was close to Luka E6 or maybe Sampo E4 or his E6 as those are pretty big power spikes for those characters.

        Again this is mainly for me based on my account, I don’t know what your account is like so hopefully me explaining my thoughts will help you out. For what it’s worth I do think E1S1 might be a bit better in terms of value.

        • I see thank you for your detailed reply. You gave me a food for thought. For now I’ll decide to go for E1S1 but maybe I’ll go for E2 if I got lucky. lol

          • Hardly a point investing in this LC in particular, since the Nihility Herta LC releasing in 1.3 is so much better than this.
            It doesn’t suffer the “downside” of having the negligent speed boost which, in theory, should allow Kafka to lap units to apply her force proc more often, but falls flat against higher level enemies, since she realistically cant lap them due to their own high speed, nor does it forgo raw stats in favor of a gimmicky mechanic, like erode.
            And it does give a lot of those raw stats, 40% break effect and 48% increased dot damage, while also giving the user energy if an enemy under the effect a dot dies, allowing Kafka to spam her ult even more, which honestly seems like a better alternative to having a higher speed stat.

            It’s pretty sad how weak Kafka’s Signature LC is compared to pretty much every other Limited Signature LC and it’s too close to release to expect any changes to happen to it.

          • To the person above. It’s not even close lol. The S5 of the new herta LC is still weaker than S5 Goodnight Sleep well which is slightly weaker than signature LC. The new lightcone is pretty good on sight but if you look closer, it’s actually meh. 1. It’s bonuses are situational: Break effect bonus – only if you break; DoT bonus – only if you used Ultimate and lasts for 2 turns; Energy bonus – only if you killed something with your personal DoT (Kafka relies on other people’s DoTs); 2. It’s stats, except hp, are lower than signature LC.

            Signature LC > Good Night Sleep well > Herta Nihility LC (unless buffed)

        • Thank you for your answer! Maybe I’ll go for E1S1. Maybe E2 if i got lucky

    • this might be a duplicate but if yes im stupid. Should I go for e1s1 or e2 kafka?

  5. This buff doesnt really do much of anything, 60% ATK instead of 48% is not that big an increase
    they need to buff it to the hundreds for it to start being even remotely worth it

    • ??? Dawg her final eidolon only increases it to 150, you want something comparable to her E6 on a base 5 star cone? Hoyoverse players are so entitled lmaooo

      • For a 5 star light cone i was expecting at least 70%
        60% is just not good at all
        Theres literally no reason to pull this thing, just use Good Night And Sleep Well
        they’re fucking themselves over by not making this thing better

        • You are out of your mind.

          24% dmg bonus increases not only Kafka’s non DoT attacks but also her non-break DoTs as well (including this LC’s erode).
          14.4 additional speed.
          additional 60% DoT which adds to all other DoTs she triggers.
          106 more base atk than GNSW
          133 more base def than GNSW
          106 more base hp than GNSW

          • Unlike GNSW there is no “This effect also applies to DoT” so it does not increase her non-break DoTs as well as LC’s Erode, correct me if I’m wrong.
            [Planar Sphere + r5 GNSW](100+38,8)/(100+38,8+(24*3))=0.658, so it like a third dmg loss on her non-break DoT, 1-0,658*290%=99,18, so only r5 PIAYN Erode covers it. Plus 72% from GNSW is bigger then PIAYN 40%.
            The only adventage you’ll get is speed

          • @Kredocsid

            damage percentage applies to DoTs that does not come from break.

          • 1. The 24% damage bonus does apply to Dots. For comparison “The Seriousness of Breakfast” LC does not have the phrase “This effect also applies to DoT” but it increases Serval’s shock, a DoT, damage. Also, that and this LC both have the same 24% increase in damage 1st paragraph phrase.

            2. Now, to compare R1 PIAYN and R5 GNSW with 3 stacks (assuming you have r5)

            For the sake of comparison, let’s forego the enemies’ RES and Defenses since they would just be the same for both LCs.

            1000 atk for GNSW R5 with 3 stacks
            1212 atk for PIAYN R1 (106 more base atk plus hypothetical 100% atk bonus from relics)

            With Hypothetical 48% Lightning dmg (38% Planar + 10% relic) we get,
            120% GNSW R5 with 3 stacks
            72% PIAYN R1

            a. 290% DoT (Plus 60% Erode DoT)

            (1000 x 2.9) x (2.2) 6380
            (1212 x 2.9) x (1.72) 6045
            (1212 x .6) x (1.72) 1251

            b. 160% Skill plus 75% Dots

            (1000 x 1.6) x (2.2) + (6380 x .75) 8305
            (1212 x 1.6) x (1.72) + (7631 x.75) 9059

            c. 80% Ultimate plus trigger of DoTs
            (1000 x .8) x (2.2) + (6380) 8140
            (1212 x .8) x (1.72) + (7631) 9298

            Thus, total Dot Damages
            6380 for GNSW R5 with 3 stacks
            7631 PIAYN R1

            Skill damage plus trigger of DoTs
            8305 GNSW R5 with 3 stacks
            9059 PIAYN R1

            Ultimate Damage plus trigger of DoTs

            8140 GNSW R5 with 3 stacks
            9298 PIAYN R1

            This is not yet taking into consideration bonus SPD and the additional survivability of higher base HP and DEF.

          • @yes it does, @Potato.

            I’d compared Fermata(r4, 28%, 70lvl) and In the Name of the World (r0, 24%, 70lvl) on Sampo vs Aurumaton Gatekeeper. 2538 vs 1805 – damage of 5 stacks Wind Sheer from his talent, makes 5* cone lose to “This effect also applies to DoT”. Or am I wrong somewhere?
            Potato, “The Seriousness of Breakfast” LC increases Serval’s shock because of attack bonus for killing enemies

          • Correction: Aurumaton Gatekeeper does weak debuff, which cause big difference. I’d double checked on Cocolia – 1488 vs 1323, which is 12,47% diff and that how should be to me (9lvl sphere is 23% DMG, so (100+25,8+28)/(100+25,8) minus 200atk)

          • @Kredocsid

            I tested it myself just now, “The Seriousness of Breakfast” do indeed increase DoT.


            Fight vs. Cocolia, lvl 57 for ease of battle.
            Party: Only Serval
            Compared Light Cones :
            “The Seriousness of Breakfast” pre-ascended lvl 50 and
            “The Birth of the Self.” also pre-ascended lvl50
            (I used some materials just to get it on same level and same attack.)

            “The Birth of the Self.” is the best comparison since it buffs nothing for Serval and has the same base atk.

            Observation: Shock from 1st hit.

            The Birth of the Self deals 1100 shock damage
            The Seriousness of Breakfast 1221 shock damage

          • @Kredocsid

            While I am already here, here are also some things that I tested.

            Same fight with Cocolia
            Equipment: “The Seriousness of Breakfast”

            Test 1.
            With Bronya No skill, but with Trace that boost 10% damage bonus.
            Damage increased from 1221 to 1302.

            Test 2.
            Similar to Test 1 but with skill.
            Damage was the same.
            (My theory is that the reckoning point of DoT is based on the damage percentage at the time of trigger and not at the time of application. Since Bronya’s skill lasted only for 1 turn and ended after I used Serval’s skill, the damage percentage did not apply or rather, there was no damage percentage to apply in the first place.)

            Test 3.
            With Tingyun. No skill. No ultimate. She just being there.
            Of course, the damage was the same. 1221.

            Test 4
            With Tingyun. No skill used, just Ultimate (lvl5, 32% damage bonus).
            Damage increased from 1221 to 1480.


            Damage percentage increased DoT.

          • @Potato people already know that. Is just the mechanics of the game. Break dots scale from break effect and lvl while skill Dots scale from what the skill says like atk, base attack or something, and damage percentage. People are ironically misled by the phrase also applies to dots. It just means that the word debuffs from good night sleep well includes dots and on fermata the shock and wind sheer applies to shock and wind sheer that was not caused by break.

          • @yaboi arlan, so there is no difference? Between “This effect also applies to DoT” and his absence?

      • Reminds me that little kids do play this game.
        Go easy with them, they still lack experience in life and thus have short-sighted thinking.

  6. Two things to consider:
    1. Global damage boost (24% R1) should boost dot insta ticks from her E and Ult, but the original dot damage value remains the same, tho boosted by 24% if it’s applied by her.
    2. Erode counts as dot damage, but has its own name.

    Questions are:
    – Will global damage work on increasing the final damage of dot insta procs, or is it only for initially applied value?
    – Will Erode be in the same category as all the other dot sources and be counted towards insta procs?

    If both answers are “yes”, then it’s busted, if not – Fermata R5 is not so bad after all =)

    • From what I understand the answer are

      1. No, from what I understand from some other YouTube creators and my own understanding with the verbiage already used by Hoyo so far. Unless increased damage says “also applies to DoTs” it won’t boost the damage. Look at Fermata and “Good Night and Sleep Well” both increase damage and specifies DoT damage, this doesn’t unfortunately… if it did this works be a much better LC.
      2.) Yes, the damage applied from Skill and Ult will apply the Erode DoT then explosion will happen. It doesn’t seem all that good by itself unfortunately…

      • Yes, you are correct. I was wrong- I meant to come back around and correct my mistake. Yes on Both parts which makes this LC better than I expected. I took what someone said about Increased Damage % at face value without really looking into it myself until yesterday. My bad!

        Still not sure I’d say this is a buff in comparison to the previous version if you are running a DoT team but I don’t have the numbers on a spreadsheet either. Personally I’ll say I like the team utility of the last one more for DoT comps

      • So, I’ve done some research in the last couple of days and have and answer now:

        1. 24% only applies to the DoT buffer and her attacks. No explosion scaling, sadge =(

        Reason is – wording change from “enemies will receive DMG from all current DoT effects” to “DoTs produce DMG equal to X% of their original DMG”.
        So now u can only scale exposions with AP, Lightning DMG, Break Effect and debuffs like Resists or Armor Reduction, DoT inc (like Sampo ult) etc.
        Basically everything that is applied directly to the target or boosts the tags of DoT.

        2. Erode will be included in insta-procs and scaled as any other lightning DoT, tho it’s a separate debuff. Same scaling as above.

        Tbh, if count for her overall changes – this is a needed nerf. Look at this like she got less dmg per hit, but got more attack speed. She is a lot more consistent now with DoT triggers and in the end will deal more damage per fight.
        Only good thing about this LC as for now is speed boost for enabling set bonuses 120. Without it, u will need to boost her speed via boots or Asta, but lose a chunk of AP in the end.

        There are more changes of this LC in Beta, last ones spotlighted another otherhall to this LC to:

        “Increases DMG dealt by the wearer by 24%. For every attack, increases the wearer’s SPD by 4.8%, up to 3 time(s). Meanwhile, enemies receiving attacks take 18% more DoT for 1 turn.”

        If this goes live – this is HUUUUGE. Eroge is gone and 18% DoT damage will affect explo dmg, so win in any case. It’s kinda hybrid of an old and current one.


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