![]() | Danh Từ | 遐蝶 |
Độ Hiếm | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Vận Mệnh | ![]() | |
Thuộc Tính Chiến Đấu | ![]() | |
Nguyên Liệu Riêng | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Nguyên Liệu Vết Tích | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Chính Tuyến | 那敬爱死亡的国度,终日飘雪的哀地里亚,今日已沉入甘甜的酣眠。 冥河的女儿遐蝶,寻索「死亡」火种的黄金裔,启程吧。呵护世间魂灵的恸哭,拥抱命运的孤独 ——生死皆为旅途,当蝴蝶停落枝头,那凋零的又将新生。 |
Mục lục |
Thuộc Tính |
Chiến Kỹ |
Thú Cưng |
Vết Tích |
Tinh Hồn |
Nón Ánh Sáng |
Túi |
Gallery |
Âm Lượng Lồng Tiếng |
Chính Tuyến |
Thuộc Tính
Cấp | Tấn Công | Phòng Thủ | HP | Tốc Độ | Tỷ Lệ Bạo Kích | Sát Thương Bạo Kích | Khiêu Khích | Năng Lượng | Nguyên Liệu Riêng |
1 | 71.28 | 66 | 222 | 95 | 5% | 50% | 100 (100) | 0 | |
20 | 139 | 128.7 | 432 | 95 | 5% | 50% | 100 (100) | 0 | ![]() ![]() |
20+ | 167.51 | 155.1 | 521 | 95 | 5% | 50% | 100 (100) | 0 | |
30 | 203.15 | 188.1 | 632 | 95 | 5% | 50% | 100 (100) | 0 | ![]() ![]() |
30+ | 231.66 | 214.5 | 721 | 95 | 5% | 50% | 100 (100) | 0 | |
40 | 267.3 | 247.5 | 832 | 95 | 5% | 50% | 100 (100) | 0 | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
40+ | 295.81 | 273.9 | 920 | 95 | 5% | 50% | 100 (100) | 0 | |
50 | 331.45 | 306.9 | 1031 | 95 | 5% | 50% | 100 (100) | 0 | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
50+ | 359.96 | 333.3 | 1120 | 95 | 5% | 50% | 100 (100) | 0 | |
60 | 395.6 | 366.3 | 1231 | 95 | 5% | 50% | 100 (100) | 0 | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
60+ | 424.12 | 392.7 | 1319 | 95 | 5% | 50% | 100 (100) | 0 | |
70 | 459.76 | 425.7 | 1430 | 95 | 5% | 50% | 100 (100) | 0 | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
70+ | 488.27 | 452.1 | 1519 | 95 | 5% | 50% | 100 (100) | 0 | |
80 | 523.91 | 485.1 | 1630 | 95 | 5% | 50% | 100 (100) | 0 |
Chiến Kỹ
![]() | 月茧之庇 - 专属 | Hỗ Trợ |
Hồi Năng Lượng : 0 | |
获取遐蝶后或当前队伍存在遐蝶时获得效果:战斗中,若我方角色受到致命攻击,则本次行动中所有受到致命攻击的我方角色获得【月茧】状态。【月茧】状态下的角色会暂时延后陷入无法战斗状态,且可以正常行动一次。若行动后,下一次回合开始前接受治疗或获得护盾,则解除【月茧】状态,否则将立即陷入无法战斗状态。该效果单场战斗中最多触发1次。 获取遐蝶后或当前队伍存在遐蝶时:战斗中,若我方角色受到致命攻击,则本次行动中所有受到致命攻击的我方角色获得【月茧】:延后陷入无法战斗状态且可以正常行动一次,行动后,下一次回合开始前接受治疗或获得护盾,解除【月茧】状态。该效果单场战斗中最多触发1次。 |
![]() | 哀悼,死海之涟漪 - Tấn Công Thường | Đánh Đơn |
Hồi Năng Lượng : 0 | |
Phá Vỡ Điểm Yếu : Đánh Đơn : 30 | |
对指定敌方单体造成等同于遐蝶 对敌方单体造成少量量子属性伤害。 | |
Cấp | |
![]() | 缄默,幽蝶之轻抚 - Chiến Kỹ | Khuếch Tán |
Hồi Năng Lượng : 0 | |
Phá Vỡ Điểm Yếu : Đánh Đơn : 60 / Khuếch Tán : 30 | |
消耗我方全体当前 若当前生命值不足,最多使当前生命值降至1点。 若死龙在场,战技替换为【骸爪,冥龙之环拥】。 消耗我方全体生命值,对敌方单体造成量子属性伤害的同时对相邻目标造成少量量子属性伤害。 | |
Cấp | |
![]() | 掌心淌过的荒芜 - Thiên Phú | Cường Hóa |
Hồi Năng Lượng : 10 | |
Phá Vỡ Điểm Yếu : 0 | |
【新蕊】上限与场上全体角色等级有关,我方全体每损失1点生命值遐蝶获得1点【新蕊】,当【新蕊】达到上限时可激活终结技。我方损失生命值时,遐蝶与死龙造成的伤害提高 死龙在场时无法获得【新蕊】,除死龙以外我方全体每损失1点生命值会转化为死龙同等的生命值。 我方损失生命值时遐蝶获得【新蕊】,同时使遐蝶与死龙造成伤害提高,当【新蕊】达到上限可激活终结技。死龙在场时,除死龙以外我方损失生命值会转化为死龙同等的生命值。 | |
Cấp | |
![]() | 攻击 |
Hồi Năng Lượng : 0 | |
Phá Vỡ Điểm Yếu : Đánh Đơn : 30 | |
攻击敌人,进入战斗后削弱敌方目标对应属性韧性。 | |
![]() | 悲鸣,赐死之先声 - Bí Kỹ |
Hồi Năng Lượng : 0 | |
Phá Vỡ Điểm Yếu : 0 | |
使用秘技后进入持续 【冥茫】状态下主动攻击会使所有范围内的敌人进入战斗,同时召唤忆灵死龙,死龙拥有等同于【新蕊】上限 进入战斗后未召唤死龙则遐蝶回复等同于【新蕊】上限 进入【冥茫】状态,敌人无法主动靠近遐蝶, 【冥茫】状态下攻击会使所有范围内的敌人进入战斗,同时召唤忆灵死龙。进入战斗时,消耗我方全体生命值,死龙行动提前 进入战斗后未召唤死龙遐蝶回复等同于【新蕊】上限 | |
![]() | 骸爪,冥龙之环拥 - Chiến Kỹ | Đánh Lan |
Hồi Năng Lượng : 0 | |
Phá Vỡ Điểm Yếu : Đánh Lan : 60 | |
消耗除死龙以外的我方全体当前 若当前生命值不足,最多使当前生命值降至1点。 消耗我方全体生命值,遐蝶与死龙向目标发起连携攻击,对敌方全体造成量子属性伤害。 | |
Cấp | |
Thú Cưng
![]() | 亡喉怒哮,苏生之颂铃 - Tuyệt Kỹ | Triệu Hồi |
Hồi Năng Lượng : 0 | |
Phá Vỡ Điểm Yếu : 0 | |
召唤忆灵死龙使其行动提前 死龙行动 召唤忆灵死龙使其行动提前 | |
Cấp | |
![]() | 擘裂冥茫的爪痕 - Kỹ Năng Linh Hồn Ký Ức | Đánh Lan |
Hồi Năng Lượng : 0 | |
Phá Vỡ Điểm Yếu : Đánh Lan : 30 | |
对敌方全体造成等同于遐蝶 对敌方全体造成少量量子属性伤害。 | |
Cấp | |
![]() | 燎尽黯泽的焰息 - Kỹ Năng Linh Hồn Ký Ức | Đánh Lan |
Hồi Năng Lượng : 0 | |
Phá Vỡ Điểm Yếu : Đánh Lan : 30 | |
每次施放消耗等同于死龙生命上限 重复施放技能时,伤害倍率提高至 生命值小于等于 消耗自身生命值,对敌方全体造成量子属性伤害,且本回合不会结束。重复施放技能时,技能最多获得3次强化。生命值小于等于 | |
Cấp | |
![]() | 月茧荫蔽的身躯 - Thiên Phú Linh Hồn Ký Ức | Hỗ Trợ |
Hồi Năng Lượng : 0 | |
Phá Vỡ Điểm Yếu : 0 | |
死龙在场时为我方后援,我方受到伤害时,当前生命值最多降至1点,此后由死龙承担,但会承担等同于原伤害 死龙在场时为我方后援,我方当前生命值最多降至1点,此后受到伤害由死龙承担。 | |
Cấp | |
![]() | 震彻寂壤的怒啸 - Thiên Phú Linh Hồn Ký Ức | Hỗ Trợ |
Hồi Năng Lượng : 0 | |
Phá Vỡ Điểm Yếu : 0 | |
死龙被召唤时,我方全体造成的伤害提高 被召唤时,使我方全体造成的伤害提高。 | |
Cấp | |
![]() | 灼掠幽墟的晦翼 - Thiên Phú Linh Hồn Ký Ức | Nảy Bật |
Hồi Năng Lượng : 0 | |
Phá Vỡ Điểm Yếu : Đánh Đơn : 15 | |
死龙消失时,造成 消失时,对敌方单体造成少量量子属性伤害,共弹射 | |
Cấp | |
![]() | 燎尽黯泽的焰息 - Kỹ Năng Linh Hồn Ký Ức | Đánh Lan |
Hồi Năng Lượng : 0 | |
Phá Vỡ Điểm Yếu : Đánh Lan : 30 | |
消耗自身生命值,对敌方全体造成量子属性伤害,且本回合不会结束。重复施放技能时,技能最多获得3次强化。生命值小于等于 | |
Cấp | |
![]() | 燎尽黯泽的焰息 - Kỹ Năng Linh Hồn Ký Ức | Đánh Lan |
Hồi Năng Lượng : 0 | |
Phá Vỡ Điểm Yếu : Đánh Lan : 30 | |
消耗自身生命值,对敌方全体造成量子属性伤害,且本回合不会结束。重复施放技能时,技能最多获得3次强化。生命值小于等于 | |
Cấp | |
![]() | 灼掠幽墟的晦翼 - Kỹ Năng Linh Hồn Ký Ức | Nảy Bật |
Hồi Năng Lượng : 0 | |
Phá Vỡ Điểm Yếu : Đánh Đơn : 15 | |
消耗全部生命,造成 消耗全部生命值,对敌方单体造成少量量子属性伤害,共弹射 | |
Cấp | |
Vết Tích
![]() | 收容的暗潮 |
Yêu cầu nhân vật bậc 2 | |
除死龙以外的我方目标接受治疗后会将 | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() | 暴击伤害强化 (Sát Thương Bạo Kích) |
Yêu cầu nhân vật bậc 3 | |
Tăng Sát Thương Bạo Kích | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() | 暴击率强化 (Tỷ Lệ Bạo Kích) |
Yêu cầu nhân vật bậc 4 | |
Tăng Tỷ Lệ Bạo Kích | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() | 倒置的火炬 |
Yêu cầu nhân vật bậc 4 | |
遐蝶当前生命值大于等于自身生命上限的 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() | 伤害强化•量子 (Tăng Sát Thương Lượng Tử) |
Yêu cầu nhân vật bậc 5 | |
Tăng Sát Thương Lượng Tử | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() | 暴击率强化 (Tỷ Lệ Bạo Kích) |
Yêu cầu nhân vật bậc 5 | |
Tăng Tỷ Lệ Bạo Kích | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() | 西风的驻足 |
Yêu cầu nhân vật bậc 6 | |
敌方当前生命值越低死龙对其造成的伤害越高,当敌方生命值小于等于 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() | 暴击伤害强化 (Sát Thương Bạo Kích) |
Yêu cầu nhân vật bậc 6 | |
Tăng Sát Thương Bạo Kích | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() | 伤害强化•量子 (Tăng Sát Thương Lượng Tử) |
Cấp nhân vật cần 75 | |
Tăng Sát Thương Lượng Tử | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() | 暴击率强化 (Tỷ Lệ Bạo Kích) |
Cấp nhân vật cần 80 | |
Tăng Tỷ Lệ Bạo Kích | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() | 暴击率强化 (Tỷ Lệ Bạo Kích) |
Tăng Tỷ Lệ Bạo Kích | ![]() ![]() |
![]() | 伤害强化•量子 (Tăng Sát Thương Lượng Tử) |
Yêu cầu nhân vật bậc 2 | |
Tăng Sát Thương Lượng Tử | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() | 暴击率强化 (Tỷ Lệ Bạo Kích) |
Yêu cầu nhân vật bậc 3 | |
Tăng Tỷ Lệ Bạo Kích | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Tinh Hồn
![]() | 雪地的圣女,付记忆入殓 | ![]() |
死龙每次施放【燎尽黯泽的焰息】时,造成的伤害提高 |
![]() | 以扑翼繁花加冕 | ![]() |
召唤忆灵死龙后,遐蝶获得 |
![]() | 虔敬的旅人,于死境翩跹 | ![]() |
终结技等级+2,最多不超过 |
![]() | 拥悲怜哀歌安眠 | ![]() |
遐蝶在场时,我方全体受到治疗时的回复量提高 |
![]() | 素白的新篇,以预言装点 | ![]() |
战技等级+2,最多不超过 |
![]() | 待流年奔涌破茧 | ![]() |
遐蝶与死龙造成伤害时,量子属性抗性穿透提高 |
Nón Ánh Sáng
Danh Từ | Độ Hiếm | Vận Mệnh | Tấn Công | Phòng Thủ | HP | Chiến Kỹ | Nguyên Liệu Riêng | |
![]() | Chiến Thắng Trong Chớp Mắt | 4![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | remembrance-class![]() | 476.28 | 396.9 | 846.72 | Tăng | ![]() ![]() |
![]() | Thiêu Đốt Ảo Ảnh | 3![]() ![]() ![]() | remembrance-class![]() | 317.52 | 264.6 | 846.72 | Khi người trang bị lần đầu triệu hồi Linh Hồn Ký Ức, hồi | ![]() ![]() |
![]() | Tìm Về Ký Ức | 3![]() ![]() ![]() | remembrance-class![]() | 423.36 | 264.6 | 635.04 | Khi bắt đầu hiệp của Linh Hồn Ký Ức, khiến người trang bị và Linh Hồn Ký Ức lần lượt nhận 1 tầng Tưởng Nhớ. Mỗi tầng khiến Sát Thương gây ra tăng | ![]() ![]() |
![]() | Lời Chào Hỏi Của Thiên Tài | 4![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | remembrance-class![]() | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | Khiến Tấn Công của người trang bị tăng | ![]() ![]() |
![]() | Đổ Mồ Hôi Nhiều, Rơi Nước Mắt Ít | 4![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | remembrance-class![]() | 529.2 | 198.45 | 1058.4 | Khiến Tỷ Lệ Bạo Kích của người trang bị tăng | ![]() ![]() |
![]() | Dệt Thời Gian Thành Vàng | 5![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | remembrance-class![]() | 635.04 | 396.9 | 1058.4 | Tốc Độ Cơ Bản của người trang bị tăng | ![]() ![]() |
![]() | Ký Ức Không Bao Giờ Hạ Màn | 5![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | remembrance-class![]() | 529.2 | 396.9 | 1058.4 | Khiến Tốc Độ của người trang bị tăng | ![]() ![]() |
![]() | 让告别,更美一些 | 5![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | remembrance-class![]() | 529.2 | 396.9 | 1270.08 | 使装备者的生命上限提高 当装备者的忆灵消失时,使装备者行动提前 | ![]() ![]() |
Per Page |
Idle #1
Âm Lượng Lồng Tiếng
Ngôn Ngữ
Title | loc_sound |
Chính Tuyến
Title | Ngôn Ngữ Văn Bản |
218 responses to “”
Stamen Nova was a more cooler name for her Talent tbh. It sounds like a name for a shred-heavy death metal rock band whereas Newbud sounds more like a flowery blooming indie rock shoegaze band.
What do y’all think? Stamen Nova or Newbud?
Stamen Nova for sure. It maintains the flower theme they want to go for while sounding cool af.
Newbud Interactive? Publishers of hit shooter game Megadeath?
you clearly haven’t listened to much metal then cuz Stamen Nova does not sound like a death metal band name lmao
Stamen Nova while cool is much more metalcore/rock sounding for a band. yk the shit like Bullet for my valentine, Parkway drive, Bring me the horizon (post deathcore era), etc
but yeah it shoulda stayed Stamen Nova as the talent name.
You’re right, I haven’t listened to a lot of metal. I guess you win this one then.
Ngl her character ascension passive is kind of dumb still. Y would you need that big of a when they are nearly dead. Yea that and her global passive are definitely for skill issue players for endgame content.
I like Castorices design and was gonna pull for her if they increased her damage multipliers but it looks like they’re doing the opposite. 😭 Since I’m wanting a newer dps looks like I’ll have to get Mydei instead which I’m not too mad about.
? She’s literally still stronger than Mydei what?
I may be mistaken but doesn’t Mydei just have better multipliers? From what I’ve seen he was clearing faster than Castorice on videos but I’d love to know what makes you say that she’s stronger.
Basic summery of v3 changes.
Global passive – The same.
Cas’s personal damage – The same.
Dragons damage – Decreased and increased depending on the enemy’s HP. Max damage increase is 40% when enemies HP is 30% or lower. So 4% increased damage for every 7% missing health of the enemy. Overall the damage is likely around the same on average.
Dragons base speed increased but now only Cas gains the 40% speed boost from her trace while SHE has 50% HP or more.
Overhealing ability removed and replaced with healing in general at a lower maximum level. Was 15% is now 12% but all healing activates the ability.
E1 nerfed per stack from 30% to 20%.
E2 no longer increases Cas’s next attack and instead gives her Newbud points, since it specifies enhanced i think this means E2 Cas always starts with 20% ult charged.
Oh and E6 has changed from making the Dragon permanent to doing 3 more bounce attacks during the Dragons final atk.
Cas also now decreases your team dmg by 10% when dragon is summoned for 3 turns
they also the newbud(cas ult charge?) 100 x all allies levels into just all allies levels (this part confuses me, isnt this the dragon’s max HP reference number? but the dragon max hp refers to stamen nova which is removed/renamed to newbud in v2)
I think that decreasing part is actually a mistranslation. That’s what a lot of posts are saying anyway.
I have an idea that is basically the best of both words for Castorice’s passive-
keep the revive, after obtaining, and account wide aspect, but make it ONLY work in base sim uni modes. So, it wouldn’t work in story, moc, as, pf, any future modes, combat events, or any of the tortorous difficulties of sim/div uni, it would only work in basic runs where its already piss easy anyway. That way the people who don’t want it in the game are fine, since its not active for the actual somewhat challenging content, important content, and stuff that matters (since base sim uni runs are already almost impossible to lose), and the people who want it to stay can have it.
easy solution for an easy problem
or just remove it entirely that works as well
We keep explaining and people keep dodging.
That. Is. Not. The. Issue.
The core issue is the fact that this buff is account-wide and applies whether the unit is on the team or not.
It is not because we can use it in endgame. If your team is well prepared, you shouldn’t die anyway (mostly).
Clueless players want to keep their gigabuff? Sure. Transfer it to her Talent and make it exclusive to on-field presence.
But this concept of “global passive” must die.
The Revive is not the issue, it doesn’t matter if it is a revive or healing or shield or extra stat boost like Crit or whatever.
People do not want the game to have an extra way the company can “force” players to pull for a character, and a Global Account Wide effect, whatever it is, is a gateway for it.
Players do not want any Account Wide Effect to exist for any character at all.
Character Abilities should only have any effect at all if the character is in the Team!
Why is it so hard for some of you people to understand this?
Because the game is already easy? Excuse of “company forcing players to pull for a character with global buff” does not hold. Powercreep complaints are basically full of idiots that can’t play this game, 4 stars unit can still 0 cycle MoC with right supports. You do not miss anything for not pulling X character with global buff. This is literally the same people complaining that certain Harmony unit is too broken and they feel like they are forced to pull them. Complaining about global passive is like complaining about how unfair it is that people who bought smartphone in 2000s can contact anyone at anytime whereas you, even without smartphone, can still contact others just the same.
hi mrpokke
“4 stars unit can still 0 cycle MoC with right supports” clueless. E6S6 T0 Supports maybe lmao. it’s not realistic no matter how much you want to lick hoyo’s boots.
What are everyone’s predictions for V3 Castorice? Personally, those are what I’m looking to:
– Changing overhealing benefits from simply healing
This has technically already been leaked, and while we would need to wait V3 to confirm it, the leaker seems reliable enough. This will definitely come with the drawback of some nerfs to her dmg output, but I’d highly appreciate the faster ults. This definitely gives another W to Luochad and Chadllagher (sorry), but this also makes other healers considerably more reliable, notably Lingsha. Lingsha had the issue of being more awkward when it comes to overhealing, as her healings are primarily front loaded from her own abilities. Since she does big healing instances, this change will be considerably much better for her. Also, while Fu Xuan is definitely a very cope option, an S1 Fu Xuan would be funny to interact with charging the Dragon upon switching waves. Moreover, since overhealing also currently heals the Dragon, this could mean that healing would also heal the Dragon. Overall, I think this would be a really great change and makes the place of the healer even more important.
– Her self SPD Buff
I think they should either completely get rid of it, or make it permanent, or at least pseudo-permanent. The fact that the uptime cannot be guaranteed makes it annoying to speed tune her. Some people would point out that it’s only an issue in -1 Sunday teams, but in fact, if the SPD buff becomes permanent or pseudo-permanent, this would benefit literally every Castorice teams except hyperspeed Sunday teams. 0 cyclers would have an easier time calculating the AV they need, non-Sunday teams would have Castorice and her Dragon constantly keep their actions, and -1 Sunday teams will not have to worry about desyncing. While Hyperspeed Sunday teams do not care about Castorice’s SPD. So essentially, making the buff permanent/pseudo-permanent would benefit practically everyone. What I mean by pseudo-permanent essentially is keeping the 40% buff during her DPS window, essentially when her Dragon is on-field. So it could become something like keeping the SPD buff as long as the Dragon is on-field. Otherwise, they could remove it and replace it with something different. Just, something needs to be done about it, because in its current state, I really don’t see the utility of it, since the uptime can completely depend on your rotation, your allies’ spd, the enemy lineup (how much dmg they deal to your casto), and makes it a hell to speed tune for most battles.
– Her Stats Bonus
Her stat bonus are really good at the moment, CR, CD and Quantum%. However, I would want either CR or Quantum% to be changed to HP%. She already gets a bunch of Crit Rate from the Poet set, if you play Sunday and/or RMC you are also getting Crit Rate. My problem is not the fact that she has a Crit Rate trace, it’s more so the fact that it’s her BIGGEST trace. I’d prefer if Crit DMG was her biggest trace, the Quantum% is not too needed as she already gets many of it in her own kit (and if you play Sunday then you’re oversaturated in DMG%). An HP% trace would imo be more useful, especially in this economy where Castorice has no LC options, some HP% could definitely be appreciated.
– Her E1 and E2
The E1 cannot be fully stacked without E2, and even with E2 you can’t fully stack it in her most optimal rotation. They should change her E2 to consuming “Ardent Will” only when the Dragon is at 1% HP instead of immediately consuming it, this way, the 2 “Ardent Will” can be consume on the dragon’s last action. As for the E1, they could make it so the stacks remain until the Dragon disappears. This way, it’s possible to fully stack the E1 even without E2.
– Her sig lightcone
I do think it’s pretty good, very good even, but I don’t see the point in the 12% action advance. All this does is make her ultimate recovery SLIGHTLY faster in non-Sunday teams (since Sunday would advance Castorice anyways), but it’s just a tiny bit. Allowing her to take her action faster means consuming 40% HP teamwide with the unenhanced skill, and that’s about it. I think they could change it to something more useful, for example, Mydei’s LC directly consumes his own HP, and I think it would be nice if we could have something such as consuming the team’s HP (excluding the wearer/memosprite) when the wearer/memosprite acts. This directy goes along to her playstyle, and gives a more effective and consistant way to recover her ultimate over just an action advance when Pollux disappears. This benefits both Sunday and non-Sunday teams (because it would benefit all her teams in general) and could further increase the LC’s value.
– F2P LC
This is the most cope prediction of all time, but I think the Anaxa F2P LC “The Great Cosmic Enterprise” should be changed to a Remembrance F2P LC option for Castorice. The LC selection for Castorice is absolutely ridiculous, to the point that if you do not have her SIG, her BP LC, or the Herta shop LC at lower superimposition than S2, then you are better off using your highest base HP off-path LC, such as Bailu’s LC. Anaxa mains wouldn’t like me for this, but I think the selection of LCs for erudition is already big enough for him, so I think it’s fair to have an F2P option for Castorice. But one sure thing I know is that that is NOT happening, it’s by-design that they don’t want to give her an F2P option, so we’re forced into spending, especially with everything Mihoyo did recently, they are clearly taking a more P2W approach.
Let me know what you guys think and what you all are looking for!
stat bonus are like that so u are forced to get her lc, duuhh
same thing with her f2p lc
its like you dont even know your playing a gacha game bro, like comn…
their main goal is to make money not for you to have a good time
“Mihoyo did recently, they are clearly taking a more P2W approach.”
ITS A GACHA GAME BROOO they are are and will always be P2W, they havent changed their approach they just got greedier
“their main goal is to make money not for you to have a good time” Yes but compare the situation to previously released characters, I’ll use the older big three as an example:
According to HunterKee’s spreadsheet, Feixiao’s LC is 22% stronger than the Herta Shop LC. This is a pretty big gap, but at least you don’t feel too bricked playing an E0S0 Feixiao (even tho recently there’s a lot of push on aoe content so she doesn’t feel as great, but my point here is that the LC is fine with her kit)
Firefly’s second best LC is a completely free LC. Sure, her LC is obviously better but Aeon works completely fine on her, you do not feel like shit playing an S0 Firefly.
And as for Acheron, she is the closest to Castorice’s situation as her LC is pretty much a must pull, but she at least had *some* options. Despite GNSW being gacha-locked, she had LCs that were compatible with her kit.
Compared to Castorice:
– Herta Shop LC: If it’s super imposed to more than 2 then you are fucked, you can’t even use it as your SPD will be fucked up and poet set will not activate.
– Geniuses’ Greetings: This is already a bad LC for Aglaea since it gives her stats she is already oversatured on, but it’s not even compatible on Castorice since she never uses her basic nor is it her main source of damage.
– Reminiscence: Low base HP due to being a 3*, and Castorice can’t even fully stack the passive as Pollux only acts up to three times.
– Shadowburn: While it does have a higher base HP than Reminiscence, it’s still low, and Castorice doesn’t care about that passive.
– Victory In a Blink: A 24% CD Stat stick with a base HP that’s as high as the 3* Shadowburn, that’s it. She can’t benefit from the passive either.
Her LC selection is ridiculous to the point you have to consider off-path LCs with a high base HP, this is not something you would remotely consider for Acheron despite being in a similar situation. And I’m completely aware that this has been planned and done by design, Castorice is the character they really want to make the most money on, so they will make her situation as deplorable as possible to get people to pull. (And just like Acheron, I can say for sure they will conveniently release a Gacha-locked LC specifically for her without being too good, like the way we had “Boundless Choreo” one patch later, even though it’s not even as good as GNSW depending on the situation.) Out of all previously released characters, I cannot recall a single theorycrafter remotely suggesting to run an off-path LC on a character, this is genuinely the first time we get such a case.
“they havent changed their approach they just got greedier” They are getting greedier so THEY ARE changing their approach. If you are getting greedier and want your player base to pull more, you are going to create problems and sell their solutions, and in this case, they ARE creating new problems that are never seen before. Since those problems have not been seen before, it IS a new approach that they’re taking. Genshin for the first time in years released 2 NEW five stars in the same half, one being a literal BIS for the other (Mavuika+Citlali) and the banner still only lasted 21 days like a normal banner. But for HSR, Castorice’s LC situation is not even the worst part compared to the literal fact that she has a global passive, which is the biggest evidence they are changing their approach.
It’s not more so about the passive itself, first of all, good luck even trying to die in a Castorice team. When the Dragon is on-field, you essentially cannot die as it’ll take 5 times the damage your characters should receive, but it has 32k HP will make it hard to take it off. In a Castorice team, you are forced to play a healer, so you unless you’re for any odd reasons playing a sustain that is not Gallagher (if you don’t have Luocha/Lingsha), you are going to have a very hard time to even trigger it in her own team. And in your second team, if you need a conditional revive that forces you to get healed/shielded otherwise you’d die, then I’m afraid you just have skill issues if you desperately need that revive. So, it’s not more so about the fact that it is a revive, even though this means they’ll create a problem and sell the solution by making enemies stronger. It’s more so about the fact that this is a point of no return that the game is taking, and that IS A DIFFERENT APPROACH. This creates a Pandora’s box where literally anything can come out of it and become a global passive. Even Acheron’s insta-kill doesn’t even apply to the end-game.
You keep repeating “bro, its a gacha game, come onnn” “its just a gacha game” “what did u expect its a gacha game LOL”, but has any Gacha game remotely even DARED to do this? Correct me if I’m wrong because I don’t actually play those games and that’s only what I’ve heard, but gacha games who are known for being highly PAY TO WIN (much more compared to hoyo), such as Raid Shadow Legend and Summoners War, have not even attempted to include such a feature in their games. This is literally a completely new approach they’re taking.
You genuinely cannot pretend that “they have never changed their approach!!! it’s always been the same just greedier!!!” when we may come to a point where people don’t even pull characters for their designs, their animations, their lore, or to use them in the end-game, no. Instead, we could come to a point where people pull characters solely for their global passives, and it’s making the game go downhill more than it is already. If that is not a different approach to increasing potential sales, then I don’t know what it is.
My issue is absolutely not with the fact it’s P2W/a gacha game, not at all, and Mihoyo games rely considerably less on P2W than some other gacha games. And if that was actually my issue, then I wouldn’t even suggest to replace the advance in her LC with a teamwide HP drain. A teamwide HP drain is so much more important to a Castorice team that this would create even more FOMO around the LC on top of her situation being deplorable already, which literally goes against what you claim I’m imposing on “how gacha games should be about making players feel good” because I supposedly don’t even know that HSR is a gacha game, according to you. My issue is that the devs are willingly making the game go downhill for the sole purpose of making more money, when they already know they don’t need to do that to make a ton of money.
I already know that they are not going to give her any F2P LC to purposefully make her feel shit and force people to pull her LC, I already mention that in my comment. I initially did not want to talk about her passive since it’s a topic with heavily mixed reactions, I just like yapping on here to share my ideas and thoughts around her kit, but I don’t know how you can act that it’s normal that they’re taking this completely different approach and justify it by “oh its a gacha game” when even gacha games that actually have a P2W reputation didn’t even dare to attempt such an approach. If you’re a company and you’re greedier, genuinely, how are you going to try to make more money if you’re not going to test the limits of your consumers? If you’re not trying any different or new approaches, your sales are going to remain as usual. So I’m sorry, but saying they have never changed their approach is just blatantly false.
It’s because of things like this that I changed my approach to this game. I will happily use Bronya’s LC, my highest base HP LC, forever if needed as I cannot afford to get Pollux+LC as the only reason I can even get him is because I lost Aglaea E1 and have guarantee now. I want Anaxa more so I’ll invest into him more. Perhaps if a rerun occurs and I have nothing else to pull I’ll consider the LC.
Trying to play into the blatant cash grabs and endlessly trying to keep up with the community’s perception of powercreep is just fuel for FOMO and I cannot be bothered. If they want to, as many people seem to claim, send the game to its death with shit like this they are welcome to. I’ll still ignore it all. Missing 80 jades while still enjoying my characters is a hell of a better deal than endlessly playing the greed game and hating my time.
do you get paid?!
nah i just dont touch grass and im unemployed and cant find a job LMFAO
I think you should do this more often for other characters in the future. Keep doing what you do best with your paragraphical barrage (1,023 words jeez, and they say that less is more ig)
According to uncles, Castorice will be nerfed in terms of damage and rotation. She will no longer have an infinite Ult, i.e. when her teammates were Lv.1, she could cast her Ult as many times as she would like.
She also still has the… global revive effect 😂
*in v3
forgot to add xd
Well they are actually killing their game before the collaboration, the downfall will be real lmao.
the game started going downhill since 2.4/5 dont kid urself.
Only now its becoming way more obvious this game is speedrunning eos
Well damage nerf is understandable. Character must not make a million just for fun in random 3 cost team. Or at least she mustn’t do it that frequently. Low level teammate inf ult thing obviously was a consequence of bad design, ofc they change it. And…
you mean THEY DIDN’T REMOVE THAT… SHIT? Please tell it doesn’t work in endgame anymore…
Cuz I was serious when I said I’m F*KING QUITTING THIS GAME FOREVER if it stays. That… thing is just too unfair, like everyone really underestimate it and how much easier it makes any content and ppl say they will continue making global effects, and if so, HSR is f*cking dead.
If this global passive stays through the beta, I’m assuming Hoyo hopes the outrage dwindles over time.
In that case, the livestream where they publicize this info might be the last chance for a final public uproar.
That is IF they ever publicize it.
Keeping it quiet might be what they’re hoping to achieve. Once it gets into the live release, they’ve won.
hi, new to this website
i have sunday, ruan mei & robin already. was wondering how playable sunday is assuming that i want to play castorice as hypercarry?
i’m on the fence about pulling for tribbie; i know she has a lot more hp for castorice to drain but is it good to advance both cas & dragon or just dragon w/ RMC?
i read some people also don’t consider her LC to be that great & it’s definitely specific to her w/ the HP% but is it a must-have like acheron? is the feixiao BP LC even playable?
i’ve got 250 pulls right now but only 3 pity after sunday, which is why i hesitate on tribbie & cas’s weapon (esp with fate collab coming later too)
thanks everyone
you can skip tribbie since you already have sunday so you can pull for cas and her LC since this is might be the only remembrance LC that will give you HP
if you still want tribbie then pull her on the rerun instead
nice business email format
E1 tribbie over S1 Castorice, right?
“nice business email format” nah why you gotta do my man dirty like that DDD:
but yes sunday is fine as long as you use the dragon properly, heres a in depth explanation from our dear Pollux is Kinda Hot
“because it AA the dragon before you can heal it fully” this is not necessarily true, unless you’re not using Luocha or Gallhager then yes it’ll be hard to heal back the Dragon, but as long as you are careful on how you play you can definitely have enough HP on the Dragon while still playing Sunday.
When you use the skill on Sunday, it will advance the Dragon AND Castorice (as long as her ult is active ofc). When advanced by Sunday, the summoner always takes action before the summon. Castorice’s skills do not consume a skill point, and the enhanced version of the skill consumes 50% HP teamwide (excluding the Dragon’s). When the Dragon is on field, every HP lost will be transferred as healing for the Dragon, so by using Castorice’s skill you will be healing the Dragon. So because the skill doesn’t consume a skill point, it’s an AoE attack (albeit weaker than the Memosprite skill), and it heals the Dragon you essentially have no excuse to not use it, and you especially need to use it when running her with Gallagher/Luocha, and here’s why:
Castorice’s Enhanced Skill counts as a Joint Attack, meaning that both Castorice and her Dragon are attacking simultaneously. Luocha’s Zone will heal the attacker by an amount, and heal the other allies by a smaller amount, but since you have two attackers due to the Joint attack, Luocha is healing twice as much which means the Dragon is receiving both the AoE healing that excludes Castorice, and the healing from him attacking. With Gallagher, it’s even more ridiculous, as attacking a Besotted enemy will heal you, except that in this case it’s an AoE attack, so the more enemies you hit, the more healing the Dragon will receive due to being a Joint Attack.
Lastly, the dragon does not actually need to be fully healed to do the most damage. While yes, it’s better to keep the Dragon’s HP as high as possible for safety measures, you actually only need no less than 76% HP when it starts its turn to make full use of the attacks, let’s compare a 100% HP scenario versus a 76% HP one:
100% HP -> Enhanced Skill -25% -> 75% HP -> Enhanced Skill -25% -> 50% HP -> Enhanced Skill -25% -> 25% HP which is equal to 25% meaning that using the enhanced skill will make the dragon disappear, so it should only be used if it’s the final dragon turn (if you need to dmg control for any reason)
76% HP -> Enhanced Skill -25% -> 51% HP -> Enhanced Skill -25% -> 26% HP -> Enhanced Skill -25% -> 1% HP which is less than 25% meaning that using the enhanced skill will make the dragon disappear, so it should only be used if it’s the final dragon turn (if you need to dmg control for any reason)
The 76% HP scenario has casted at least 3 enhanced skills, which is as much as the 100% scenario. So if you AA Castorice and her dragon, have Luocha/Gallagher on the team, use Castorice’s Enhanced skill to consume HP to heal the Dragon, and you cannot reach at least 76% HP, then I’m afraid it’s skill issue (just kidding)
Well, I am slightly sarcastic because in the worst case, let’s pretend we have the worst case scenario and your Dragon acted and is left with 1% HP (using the 76% HP) combo and you kept it on-field. This means the Dragon would have 320 HP (0.01*32k) and you need to heal a total of 31,680 on the dragon which is enormous. Sunday is the next on the action bar, then we can try to simulate how much healing the Dragon would receive:
Let’s say Castorice has 6037 HP, which is her very floor of HP by doing (1629+1058.4)*(1+43.2%*2+12%)+705.6, which consists of 2 HP% mainstats and a remembrance LC of 1058.4 HP which is either the BP LC or the Herta Remembrance LC (i’m aware the herta LC is not a good option, but there’s no better option for F2P as the 3* LC has a relatively low base HP. as long as the herta LC is only S2 or lower, it can still be used without ruining 4pc poet’s effect as long as the player gets 0 spd substats. tho her LC choice is another issue)
And for the rest of the teammates, let’s say they all have 3K HP for 3 teammates. By using RMC (or any remembrance unit) there would be an additional HP bar to eat, which would provide more healing to the dragon, but let’s pretend he’s not in the team. And by using an HP scaler that will have consequently more HP than 3k, then obviously that’s more healing towards the Dragon. We can’t exactly know how much HP will Castorice consumme, because she consummes from current HP and not max HP, so in that case she would at worst consume 0 HP (if everyone is at 1 HP) or at best 0.5 * (6037 + 3000 * 3) = 7518.5 HP if every ally is fully healed.
Now, for Luocha, let’s say he has 2373 ATK by doing (756.76+423.36)*(1+28%(traces)+43.2%)+352.8. This is the bare minimum of what he should have, 423.36 is the most common ATK base stat for most 4* Abundance LCs, and he is on OHB/SPD/ATK/ERR so one ATK mainstat.( Obviously, your build should be better and have more ATK substats but that’s just to demonstrate the very floor of healing). For the lightcone, I believe “Hey over here” (the huohuo event LC) would be very decent. Despite Luocha not scaling on HP, the tiny increase in HP given by the lightcone can provide more HP for Castorice to consume when using her skill, and it’s also the 4* lightcone that gives the most Outgoing Healing Boost (28%) with the only condition of using skill every 2 turns. In a Casto team, you should ideally spam his skill whenever skill points allow you to, so this should have full uptime. In terms of OHB, let’s say he has 12%(planar)+28%(LC)+10%(2pc) = 50% OHB
Assuming LVL 10 talents, during the Castorice Enhanced skill the Dragon should receieve: ((0.07+0.18)*2373+93+240)*(1+0.5) = 1389.375 HP
So the Dragon would be healed a total of 8,907.875 HP which is only 27% of his total HP and translates to just an additional skill use. Although, this is very much only the very floor of healing, having a Luocha with higher ATK, teammates with higher HP, an additional HP Bar from a Remembrance Character, or overhealed allies can all affect how much healing the Dragon will receive. But that’s what I mean by “you need to be careful as to how you play”. In such a case, the Dragon should not be at 1% HP before being advanced by Sunday, so instead of losing all the Dragon’s HP from 76% to 1%, instead reduce it from 76% to 51%, so then you heal back when advancing Castorice with Sunday 27% and you will have 77% HP when starting the Dragon’s turn, which is enough to cast at least 3 enhanced skills. The most important part is using as much Enhanced Skills as possible while having as much buffs as possible.
So while not healing the Dragon enough while advancing Castorice and her Dragon can in fact be an issue (which you are right on that part) this issue can be most definitely be worked around with: a strong healer with a good build like Luocha/Gallagher, higher HP teammates (like Tribbie), remembrance teammates (which is only RMC at the moment), and most importantly skill. If you can play Sunday and Castorice properly and keeping a good eye on your HP bars. Then in this case, Sunday is far from being “bad”, he would be, in my opinion, her current BiS (until we get a new support) as advancing the Dragon means finishing the rotation earlier. Finishing the rotation earlier means you are doing more DMG in a lesser amount of AV compared to a team with no action advance, and inherently you’re doing more DMG per cycle. Sunday+Castorice requires more skill to play, but will have a higher ceiling when played properly.
As long as you have sunday you’re completely good to go when it comes to any remembrance or summon type dps character, so you can skip tribbie if you want for her specifically, BUT I will still say tribbie in general is an amazing support character than works in many other teams, so you should still consider that, for LC hers id definitely AMAZING, especially since Remembrance is still fairly new and lack decent LC, but the new remembrance BP LC is a good pick up as well if you’re on a budget, thats what i’m currently planning to use if i dont get hers, so i would probably advice to go for cas 100% and then use the BP LC, so you can have best of both worlds to a degree, but if you’d like to maximize her then def go for her LC too
Sunday isn’t any better or worse than RM or RMC for Cas. He will do fine, but honestly use him for your other team if they need him. If they don’t then it’s fair ig. But why use him for Cas when RMC does the same job? If you know what i mean.
You should NOT pull Tribbie solely for Castorice, unless you already own Therta or plan to pull her. If we look at the synergy between both characters, Tribbie benefits MORE from having Castorice on the team than Castorice actually benefits from having Tribbie on the team.
– Castorice’s high HP will allow Tribbie to get slightly more self HP buff while her zone is active.
– Castorice’s enhanced skills and the dragon’s abilities are all AoE, meaning Tribbie’s additional DMG will be maximised in that team as you will always be hitting all targets
– Tribbie’s high HP will allow Castorice’s skills to consume slightly more HP, which translates to a little increase in Newbuds or healing towards Pollux
– Res Pen and Vulnerability are buffs that are friendly towards Castorice’s HP scaling
But if we look at other parts of Tribbie’s kits, Castorice rather seems to have a hard time synergising with it:
– Depending on how long Pollux stays on field, and how long you regenerate Newbuds fully, you may have a hard time casting Tribbie’s FuA attributed to Castorice before having a new Tribbie ult available.
– Castorice doesn’t really benefit from Tribbie’s FuA in the slightest. This is different to a Therta team where Tribbie’s AoE FuA generates energy for Therta but also gives stacks on the enemies. The only case where I can see Tribbie’s FuA being useful is if your Tribbie is overhealed and hits an enemy while Luocha’s fiend/Gallagher’s debuff is active, which in this case would trigger overheal, but what tells you that Hyacine will have an exact same way of healing?
– Castorice can’t abuse Tribbie’s additional DMG unlike a Therta team. Therta can Skill > Ult > Enhanced Skill meaning Tribbie’s additional DMG will trigger 3 times in the span of 0 AV, Therta is also paired with an erudition unit who should have some form of AoE (more abusing on Tribbie’s additional DMG). Meanwhile, a Dragon’s turn, despite using enhanced skills multiple times, will only count as a single attack and only trigger Tribbie’s additional DMG once. The point of Tribbie’s additional DMG is also to increase single target DPAV for AoE-centric DPS, however, Castorice’s single target DMG is good enough despite having AoE abilities, similar to how Acheron’s single target DPAV is decent enough. A casto team can’t abuse/make full use of Tribbie’s additional DMG as well as a Herta team would.
Now, do two characters need to have a perfect synergy and use all parts of each other’s kits to be used together? Absolutely not of course. Break teams cannot make use of Ruan Mei’s DMG boost since break and superbreak dmg do not scale on DMG%, yet Ruan Mei is essential to break teams. My point is that, a lot of people seem to be overvaluing Tribbie’s place in a Castorice team, and putting her as the supreme BiS that gives the fastest cycle clears, to the point she becomes a must-pull for Castorice. Personally, I think this is completely false.
Castorice has a lot of room for improvement in terms of team composition. We already know we are getting Hyacine in 3.3 who by being a remembrance healer gives the team an additional HP bar to the team thanks to the Memosprite. An additional HP bar means more HP to consume from Castorice’s skill, but also more HP bars to overheal. But while we have the sustain slot, we also need to consider the likely possibility of an HP draining/increasing support. While I don’t want to play Honkai: Speculation Rail and spread misinformation, I think it is very clear that Castorice’s team is not finished, and when we gets supports this strong then it will be harder and harder for Tribbie to keep her spot and compete against them, simply because Tribbie is not actually meant for Castorice’s team archetype.
Tribbie is still excellent in her team, don’t get me wrong. She is much more braindead/easier to use compared to Sunday. Sunday can have a higher DMG ceiling than Tribbie but this requires more skill, as he requires you to heal back the Dragon to at least 76% HP before it starts its turn to not waste DMG, forcing you to play Luocha/Gallagher on well invested builds. But if you do this properly, then Sunday is the theorical strongest support as finishing the rotation earlier by advancing the dragon (while making full use of the enhanced skill) means you did as much dmg in a shorter span of AV, aka more Damage per AV/DPAV. However, Tribbie on the other hand is much easier to play. From the videos I watched, Tribbie seems to be the only capable support when it comes to Dual DPS with Mydei/Blade. (though i haven’t seen videos play dual dps castorice with ruan mei, it could be good enough)
My point is not to downplay Tribbie’s performance at all, out of the many videos I watched, Tribbie teams always finish pretty fast. My point is just that, if you are going to pull Tribbie solely for Castorice, and she ends up getting replaced by a future support, your pulls have gone to waste while you could’ve kept them for someone like Hyacine, Castorice’s LC or her eidolons.
Assuming you have both RMC and Pela, if you already have Sunday and/or Ruan Mei then your Casto team is already good enough and you should look towards future supports instead of Tribbie. Now, if you have neither Sunday or Ruan Mei, then you can consider pulling Tribbie to have an upgrade over RMC+Pela. Otherwise, I would only recommend you pull Tribbie is you already own or plan to pull Therta, so in case she gets replaced in the Casto team, at least Therta can still use her.
As off now, Castorice’s LC selection is very short. If your Herta Shop LC is already S2+, then your SPD is fucked up and you can’t benefit from Poet. The MoC shop LC’s base HP is too low, to the point Bailu’s LC is actually better on her solely for the high base HP. The BP LC does have a decent base HP and a passive that works fine with her, however, would you really spend 50 bucks to S5 it on top of the fact that it’s essentially just a Crit Stat Stick? With teammates like RMC and/or Sunday, her Crit Ratio is just fine. Until V3, I believe her LC is the better choice over Tribbie.
I have RM but she’s in FF team, should I pull tribbie?