
CaminhoClass A Erudição
Tipos de CombateClass Imaginário
Materiais de Personagem
Componente da Coleção de Sonhos15
Válvula de Fluxo de Sonhos15
Miragem Harmoniosa65
Motor de Geração de Sonhos15
Materiais de Rastro
Componente da Coleção de Sonhos41
Contorno Dinâmico69
Válvula de Fluxo de Sonhos56
Esboço Colorido Primoroso139
Motor de Geração de Sonhos58
Eco Perdido do Desejo Partilhado12
Rastros de Destino8
HistóriaUma garota peculiar, que aparece em Penacony como uma granada de luz na hora mais escura da noite, identificando-se como uma ninja e atribuindo tudo no mundo ao "ninjutsu".
Mantendo a recitação do mantra ninja, criando Selos Ninja Deslumbrantes e dominando pergaminhos ninja... Ou seja, o Caminho do Ninja envolve rap, grafite e mangás. Por meio de rigorosa autodisciplina, ela percorre as estrelas, defendendo a justiça.
Como membro dos Vigias da Galáxia, ela vai atrás do vilão conhecido como Ninja do Mal Osaru de maneira implacável, perseguindo-o até os confins do cosmos.

Cones de Luz


NívelATQDEFPVVELChance de CRITDano CRITProvocaçãoEnergiaMateriais de Personagem
Componente da Coleção de Sonhos5
Componente da Coleção de Sonhos10
Válvula de Fluxo de Sonhos6
Miragem Harmoniosa3
Válvula de Fluxo de Sonhos9
Miragem Harmoniosa7
Motor de Geração de Sonhos6
Miragem Harmoniosa20
Motor de Geração de Sonhos9
Miragem Harmoniosa35
NívelMateriais de Personagem
Componente da Coleção de Sonhos5
Válvula de Fluxo de Sonhos6
Miragem Harmoniosa3
Válvula de Fluxo de Sonhos9
Miragem Harmoniosa7
Motor de Geração de Sonhos6
Miragem Harmoniosa20
Motor de Geração de Sonhos9
Miragem Harmoniosa35


Ninjutsu: Eleve-se Sobre o ConflitoNinjutsu: Eleve-se Sobre o Conflito - ATQ Básico | Alvo Único
Regeneração de Energia : 20
Quebra de Fraqueza : Alvo Único : 30
Causa Dano Imaginário igual a do ATQ de Rappa a uma unidade inimiga designada.

Causa Dano Imaginário leve a uma unidade inimiga designada.
Nível 10
Golpe Ninja: Firmeza EnraizadaGolpe Ninja: Firmeza Enraizada - Perícia | Área
Regeneração de Energia : 30
Quebra de Fraqueza : Área : 30
Causa Dano Imaginário igual a do ATQ de Rappa a todas as unidades inimigas.

Causa Dano Imaginário a todas as unidades inimigas.
Nível 15
Nindô Supremo: <i>Aishiteru</i>Nindô Supremo: Aishiteru - Perícia Suprema | Aprimoramento
Regeneração de Energia : 5
Quebra de Fraqueza : 0
Entra no estado "Selaforma", ganha imediatamente 1 rodada extra, obtém pontos de "Tinta Cromática" e aumenta a Eficiência de Quebra de Fraqueza em e o Efeito de Quebra em .
Enquanto estiver no estado "Selaforma", o ATQ Básico é aprimorado, e a Perícia e Perícia Suprema não podem ser usadas. Após usar o ATQ Básico Aprimorado, consome 1 ponto de "Tinta Cromática". Quando a "Tinta Cromática" for exaurida, o estado "Selaforma" termina.

Entra no estado "Selaforma", ganha uma rodada extra, obtém 3 pontos de "Tinta Cromática" e aumenta a Eficiência de Quebra de Fraqueza e o Efeito de Quebra.
Enquanto estiver no estado "Selaforma", ganha ATQ Básico Aprimorado. Após usar o ATQ Básico Aprimorado, consome 1 ponto de "Tinta Cromática". Quando a "Tinta Cromática" for exaurida, o estado "Selaforma" termina.
Nível 15
Tecnologia Ninja: Medidor de ResistênciaTecnologia Ninja: Medidor de Resistência - Talento | Aprimoramento
Regeneração de Energia : 0
Quebra de Fraqueza : Alvo Único : 6
Cada vez que o inimigo-alvo sofre uma Quebra de Fraqueza, Rappa ganha 1 Carga até um máximo de ponto(s) de Carga. Quando Rappa lançar o terceiro golpe de "Ningu: Florilâmina Exorcista", causa adicionalmente Dano de Quebra equivalente a do Dano de Quebra Imaginário de Rappa a todos os inimigos. Esse Dano pode ignorar o Tipo de Fraqueza para reduzir a Tenacidade em e consumir todos os pontos de Carga. Cada ponto de Carga aumentará o multiplicador de Dano de Quebra em e aumentará a Redução de Tenacidade que pode ignorar o Tipo de Fraqueza em .
Ao aplicar Quebra de Fraqueza em um inimigo, o efeito de Quebra de Fraqueza contra Imaginário será ativado.

Quando o inimigo-alvo sofre uma Quebra de Fraqueza, Rappa ganha 1 ponto de Carga. Ao lançar o terceiro golpe de "Ningu: Florilâmina Exorcista", causa adicionalmente Dano de Quebra ImaginárioO em todos os inimigos. Esse Dano pode ignorar o Tipo de Fraqueza para reduzir a Tenacidade e consumir todas as Cargas, aumentando o multiplicador de Dano de Quebra e a Redução de Tenacidade do ataque.
Nível 15
Regeneração de Energia : 0
Quebra de Fraqueza : Alvo Único : 30
Ataca um inimigo, e, quando a batalha começa, reduz a Tenacidade do inimigo-alvo do Tipo correspondente.

Nível 1
Corrida Ninja: Indo Com TudoCorrida Ninja: Indo Com Tudo - Técnica | Aprimoramento
Regeneração de Energia : 0
Quebra de Fraqueza : Alvo Único : 90
Após usar a Técnica, entra no estado "Grafite" por segundos. Enquanto estiver no estado "Grafite", avança rapidamente por uma distância definida e ataca quaisquer inimigos tocados. Durante o movimento rápido, pode bloquear todos os ataques inimigos. Usar um ataque no estado "Grafite" pode encerrar a duração do estado antecipadamente. Ao entrar em combate atacando inimigos, causa de Redução de Tenacidade independentemente do Tipo de Fraqueza e causa Dano de Quebra igual a do Dano de Quebra Imaginário de Rappa a cada inimigo-alvo, e causa Dano de Quebra igual a do Dano de Quebra Imaginário de Rappa aos alvos adjacentes. Ao mesmo tempo, esta unidade regenera de Energia.

Entra no estado de "Grafite". Avança rapidamente por uma distância determinada e ataca quaisquer inimigos tocados. Ao entrar em combate atacando inimigos, causa Redução de Tenacidade independentemente do Tipo de Fraqueza e Dano de Quebra Imaginário a cada inimigo-alvo e causa Dano de Quebra Imaginário aos alvos adjacentes. Ao mesmo tempo, esta unidade regenera Energia.
Nível 1
Ningu: Florilâmina ExorcistaNingu: Florilâmina Exorcista - ATQ Básico | Explosão
Regeneração de Energia : 5
Quebra de Fraqueza : Alvo Único : 30 / Explosão : 15

Causa Dano Imaginário leve a uma unidade inimiga designada e Dano Imaginário leve aos alvos adjacentes. Atacar inimigos sem Fraqueza contra Imaginário ainda pode reduzir a Tenacidade deles.
Nível 10
Ningu: Florilâmina ExorcistaNingu: Florilâmina Exorcista - ATQ Básico | Explosão
Regeneração de Energia : 5
Quebra de Fraqueza : Alvo Único : 30 / Explosão : 15

Causa Dano Imaginário leve a uma unidade inimiga designada e Dano Imaginário leve aos alvos adjacentes. Atacar inimigos sem Fraqueza contra Imaginário ainda pode reduzir a Tenacidade deles.
Nível 10
Ningu: Florilâmina ExorcistaNingu: Florilâmina Exorcista - ATQ Básico | Área
Regeneração de Energia : 10
Quebra de Fraqueza : Área : 15

Causa Dano Imaginário leve a todas as unidades inimigas. Atacar inimigos sem Fraqueza contra Imaginário ainda pode reduzir a Tenacidade deles.
Nível 10
Ningu: Florilâmina ExorcistaNingu: Florilâmina Exorcista - ATQ Básico | Explosão
Regeneração de Energia : 0
Quebra de Fraqueza : Alvo Único : 75 / Explosão : 45
Lança "Ningu: Florilâmina Exorcista". Os primeiros 2 golpes causam Dano Imaginário igual a do ATQ de Rappa a uma unidade inimiga designada e Dano Imaginário igual a do ATQ de Rappa aos alvos adjacentes, e o 3º golpe causa Dano Imaginário igual a do ATQ de Rappa a todas as unidades inimigas.
O ATQ Básico Aprimorado não recupera Pontos de Perícia. Ao atacar inimigos que não têm Fraqueza contra Imaginário, o ATQ Básico Aprimorado ainda pode causar Redução de Tenacidade igual a do valor original de Redução de Tenacidade. Ao aplicar Quebra de Fraqueza, desencadeia o efeito de Quebra de Fraqueza contra Imaginário.

Os primeiros 2 golpes causam Dano Imaginário leve a uma unidade inimiga designada e Dano Imaginário leve aos alvos adjacentes. O terceiro golpe causa Dano Imaginário leve a todos os inimigos. Atacar inimigos sem Fraqueza contra Imaginário ainda pode reduzir a Tenacidade deles.
Nível 10


Inscrição do Ninjutsu: Subida Aos CéusInscrição do Ninjutsu: Subida Aos Céus
Exige Ascensão de Personagem 2
Quando inimigos de Elite ou superiores são afligidos com Quebra de Fraqueza, Rappa ganha adicionalmente 1 Carga(s) e regenera 10 de Energia.
Eco Perdido do Desejo Partilhado1
Bônus de VELBônus de VEL (VEL)
Exige Ascensão de Personagem 2
Aumenta a VEL em 2.
Componente da Coleção de Sonhos6
Bônus de ATQBônus de ATQ (ATQ)
Exige Ascensão de Personagem 3
Aumenta o ATQ em 4%
Contorno Dinâmico3
Válvula de Fluxo de Sonhos3
Bônus de QuebraBônus de Quebra (Efeito de Quebra)
Exige Ascensão de Personagem 3
Aumenta em 5.3% o Efeito de Quebra
Contorno Dinâmico3
Válvula de Fluxo de Sonhos3
Inscrição do Ninjutsu: Eco MarinhoInscrição do Ninjutsu: Eco Marinho
Exige Ascensão de Personagem 4
Enquanto estiver no estado "Selaforma", após Rappa usar o ATQ Básico Aprimorado para causar Dano a um inimigo-alvo afligido com Quebra de Fraqueza, converte a Redução de Tenacidade desta instância de Dano em 1 instância de Super Dano de Quebra de 60%.
Contorno Dinâmico5
Rastros de Destino1
Eco Perdido do Desejo Partilhado1
Bônus de ATQBônus de ATQ (ATQ)
Exige Ascensão de Personagem 4
Aumenta o ATQ em 6%
Contorno Dinâmico5
Válvula de Fluxo de Sonhos4
Bônus de VELBônus de VEL (VEL)
Exige Ascensão de Personagem 5
Aumenta a VEL em 3.
Esboço Colorido Primoroso3
Motor de Geração de Sonhos3
Bônus de ATQBônus de ATQ (ATQ)
Exige Ascensão de Personagem 5
Aumenta o ATQ em 6%
Esboço Colorido Primoroso3
Motor de Geração de Sonhos3
Inscrição do Ninjutsu: Folha MurchaInscrição do Ninjutsu: Folha Murcha
Exige Ascensão de Personagem 6
Quando o inimigo-alvo sofre Quebra de Fraqueza, o Dano de Quebra recebido aumenta em 2%. Se o ATQ atual de Rappa for maior que 2400, para cada 100 de ATQ excedente, aumenta esse bônus em 1%, até um aumento adicional máximo de 8%. Esse efeito dura por 2 rodada(s).
Esboço Colorido Primoroso8
Rastros de Destino1
Eco Perdido do Desejo Partilhado1
Bônus de QuebraBônus de Quebra (Efeito de Quebra)
Exige Ascensão de Personagem 6
Aumenta em 8% o Efeito de Quebra
Esboço Colorido Primoroso8
Motor de Geração de Sonhos8
Bônus de VELBônus de VEL (VEL)
Exige Personagem de Nv. 75
Aumenta a VEL em 4.
Esboço Colorido Primoroso8
Motor de Geração de Sonhos8
Bônus de ATQBônus de ATQ (ATQ)
Aumenta o ATQ em 4%
Componente da Coleção de Sonhos2
Bônus de ATQBônus de ATQ (ATQ)
Exige Personagem de Nv. 80
Aumenta o ATQ em 8%
Esboço Colorido Primoroso8
Motor de Geração de Sonhos8


O Fantasma Está de Volta Sem o TíqueteO Fantasma Está de Volta Sem o TíqueteO Fantasma Está de Volta Sem o Tíquete
Durante o estado de "Selaforma" ativado ao usar a Perícia Suprema, o Dano causado por Rappa ignora 15% da DEF dos alvos. Após sair do estado de "Selaforma", regenera 20 de Energia.
Livre É a Mente Iluminada por HaikusLivre É a Mente Iluminada por HaikusLivre É a Mente Iluminada por Haikus
Os 2 primeiros golpes do ATQ Básico Aprimorado têm sua Redução de Tenacidade contra o inimigo designado aumentada em 50%.
Muitos São os Templos Que Não ProtegemMuitos São os Templos Que Não ProtegemMuitos São os Templos Que Não Protegem
Nv. da Perícia +2, até no máximo Nv. 15.
Nv. do Talento +2, até no máximo Nv. 15.
Perdida no Nindô Devorado pelo TempoPerdida no Nindô Devorado pelo TempoPerdida no Nindô Devorado pelo Tempo
Enquanto está no estado de "Selaforma", aumenta a VEL de todas as unidades aliadas em 12%.
Firme É a Vigia Com Flechas Sem FimFirme É a Vigia Com Flechas Sem FimFirme É a Vigia Com Flechas Sem Fim
Nv. da Perícia Suprema +2, até no máximo Nv. 15.
Nv. do ATQ Básico +1, até no máximo Nv. 10.
Justa É a Ira Que Não Poupa Nenhum MalJusta É a Ira Que Não Poupa Nenhum MalJusta É a Ira Que Não Poupa Nenhum Mal
Quando a batalha começa, Rappa ganha 5 ponto(s) de Carga de seu Talento, e seu limite máximo aumenta em 5 ponto(s). Após lançar o terceiro golpe de "Ningu: Florilâmina Exorcista", ganha 5 ponto(s) de Carga.

Cones de Luz

ConceitosRaridadeCaminhoATQDEFPVPeríciaMateriais de Personagem
Banco de Dados
Banco de Dados3
erudition-class370.44264.6740.88Aumenta Dano de Perícia Suprema do usuário em 28%.
Chave da Sabedoria
Núcleo Contorcido
Chave Mestra
Chave Mestra3
erudition-class370.44264.6740.88Após o usuário usar sua Perícia, regenera mais 8 de Energia adicional. Este efeito não pode ser ativado repetidamente em uma única rodada.
Chave da Sabedoria
Núcleo Contorcido
erudition-class370.44264.6740.88Quando o usuário desfere a sua Perícia Suprema, aumenta o ATQ em 24% por 2 rodada(s).
Chave da Sabedoria
Vontade de Conquistador
Meu Próprio Nascimento
Meu Próprio Nascimento4
erudition-class476.28330.75952.56Aumenta em 24% o Dano causado por Ataques Extras do usuário. Se a porcentagem dos PV atuais do inimigo-alvo estiver abaixo ou igual a 50% dos PV máximos, aumenta em mais 24% o Dano causado por Ataques Extras.
Chave da Sabedoria
Motor Antigo
Faça o Mundo Clamar
Faça o Mundo Clamar4
erudition-class476.28396.9846.72O usuário regenera 20 de Energia imediatamente ao entrar em combate. Também aumenta em 32% o Dano da Perícia Suprema.
Chave da Sabedoria
Motor Antigo
Repouso dos Gênios
Repouso dos Gênios4
erudition-class476.28396.9846.72Aumenta em 16% o ATQ do usuário. Quando o usuário derrota um inimigo, aumenta em 24% o Dano CRIT do usuário por 3 rodada(s).
Chave da Sabedoria
Luminivinha Imortal
A Solenidade do Café da Manhã
A Solenidade do Café da Manhã4
erudition-class476.28396.9846.72Aumenta em 12% o Dano do usuário. Para cada inimigo derrotado pelo usuário, aumenta em 4% o ATQ do usuário, podendo acumular até 3 vez(es).
Chave da Sabedoria
Núcleo Contorcido
Hoje é Mais um Dia de Paz
Hoje é Mais um Dia de Paz4
erudition-class529.2330.75846.72Após entrar em batalha, aumenta o Dano do usuário com base em sua Energia Máxima. Cada ponto de Energia aumenta o Dano em 0.2%. Um máximo de 160 de Energia será considerado para este efeito.
Chave da Sabedoria
Luminivinha Imortal
Noite na Via Láctea
Noite na Via Láctea5
erudition-class582.12396.91164.24Para cada inimigo no campo, aumenta o ATQ do usuário em 9%, até 5 acúmulos. Quando um inimigo é infligido com Quebra de Fraqueza, o Dano causado pelo usuário aumenta em 30% por 1 rodada.
Chave da Sabedoria
Núcleo Contorcido
Antes do Amanhecer
Antes do Amanhecer5
erudition-class582.12463.051058.4Aumenta em 36% o Dano CRIT do usuário. Aumenta em 18% o Dano causado pela Perícia e pela Perícia Suprema do usuário. Após o usuário usar sua Perícia ou Perícia Suprema, ele ganha Somnus Corpus. Ao ativar um Ataque Extra, Somnus Corpus é consumido, e aumenta o Dano causado pelo Ataque Extra em 48%.
Chave da Sabedoria
Luminivinha Imortal
Per Page





220 responses to “Rappa”

  1. people who skip rappa will regret because of fugue will further boost rappa dmg more than mid-fly.

    mid-fly weakness implant are good but take so many turn to break multiple target (almost weak outside AS & SU)
    after sam mode ended, you can see that mid fly being slowdown and she will take 2turn to recharge her ultimate.

    but rappa can gain extra turn again and again without being slow down, and her energy regeneration from EBA is so high, with free 10energy from breaking an elite enemy, her ultimate will have 100% uptime with fugue Exo toughness.

  2. im not a doomposter (REAL!) but i’ll explain it because im kind and know everything :v

    this is a moc made for rappa, it is HYV standard that every fomo banner can 0 cycle their moc :v

    • Well going by the content show. It was meant to favor aoe, big aoe attack characters. Who can hit more than three targets. Which of course we also see dance dance dance be used in moc. Along with a number of different relic sets being used here. Which is far more than what your normal player is going to use. Most will farm a single set for a character and call it a day. Which also it seems like they took alot of time to try out the best way to use her, given they clearly explain everything and how it works.

      Of course as shown in this video of a firefly clearing in zero cycle. The current moc. They also make good use of dance dance dance, along with the eagle set. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13tv65Qskik It seems like the Rappa user is just doing what anyone does who is interested in zero cycles. Use dance dance dance if they have it. Proper sets and mastering the character kit to get the most out of them.

      Of course it seems more like the issue is not that Rappa bad but rather. People already have a break effect dps. Be it Boothill or Firefly they already invested in. If they are going for super break, well harmony mc is already going to be used in that team. unless they are going for the the non super break team for Boothill. If Tingyun is the second Harmony mc, well that would give more reason to have a second break effect dps. At least if your interested in making a super break team. Given Mei is also another team mate that is high in demand for these break teams, due to the speed buff and action delay they bring to the team. Given you will have another character, fighting over the same couple of team mates. Well, if you already enjoy using your current break effect dps. Your likely to stick with them.

      In the case of firefly. Extra copes of her become more appealing now, with the release of Lingsha. a e1 Firefly won’t use any skill points when in ultimate mode. Which can let a lingsha to spam aoe. Which if five star Tingyun doesn’t need any skill points and is skill positive. A future firefly team at e1. Could be rather powerful. Given Tingyun and Mei will be skill point positive. Firefly will only need one at the start to get going. Letting Lingsha spam to her heart content, her skill over and over and over again. Yes it will cost alot of jades. But hey. Lingsha is flexible in terms of being able to work on follow up attack teams as well. Mei well is Mei. With Tingyun being a support and well, who doesn’t like supports? Which might be something firefly owners are thinking about. When it comes to future characters release. That or given the last patch had two good five star characters. They might simply be out of jades for Rappa. Everyone needs some down time to build back up their jade collection.

    • The doompostings have been away for a while, yet you had to provoke everyone here again?
      Can’t you just discuss anything peacefully? You’ve been doing the same thing on the Genshin site a lot.

      I genuinely hope the admins really see through your post history and ban you from this site.
      Stop provoking everyone. Fix your head.

    • I don’t like Firefly

      But saying she’s weak because she can’t 1 cost is super dumb. Okay and? Tell me who has godly relics, S5 DDD and Charmony, the skills to pull it off, but lacks characters.

      Getting 5 stars is super easy in this game. A full team at E0S0 is more relatable than the relics, eidolons and high imposition lightcones. It’s why cost is an awful metric. It applies to exactly 0 people. It’s a stress test, not a relatability test like cost is sometimes presented to be

      • 100% agree. The cost system is stupid as fk. 90% of the time good relics at a 1 cost > bad relics at a 4 cost. Relics are more than half of out characters power.

      • Yeah count me in as thinking the cost system is dumb. Not only is it confusing to understand, given the term is never used any where else. For it only looks at jades it cost to make the team. Not the fight, how it set up. The blessing for moc. For the current moc is heavily favor without a doubt for break teams. Which yeah some four star lightcones can be harder to get than five star lightcones. For yeah I know people who still don’t have a single copy of dance dance dance. Which yeah the hardest part for anything is getting the relics. For rng can royally screw you over, anytime you get a promising piece. If anyone says rng has never screwed them over when it comes to relics. They are the luckiest person on earth or a lair. Given well relics do hold a fair bit of character power in them.

        For something as simple as getting more speed on your supports, can greatly boost team performance. Which in the case of Rappa here. Yeah I wonder how many will have the same level of relics and knowledge of the characters kit as the video maker in the op link. Given some people are really bad at this game. Tank Seele. Or they can’t understand you have to use Firefly skill to get her ultimate back.

        Which given Tingyun is right away the corner. Wouldn’t be surprise if most are saving up for her if they have Boothill or Firefly. If tingyun is that skill point positive harmony mc. Throw in e1 Firefly and one could just Spam Lingsha skill all day long, always ensuring she has action advance her pets by 60% by the time her ultimate is ready again. which well, having a easy to use team. Even if it costly, will sound more appealing to people. Than having to be a rocket scientist to figure out how to max a character damage/performance. Of course for some people. There is simply no saving them, given their lack of skill is an art in and of itself.

      • Yeah not sure if my last post when through but just in case. Yeah the cost system, just seems pointless. So what the goal of it? Given it not a term used anywhere else. It doesn’t take into account moc blessings or how the fight is set up, to say favor break effect or follow up attacks. All things which can greatly effect how good or bad x team is.

        Which decent/good relics can be the hardest thing to get in this game.Which adds alot of character power. Like i’m sure everyone has gotten screwed over by relic rng at least once. You get a good piece and it rolls into flat defense. Which also stuff like dance dance dance, could be harder to get than a sig lightcone for a character. Since when was the last time dance dance dance was on a up rate in a lightcone banner?

        Speaking of skills. Well the video the op link to is someone who clearly took alot of time to master this character kit. Which I doubt most people will do so. Cue Var 2 making a video not understanding how to use yet another character. Someone making a tank Seele or that one streamer, who when Firefly be bad. For they couldn’t understand needing to use skill to get energy for her ultimate back. Yeah some people who play this game, are very questionable in terms of skill. To the point auto play is better. Which speaking of skill. Yeah I wouldn’t be surprise if most would favor a character that easier to use over one that takes a bit of brain power to get max damage from.

        Which in the case of Rappa here. Well if you already own a Firefly/boothill. Your aware of Tingyun coming soon who might be a break effect support. Well you only have so many jades. You can skip Rappa and pick her up later if so desire, save for Tingyun or Pick up Rappa, than have to wait for a rerun on a very good support. Dps are a dime a dozen. Supports tend to age better. Mei being a good case of this. She became way more high in demand, once we got Firefly and Boothill. That and in the case of some characters, be they supports or there to keep the party alive, can be very flexible in terms of teams you can use them on. Just slap them on a team and bang your done. While a dps you often have to build a team around them. So you can get a dps that might demand a team or just get a support you can slap onto a team of your choosing. If you already have a lot of dps that are well gear up, supports become more appealing over time.

        That and in the case of Firefly owners. If Tinygun is skill point positive. It would make them want her e1 even more. Just so they can skill spam with Lingsha. For Firefly only needs one to get going. Mei and Tingyun generating lots of skill points. With only Lingsha eating them up for aoe damage/ action advance on her pets. of course this all depends on how Tingyun turns out in the end.

      • People keep doomposting cost system when, if they apply the same arguments (e.g. relics, skills, turbulence, “everyone has X char”) to “all e0s1” system they also hold true. What does it mean? We r yet to have a better “system” than cost to judge char strength. And anyway, using “system” is not really correct here. It’s more like a metric, so u have to combine other metrics (like relics… yeah, every argument u use to doompost cost metric) to create a “system.” Metrics and systems r only interchangeable, not the same thing.
        It applies to no one? Would u be surprised if I tell u it helps my pull planning very well? Why? Supposed I was about to pull for 2.5 banners. Who should I pull for?
        – Fei (replace Ratio)
        – Robin e0 to e1
        – Topaz (not in my actual pull plan cuz she’s heavily outshadowed by the 2 options above)
        They’re all 1 cost increment. Decide!
        My decision: got Fei, and gamble for Robin e1 when I see I have a lot of jades to guarantee Aven (exactly what I did during FF-RM banners lol). Reason: many guides tell that Fei > Robin e1, and I was right: I can full all endgames after that (even PF lol, cuz Fei-Herta is somehow so good)
        Yeah, u have got my feeling as a new F2p player, where mistakes in cost increase may even determine if u can beat endgames or not. U could also try my path by creating an entirely new account and go f2p. At this point, u will get how relatable cost metric is. 😀
        If u refuse to believe the I don’t bother change u guys’ minds further. I’ll continue the “Warrent Buffett” path and plan 3.x pulls.

  3. depends on Ahri’s multipliers and how far the enemie’s hp had multiplied, for example, the blade fangirls cults keep yelling he is an immortal dps but REALITY is he is just a GEPARD being used as DPS 🙂🙂🙂

    • X to doubt. You know if She is a break effect support. How are they going to regert if she will still benefit the likes of Firefly and boothill? At the end of the day, they still win and get a support useful to them by skipping a dps they didn;’t need.

        • So basically you have no reasoning. Dude we are on a leak site. We know more info than a casual player would. Your comment of you’ll see makes no sense. Just back it up with logic and reasoning. Given hey. Guess what. Tingyun benefits Firefly a great deal. Shocking I know. A break effect support benefit break effect characters.

          • you want reasoning?

            Sure. Let’s do it. Try and keep up.

            Break has three main mechanics. Break DMG Detonation, Superbreak, and Exo-Toughness(2nd Break Bar). Boothill specializes in the first, Firefly in the second, and Rappa has both baked into her kit. She’s not as good at either compared to the two–but she does have a 3 Attack Ultimate, and a Trace that gives energy on Break…which sets her up in the prime position to take MASSIVE advantage of Exo-toughness. 1. Her Break Detonation is good, but not enough on its own. Thus, It’s supplemented by Fugue and Rappa have natural Superbreak (Lower total compared to HMC+Firefly, but enough in combination with Detonation). She then is allowed to quickly burn through her form in three actions–and combined with her energy trace, she simply gets ult again…a free turn, and gives her extremely high uptime. 2. She’s Imaginary, giving her access to massive delay–a function that results in Rappa being allowed to run Fugue RM HMC–a comp that Firefly theoretically can run, but practically can’t.

            Reminder…Firefly doesn’t actually get anything major from Fugue. Its just a 2nd Break. She doesn’t scale her regular break–she scales her Superbreak, and Fugue doesn’t have as big a superbreak multiplier as HMC (125% compared to 160%). This means she doesn’t just want to deal toughness damage. This means she wants her turns to hit broken enemies, so you can’t use Firefly to break toughness all on her own. She needs support–in the form of high toughness dmg from Gallagher/Lingsha. Now, obviously, you would want to try and replace Lingsha/Gall with Fugue to stack Superbreak Multipliers, but…Fugue doesn’t have good toughness damage–so you can’t, not without sacrificing more Firefly turns.

          • I miscounted. Harmony Mc does give less damage than Tingyun. My bad. I was speaking out my ass.

          • Well shooting star. That didn’t explain how people are going to regret not pulling for rappa. Sure she might work better with her than Firefly. Yet it seems your numbers or someone else is off. Given alot of people are saying she will help put out a lot more damage than harmony mc in a firefly team. Seems like something is fishy there. Also only v1 for Tingyun. so all of this could end up being for nothing in the long run.

          • Well getting Rappa would cost more jades than Tingyun alone. So did anyone take that into account? WHy pick up Rappa if you already own a break effect dps. Given a upgrade is a upgrade. Like to benefit from Tingyun you need a break dps and if you already have one. Well. bang.

          • You know. Never has an account been ruin by skipping a character. Also what if someone only has enough jades for Rappa or Tingyun? Given 2.7 will have Sunday and Tingyun. I think two support would be worth more than one dps. If you already have a break dps or other normal dps that can make use of them. It all sounds like a load of bs. Trying to pressure people into rolling for characters they don’t need or make poor choices with their jades. When what they got is already getting the job done or is more flexible.

          • Well Firefly does triple more damage last I look with Tingyun. which is far cry from a mere 125% boost.

          • Trying to impersonate me to devalue my statements just proves how low doomposters are willing to go.
            Seriously, you can do better than that.

            (Also calling Tingyun’s SB scaling the overall “boost” she gives shows how illiterate you are at applying numbers to a scenario.)

        • Did you forget Tingyun is fire. Firefly can slap fire weakness onto a foe. So Gall or Lingsha, plus Tingyun plus Firefly. Leads to breaking the enemy quickly. Just due to everyone able to do weakness break damage. While her kit will help Rappa. It will also help Firefly, possibly more so when it comes to the whole break part of break effect dps.

    • Dude that said about every bloody character. Which also is Fugue is rumor to be a break effect support. You know Firefly and boothill exist right? So how are they losing out by skipping. Also you do know, unless your whaling. You are going to have to skip characters here and there? Not everyone has endless money to spend on gacha.

  4. I find it funny how the minute people on twitter saw her they started doomposting and just making fun of her in general which imo is quite deserved. Rappa’s attire/outfit was like taking different body parts of a barbie doll and putting it together to see what you get, not to mention how her character really has no meaning or is pushing us forward in the story, shes just there for show–basically filler patch which it is a Filler patch until Sunday,Tingue and Herta.

    I rlly wish they put more effort into this ninjitsu style she was going for but srs i think 80% of the hsr Community can agree that Rappa was not and IS not worth it, even her name just being literally called a Rapper but they decided to make it sound more Japanese makes me cringe.

    The only thing interesting to me is Her Ult, i just Love the way she jumps off a building before transitioning to first person, but i think it would be too repetitive over time just like Acheron, seeing it first time is PRETTY COOL but is it rlly smth u wanna see every time u click her ult?

    Hopefully Sunday,Tingue and Herta’s Banner reveals soon

    • It’s feels weird to me that you didn’t mention Feixiao ult.

      Acheron and Rappa ult allow you to pick a main target, but what’s the point pressing extra button on Feixiao ult? a single target ult.

      • Their all the same bro, its cool the first time you see it but if its something ur gonna see every time, their ult will no longer have that “sparkle” to it. Srs Acheron,Rappa and Feixiao have the same burst(That being just spamming) so i don’t understand what you want me to say abt Feixiao, i didn’t wanna keep yapping and make my comment to long


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