| Danh Từ | Mùi Hương Vẹn Nguyên |
Độ Hiếm |      |
Thuộc Tính | Nón Ánh Sáng, Trù Phú Nón Ánh Sáng |
Vận Mệnh | Trù Phú |
Giới Thiệu | Nón Ánh Sáng chỉ dành cho vận mệnh Trù Phú, kỹ năng Nón Ánh Sáng chỉ có hiệu lực với vận mệnh này. |
Chiến Kỹ | Khiến Tấn Công Kích Phá của người trang bị tăng 60%. Sau khi người trang bị thi triển Tuyệt Kỹ tấn công kẻ địch, sẽ khiến kẻ đó rơi vào trạng thái Vong Ưu, duy trì 2 hiệp. Sát thương phải chịu của kẻ địch trong trạng thái Vong Ưu tăng 10%, nếu Tấn Công Kích Phá hiện tại của người trang bị lớn hơn hoặc bằng 150%, hiệu ứng tăng sát thương phải chịu sẽ tăng thêm 8%. |
Nguyên Liệu Riêng | 385K 20 4 12 20 15 14 |
Chính Tuyến | "Thứ nhất, chỉnh đốn thói quen làm việc." "Thứ hai, chấp hành nghiêm ngặt quy định thưởng phạt." "Đương nhiên, điều quan trọng nhất vẫn là nhanh chóng điều tra rõ những mối quan hệ lợi ích đan xen đó..." Vốn đang thưởng thức cảnh sắc mặt hồ, suy nghĩ của cô lại vô tình trôi về phía công việc, áp lực và phiền muộn cứ thế thi nhau kéo đến.
Cô vội vàng đốt một nén hương an thần mang theo bên mình. "Thế giới thật đẹp đẽ, nhưng tôi lại quá nóng nảy... Ngày nghỉ, không nên nghĩ đến những chuyện phiền phức đó nữa..." |
23 responses to “Mùi Hương Vẹn Nguyên”
i like how ppl i know will be pulling this LC solely to give it to Gallagher, bcs me too. my Gallagher is E5 rn, he deserved 5star LC.
If you get this for Gallagher it’ll increase his personal damage and boost team damage a decent amount. Debatable if best in slot depending on team comp.
unless ur using gallagher in robin comp, then Quid Pro Quo (At the start of the wearer’s turn, regenerates 8/10/12/14/16 Energy for a randomly chosen ally (excluding the wearer) whose current Energy is lower than 50%.) becomes better since gallagher can cycle turns really fast.
overall tho this is best cone so far for him
i want to get her lightcone to put it on my gallagher
e1 over s1 right?
Is Luocha” Light cone good for her? or nah
I personally think it is a fantastic alternative, especially if you are look to replace him. (sorry Luo Cha)
Her ult is 110 , which is actually is pretty cheep ult
You can now get her ult after the first attack and 1 FuA.
Lets say you are 134 speed on her and run ER rope.
start of battle energy = 55
55 + (Skill Energy + Lightcone Energy on 3 enemies) = 55 + 35.7 + 10.7 = 101.4 energy
FuA will give another 10.7 if it does proc early because of the emergency heal or it just naturally gets a turn before Ling Sha gets her second turn = 112.1 energy
any subsequent turns will give you at least 39.3 energy if you only basic attack ( A4 give +10 extra energy on Basic attacks )
any skill will give you also a minimum of 39.3 energy against 1 target + 3.6 energy for every other target you hit for a max of 46.6 energy per attack
every FuA , which normally doesn’t give you energy (as far as i know) kill an enemy, now gives you at least 3.6 energy against 1 enemy.
Every ult will give you 6 energy (5 normally with out ER Rope) + 3.6 for every enemy you hit.
You might also kill an enemy or get hit in between these attack which also helps with getting energy, which in return might also proc the FuA.
If they make her ult 100 energy or give her FuA some amount of energy generation, then you can spam her ult pretty much every other attack pretty reliably.
My math might be off, i could have missed something, but this seems really nice and a really cool alternative if you are trying to save for later character or reruns.
OMG mate. U are insane. Thanks a lot for your patient, and for your time doing this calcs. Im more then convinced now to pull her. s2~
I do want to let you know, it will be quite a bit harder to get Ling Sha to that 250% break effect.
you will miss the 60% (or 48% from What is really? lightcone) break effect and the 64% break effect from the rope.
Ruan Mei will give you 20% – HTB will give you on average about 30-40% (lets say 35%) – Watchmaker will give 30% (temporarilly) in battle = 85%
Two 2-piece break effect will give 32% – Planar set Forge will give you 40% on hitting an enemy with fire weakness – 37.5% from traces = 109.5%
194.5% total In-battle, this is IF you have Ruan Mei of course and if you are running two 2-piece break effect. other wise it wil be lowered to about 158.5%.
The latter will have you searching for about 91.5% break effect from the sub-stats which is about 12 – 16 break sub rolls whille also looking for speed rolls to get to 134 ( Ruan Mei gives 10% In-Battle ) AND you need the right main stats.
I will wish you very good luck in building her.
I recommend 4 piece Cavalry and 2 piece Forge with – Speed boots
Attack Orb
Healing boost Chest
ER Rope ( :3 )
The 150 threshold requires no relics.
Substats: 37.3
Signature: 60
RM: 20
HTB: 33
Sum: 150.3
The 250 threshold requires some from the r elics.
Substats: 37.3
Signature: 60
Iron Cavalry 2pc: 16
Kalpagni 2pc: 40
RM: 20
HTB: 33+30 (at 200 BE in battle)
Total: 236.3
HTB will give more Break Effect. It’s Ultimate (33% at trace level 12) + Watchmaker (30%) + E4 (~35%)
even if lingsha is buffed into oblivion im just getting her cone for my gallagher
based, me too
does vulnerability increase break dmg?
I have houhou lc so I’ll skip this one the passive is not that great anyways
wdym, it gives 18% damage vulnerability to all enemies, it’s the most valuable stat in the game lmao
The passive only works for Lingsha, Gallagher and Luocha due to the need to hit the enemy with ult. For the first two, it’s a great lc. Luocha has better options and it’s useless for anyone else so it’s very situational
the only abundance lc you need is quid quo pro lol