| Conceitos | Dança ao Pôr do Sol |
Raridade |      |
Tipo | Cone de Luz, A Destruição Cone de Luz |
Caminho | A Destruição |
Descrição | Cone de Luz do Caminho da Destruição. A habilidade do Cone de Luz só tem efeito para personagens nesse Caminho. |
Perícia | Aumenta bastante a chance do usuário ser atacado e aumenta o Dano CRIT em 36%. Após o usuário utilizar a Perícia Suprema, ele recebe 1 acúmulo de Dança do Fogo, durando por 2 rodadas e atingindo até 2 acúmulos. Cada acúmulo de Dança do Fogo aumenta o Dano causado pelo Ataque Extra do usuário em 36%. |
Materiais de Personagem | 385K 20 4 12 20 15 14 |
História | "Uma figura ágil está correndo pelos telhados no crepúsculo resplandecente."
"Lili, Guoguo, vamos ver quem chega ao final primeiro!" Como um pequeno e habilidoso animalzinho, a garota escala os beirais, esquiva dos guardas e se balança no vento enquanto persegue o último raio de sol do dia.
A brisa vespertina levemente quente acaricia o rosto da garota e as moribundas luzes do dia tingem o gato com um caleidoscópio de cores. "Você venceu!" Ela limpa o suor de sua testa e pega o gato no colo. As estrelas surgem no céu e seu inocente e sorridente rosto surge entre elas, como camadas de nuvens radiantes de um pôr-do-sol fluindo pelo horizonte. |
35 responses to “Dança ao Pôr do Sol”
On the Fall of an Aeon (S5):
Clara E6 >= Yunli E0
Dance at Sunset (S1)
Clara E6 >= Yunli E1
Clara -> F2P
Yunli -> must pull <= 90
they will finally add blade LC 🙏
Breath, bruh, breathe.
Inhale – exhale. Inhale – exhale.
Aggro increase is one of the rarest stats in the game. 500% (as stated in comments below) is pretty huge. So unit with counters will be attacked much more frequently with this cone. This is a really big boost for…
(Two soyjacks appear) CLARA!
NO. GOSH, HOW DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND. WITH YUNLI RELEASE, CLARA BECOMES A USELESS PIECE OF STANDARD CHARACTER. YUNLI IS BETTER IN EVERY. FREAKING. SINGLE. ASPECT. YOU MAY use this cone on Clara, but… why TF should you?! It’s like buying a new huge expensive powerful display to old PC instead of buying a new much better PC for the same money! And according to my calculations, Yunli with Fall of aeon is still better than Clara with this LC.
BTW, priceless aggro increase, 36 CrD and 72% affix is pretty balanced, right? Well, I know, 2 stacks of FuA affix are not easy to achieve, but remember, Yunli won’t build speed. I think it’s possible to get both in most cases if you play around it.
So stop your cringe and deal with the fact your favorite Loli is now powercrept. But wait, powercreep is still false, right?
(whispering):*every new dps deals like 20% more damage per cycle than previous with comparable build…*
It’s almost like some people might just prefer Clara as a character and not be all that interested in pulling for a stronger character they might not like as much. It’s also much easier and cheaper to level a new LC than it is to build a new character from scratch.
If someone already has a well-built Clara that they enjoy using and they’re not particularly into Yunli, then getting this LC for her is probably going to be preferable for them.
Err… Yunli and Clara’s builds, teams and comes are literally the same. Because Clara and Yunli are mechanically similar. Funny to say, even their playstyle (you sit and wait for ultimate and then press it before enemy attacks) is the same. Just Yunli is like two times stronger.
And if we’re speaking waifus, if yours is Clara… well, wait for FBI… Oh, sorry. Anyways, “(Character name) is my favourite so you don’t need her literal powercreep” is not an argument when we talk about character’s strength.
And “I don’t want to farm materials” – You’re playing a game where autobattle farm is literally gameplay core. Deal with it.
You sound like someone who was bullied at school and is now acting tough online lol
Genius argument. I thought being toxic and talking personalities is forbidden on this site?
You’re aware it’s possible to like a character without a waifu reason, right? In addition, game mechanics and play styles don’t really factor in much if preferences are based more on character designs, personalities, backstories and giant robots instead.
If your character preferences are based solely on strength then you do you; just remember that some people care about things other than big numbers on a screen. And if Yunli is your waifu, then perhaps you’re the one who should be waiting for the FBI since she’s pretty much confirmed to be underage – Cosmodyssey states she’s around Yanqing’s age and he’s consistently referred to as a child by multiple people including himself.
As for material farming, autobattle does indeed make it easier but it still requires a lot of TB power to get enough to build a max a character from scratch and some people might prefer to use that to farm for another character instead, especially if they already have a phys counterattacker who’s already built and fulfils the same role.
TLDR: learn that different people have different preferences to you and that strength isn’t the be all and end all of a character
“(Character name) is my favourite so you don’t need her literal powercreep” is an excellent argument since strength is not the deciding factor for who to pull for quite a few players. having the strongest characters in the game is unnecessary when a decent team can clear all the required content, especially for players who don’t care about being able to get full stars on moc, pf or as
Oh, really? Seriously, FF deals like twice more damage per cycle than Clara even if you’re lucky, what we freak are you talking about? Clara WILL NOT clear modern endgame content without huge investments, cracked artifacts and team of best supports in the game, and even like that you’ll be had to retry tens of times, because Clara’s mechanic is purely random.
This is brilliant (Yunli)
But I like this (fully built Svarog)
wow! argument so good that it almost make you forget that you need to spend a minimum 140 pulls for yunli and this lc instead of the 65 if you already have clara to give her the lc.
If meta is the only reason to pull for a character then you shouldn’t bother rolling for anyone cause they’re just gonna get powercrept by someone else later. Save now instead of wasting your precious resources on someone that’s gotta fall off later.
please comment more so this guy writes more dumb shit lmao
imma just get clara and yunli because both are hot waifus
Every new character is either stronger or weaker than the previous strongest one and there can’t be a 3rd alternative. Yunli’s case is the latter, she’s weaker than the previous strongest one: Firefly. I don’t think I need a proof. You want power then you should just get Firefly and sleep until someone stronger than Firefly appears, after then cry more about powercreeping.
Without speed she is way easier to die in dard content since devs already made bosses in endgame with: 30-50% of max HP of average (non hp centric builds) characters nukes, 2-3 extra attacks, 170+ speed, multiple AoE and bunch of side mobs with part of above stuff. If you don’t have very fast healer Yunli will just die by 2nd or 3rd turn.
Is yunli e0 with aeon lc also more powerful than clara e2 with yunli s1 lc?
Aye, how you doing bro. Just got this LC for Clara in 20 pulls, just here to flex